
Wednesday 21 December 2011

Vintage greetings cards

I hope you enjoy these original Christmas cards from my collection.

With Best Wishes for A Merry Christmas and a Bright New Year. Produced by Raphael Tuck & Sons c1930s. The bright colours and original cord tie on this card are very appealing. The verse, however, is rather fulsome.  Christmas! Why the very mention of it sets our hearts aglow, and recalls to mind many a happy hour spent in company with friends, both old, and new, and prompts the feeling of goodwill within us, wherefore we send forth our wishes for their Happiness and Welfare.

Pretty cut-out card illustrated by Louis Wain. I bought this a few years ago at a local auction it was still in the  original Raphael Tuck and Sons Christmas card box. At one time the box would have contained  12 cards - I wonder if they were all illustrated by Louis Wain? A very simple verse in this one, short, sweet and to the point... May jolly times be yours this Christmas.

I don’t suppose Father Christmas had too many opportunities to deliver presents by charabanc – but that’s just what he’s doing in this card from the 1920s.  The verse reads; may wishes true from far and wide make this a joyous Christmas-tide, and all I ask of you shall be this Christmas day, remember me.  Sent with love from Aunty Mabel to Winnie and Betty. 
Greetings kind and true. A bright and happy Christmas, a prosperous New Year, the greeting old, yet ever new, I send with right good cheer. Sent from Grandma to Betty. There is a lovely drawing inside of a cat on a sleigh being pulled along by a turkey!

This last one is probably from the 1950s or 60s.  I love the bright colours and the fact that it’s sent from our dog to your dog! The illustration inside is of the same little dog sitting in what appears to be a puddle! The greeting is Merry Christmas and best wishes for a Happy New Year! Sadly unsigned – I was hoping for a paw print at the very least!

Do you collect vintage cards?


  1. As always, just beautiful! I haven't got many vintage greeting cards but I do have vintage wrapping paper which I love! I may need to start a collection... :)

    Megan @ Storybook Love Affair

  2. I love your Christmas cards. Tuck has always been a favorite of mine, but an unfortunate victim of the Blitz. Though my particular favorite here is Father Christmas in his charabanc . I love vintage cards and postcards.

  3. barbaraannefisher21 December 2011 at 12:57

    Vintage wrapping paper – why didn’t I think of that? I feel a new collection coming on!

  4. barbaraannefisher21 December 2011 at 13:08

    Alex, Thank you! It always makes me sad when I think about the Tuck factory being destroyed and all the history that went with it, but then I think of the people who lost everything and it puts it back into perspective. I love the charabanc too, and the one by Louis Wain – in fact I love them all

  5. I love vintage cards - especially the type like the second last one with pretty cottages and posies of flowers that recall a gentle by-gone age. I'm a bit of a hoarder by nature and cannot throw a card away, especially if they are pretty. I tend to stick them away in drawers (much to my husband's annoyance) and somewhere I have a basket full of birthday and Christmas cards from my early childhood.

    These are lovely.

  6. Hi Barbara - Don't know what happened to my last comment - it didn't seem to recognise who I was. Hope you got it - Sharon

  7. barbaraannefisher21 December 2011 at 19:27

    Hello Sharon, You sound just like me! I would keep everything and anything made of paper if I only had more room. I would love to see the cards from you childhood - maybe something for you to blog about in the future?

  8. barbaraannefisher21 December 2011 at 19:28

    I did get it - hope you can see my reply.

  9. My gosh, I can't decide which one I like better. How fun. Thanks for showing these.

  10. barbaraannefisher22 December 2011 at 08:08

    Hello Donna, you are very welcome. Glad you like them.

  11. I love these! I do not collect vintage cards- but I am thinking it would be a neat thing to keep my eyes out for. I really love the first one and the last one- although they are all great. I think it is fun to see the messages and the artwork. Many people today don't send out cards with these details! Thanks for sharing!


  12. These are just beautiful. I see I have missed a few posts, when I have time I will go back and study them more thouroughly! I see you have some Rudolph and other posts on books which I must look at! I do collect postcards and books. I really adore them. Have a very Merry Christmas!

  13. barbaraannefisher23 December 2011 at 09:05

    Hi Jess, happy to share, glad you like them.

  14. barbaraannefisher23 December 2011 at 09:08

    Hello Diane, thank you. Glad you enjoyed your visit. Have a lovely Christmas.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx