
Friday 20 January 2012

Miss Pickle the story of an Australian boarding-school by Constance Mackness

Speech Day came and went, a day of bustle and excitement. What a crowd there was in the big school hall! Parents and friends filled it to overflowing; they lined the corridor at its far end and crowded the front stairs, and peeped in through the glass doors that were opened wide. To make more room, every minister that appeared was put on the platform with the members of the College Council. As one was escorted up, Lola's heart gave a great jump of joy - her father had come to see her take the dux medal! The winner of the Special Music Prize played, the winner of the Elocution Prize recited, the Doctor read his annual report, somebody made a long speech, the girls stood up in their white frocks and red ribbons and sang.

I wanted to share this with you because the covers are so pretty.

Miss. Pickle Pg. 272
By Constance Mackness, 1933.

Miss. Pickle is now sold, thank you for your interest.


  1. What a beautiful book! And sounds like such a delightful story.

  2. The cover is indeed very pretty, and boarding-school stories are always fun. (I wished I was put in one when I was a kid ...)

  3. barbaraannefisher20 January 2012 at 12:59

    I don’t think I would have enjoyed boarding-school. I didn’t really like school, just wanted to be out in the fields. My dad was a farmer so I had an idyllic upbringing – until I became a teenager, when I thought I was very hard done by!

  4. barbaraannefisher20 January 2012 at 13:00

    I have to admit I haven’t read it – yet – but it’s on my list.

  5. I can't believe I have never heard of this book, but you are right, the cover is wonderful.

  6. How fun! Covers are what attracts me first to a book.

  7. barbaraannefisher21 January 2012 at 12:00

    Yay! You have loads of books I've never seen on your blog so It's nice to find one that is new to you.

  8. barbaraannefisher21 January 2012 at 12:00

    Joleene & Donna, glad you enjoyed it.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx