
Friday 6 May 2011

Sunshine, dogs and walking shoes

The beautiful spring sunshine over the Easter weekend encouraged us to dig out our walking shoes and take up walking again. When Rosie our Cairn terrier was alive, a daily walk was just part of the routine, but now she is no longer with us laziness has set in.  There are certainly benefits to not having a dog - trips to Australia, Fiji and Beijing for a start, but as soon as we get back we start missing Rosie again. 
You are probably thinking why not stop moaning and get another dog and therein lies the crux of the matter. The trips to Australia are to visit our son, his wife, two grown up grandsons and a brand new baby granddaughter. So the choice is – new dog and no more visits to Australia (we don’t do kennels) or no dog and perhaps a trip every year or so to Australia.  The other alternative is to sell up and move to Australia where we could have a dog and see much more of the family but at 62 would that be a daft thing to do?  And would Australia want us?
Anyway, I digress - as far as Terry is concerned no walk is complete without his camera, so walking shoes on and camera over his shoulder, we set off.As anyone who is married to a photographer Terry Fisher Photography knows few steps are taken before the camera is in almost permanent use.  What used to happen was that Rosie and I would amble along so she could take in all the delicious smells and sooner or later Terry would catch up. What happens now is I stand and wait, and wait, and wait ……. So as the saying goes – if you can’t beat them -

Join them! Just some of the ‘photos I took over Easter – not technically brilliant but they do show ‘the place where we live’ - let me know what you think.


  1. Very nice photos, beautiful country. Blog looks great, too!

  2. Thank you Jo Ann, I appreciate your kind words

  3. Is that a lamb in the picture? I really love to see a lamb someday. It's so sad I live in a busy city. My dream is to have a vacation on a country side.

  4. barbaraannefisher24 July 2011 at 16:39

    Hello Nicole,
    It is a lamb and a very sweet one at that. We are very lucky as the countryside is on our doorstep (literally).
    We used to have two beautiful cairn terriers (Patch and Albe) and would love another one or someday.
    Thanks for stopping by.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx