
Saturday 28 January 2012

Snowdrops and Flower Fairies

Snowdrops in our garden January, 2012

The Snowdrop fairy in flower fairies of the spring by Cicely Mary Barker Deep sleeps the winter, cold, wet, and grey; surely all the world is dead; spring is far away.  Wait! the world shall waken; it is not dead, for lo, the Fair Maids of February stand in the snow! 

Snowdrops and children on the front cover of the Snowdrop story book

The Snowdrop Story Book is now sold, thank you for your interest. 

Do you have snowdrops or fairies (or both) at the bottom of your garden?


  1. I've often marvelled at Cicely Mary Barker's ability to depict not only fairies but the flowers they represent as well. Her paintings are just wonderful.

    I've always had fairies in my gardens. They are like birds - if you encourage them to be there they will come!

    Besides snowdrops my favourite flowers at this time of year are crocuses (not sure of the spelling but it has not turned red) - I love the way they push out of the hard ground and around the roots of trees with their lovely bright colours.

  2. Your post made me smile! My little girls just love fairies a and snowdrops. There would definitely be fairies at the bottom of my garden if wishes came true!

  3. So very precious. But my feet would get cold! Darling pic.

  4. Beautiful snowdrops! I haven't seen any here yet, though my friend tells me she has some in her garden.

    1. Yes I have snow drops and fairies in my garden. And crocuses, and we would like all flower fairies to visit the year round.

  5. Lovely snowdrops (and fairy) pictures here! I haven't noticed snowdrops in Singapore (not sure if our dry climate is suitable for them) but I think I might have 'felt' fairies in other forms in my childhood.

    (By the way, Barbara, thank you so much for your comment on Anne's blog. I appreciate it a lot! My reply is at both Anne's and mine.)

  6. barbaraannefisher29 January 2012 at 15:12

    We have lots of birds in our garden and if I half close my eyes and squint a bit I'm pretty sure there are fairies too. Cicely Mary Barker's snowdrop fairy is one of my favourites.
    I like the cheerful colours of the crocuses (I don't know how to spell it either!), but there is something very special about snowdrops and later in the year Lilly of the Valley.

  7. barbaraannefisher29 January 2012 at 15:16

    Just keep wishing and I’m sure you will see them. Thanks for visiting a leaving a comment. Glad the post made you smile.

  8. barbaraannefisher29 January 2012 at 15:20

    I hadn’t really noticed her feet, but I’m sure mine would get cold too!

  9. barbaraannefisher29 January 2012 at 15:27

    Everything is really early this year; we have snowdrops, primroses, daffodils and roses all out at the same time! I don’t know how they will cope now that it’s getting colder, but it is lovely to see them and think that spring is just around the corner.

  10. barbaraannefisher29 January 2012 at 15:36

    Thanks Claudine, I’m glad you liked the snowdrops and fairy pictures. I will pop over to your and Annie’s blogs now.

  11. I do not have snowdrops- but I want them after seeing this post. I love to garden and I don't know if they can grow in Connecticut- but I would love to give it a try. I have fairies in my garden and in my house! I also think the book looks so sweet- I would love to read it!!

  12. barbaraannefisher30 January 2012 at 10:53

    I don’t know if they will grow in Connecticut either but Broadleigh Gardens (in the UK) have lots of pictures and tips/hints about growing them so it might be a good place to start

  13. Thanks! I can't wait to check out the link!

  14. We definitely have fairies, but as yet not snowdrops. Just LOTS of snow!

  15. barbaraannefisher6 February 2012 at 18:53

    I expect the snowdrops are hiding under the snow – along with the fairies! No snow left in Somerset today, but very cold still.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx