
Saturday 14 January 2012


Fellow blogger Darlene awarded my blog the Liebster Blog Award, thank you Darlene, what a lovely way to start the new year! I hope you will all check out Darlene Foster’s blog – you won’t be disappointed. Liebster is German for dearest, beloved or favourite - how nice is that - it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy! 
The rules say to pass the award along to five of your favourite blogs each with less than 200 followers, so here goes.

Sharon's Sunlit Memories I love everything about this blog!  After visiting a few times I decided to start a paper doll collection if you click on the link you will understand why. I don’t have many paper dolls in my collection yet but I'm working on it.

Fantastic Reads A  blog for anyone with an interest in children's literature.

The Children's war blogspot  A journal about historical fiction and non-fiction for children and teenagers set in and around World War II.

Always Crave Cute A really pretty blog with lots of wonderful photographs and interesting posts. Diane also has an Etsy shop where she sells vintage children's books and handmade items.

Books Kids Like Dedicated to sharing great children’s fiction, old and new.

I’ve chosen five blogs that are in some way connected with children’s books but would like to give one further award to Donna at Believe in Yourself. Donna writes about all kinds of interesting and thought provoking things, I hope you will pay her a visit.

Enjoy the links and remember to pass the award along (if you wish).

Happy blogging!


  1. Barbara, I am honored that you mentioned me. Thank you so much. I've checked out these sites. Good choices. Thank you again.

  2. Thanks so much for including me as one of your choices Barbara. I just adore your blog - congratulations on receiving the award! I'm also thrilled my blog has tempted you to start your own paper doll collection. Some time you must let me know which ones you have bought - Sharon

  3. barbaraannefisher14 January 2012 at 19:57

    You are very welcome, I hope the mention brings one or two new visitors to your blog. Thank you for checking out the other sites.

  4. Thank you so much for this award. I am flattered that you chose my blog. I left this comment on my blog but I will repeat it here:

    Your blog is one of my favorites, too. Someday I want to go back to England with lots of money in my pockets, visit your bookshop, have a lovely cup of tea with you and shop till I drop.

    Thank you again!!

  5. barbaraannefisher14 January 2012 at 20:13

    How could I not include you, I love your blog! My collection is made up of just two (so far) they are Dresses of England published in 1951 for the Festival of Britain (missing one of the outfits and one of the dolls – sadly) and Dresses of Many Lands also published for the Festival of Britain in 1951 this one is complete and in lovely condition. I originally bought them to sell at my on-line store but once I started reading your blog I knew I would be keeping them. They now reside on ‘my’ shelf and are not for sale. I go to lots of book fairs, flea markets and auctions so will be looking out for more.

  6. Congratulations on your award! You have a very fine blog and I enjoy your interesting posts. I have always loved books and I delight in your keen insight and appreciation of this wonderful art form. Thank you Barbara, I am honored to receive this award from you.
    ~ Diane ~~ Crave Cute

  7. Congratulations on the award! I belong to some of the blogs you mentioned- but I plan to check out the others. Thanks for sharing! I love to find new blogs related to children's books!


  8. barbaraannefisher15 January 2012 at 13:34


    Choosing your blog was easy! I find something interesting every time I visit.
    The kettle is always on and you are very welcome to call in for a cup of tea (or several) but it will probably be in my book room. My aim is to move into a shop one day but with the economy the way it is it will probably be later rather than sooner.

  9. barbaraannefisher15 January 2012 at 13:38

    Thank you! Your blog is quite beautiful and I always enjoy my visits.

  10. barbaraannefisher15 January 2012 at 13:40

    Thanks Jess! I hope you enjoy these blogs as much as I do.

  11. Congratulations on the award, Barbara! Off checking out those sites you've shared. They all sound amazing.

  12. barbaraannefisher16 January 2012 at 19:17

    Thanks Claudine, I was thrilled to receive the award. I hope you enjoy the other sites – they are some of my favourites.

  13. Thanks for mentioning me in your blog! I checked out the sites you awarded the Liebster award to. Some great sites!

  14. Congratulations on the Liebster Award. Donna also passed it on to me. So sweet. You both deserve it big time!
    Now what I want to know is what happened to the fine art of children's illustrations. The pictures in today's books just don't look anything like these works of art!

  15. barbaraannefisher18 January 2012 at 09:19

    Thank you Eve, I’m so pleased Donna passed the award along to you.
    I prefer the illustrations from my childhood (and before I was born) but a lot of that is nostalgia. Maybe I should do a post on more recent illustrators; it wouldn’t be bang up to date because I collect/sell older books but it’s something for me to ponder on. Thank you for taking the time to call in and comment.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx