
Thursday 9 February 2012

Added Value; Book inscriptions - Follow me by Martha Paulsen

"Follow Me" animal book by Martha Paulsen with animations by Vivienne Blake

Sweet little book with two inscriptions; the first to Lois from Aunt Ruth - tonsils out - Feb 16, 1951, and the second to Samuel August from your Godfather, Christmas 2000.

I assume Aunt Ruth is congratulating Lois on the fact that her troublesome tonsils have been removed. The message, however, is rather abrupt, tonsils out, move on!  It’s interesting to speculate on the books whereabouts between February 1951 and Christmas 2000. Is it possible that Samuel’s Godfather is the son of Lois? Alternatively, the book may have been sold or given away, in which case the two events may not be connected.

I prefer to think it stayed with the same family, especially as the story is all about following along.

What do you think? Given away or handed down?


  1. How gorgeous! Tonsils out... straight to the point! Ha ha :)

  2. barbaraannefisher9 February 2012 at 12:28

    It made me smile too. Really pretty book and one I've not seen before.

  3. You know, the inscriptions give such a personalized touch to these books.

  4. What a lovely little book - I always thought these pop out books were really special. I also like to think that the people are all related and it is a much loved story passed down through the generations.

    What struck me about the first comment is that it looks like it has been written by a child - both in appearance and content and yet it is signed Aunt Ruth. (Maybe she was very old instead.) It all just adds to the intrigue.

  5. Too cute. I love the bunny and duck family.

  6. barbaraannefisher10 February 2012 at 08:42

    Glad you like it. I love the rabbits and ducks too but there are some other lovely pictures in the book; a family of dogs is my favourite.

  7. barbaraannefisher10 February 2012 at 08:42

    Hi Donna, it does and that's why I like them so much.

  8. barbaraannefisher10 February 2012 at 08:52

    Hello Sharon, I hadn’t thought about the possibility of it being a child’s writing, but it could easily be. I always hope a family member will spot one of these posts and fill in the blanks. I suppose Samuel must be grown up now and maybe has nobody to hand it on too.

  9. The note on the tonsils tickled me. I hope the book was handed down (so it befit the theme of the story). The two ducklings at the end were really having a conversation of their own!

  10. barbaraannefisher10 February 2012 at 22:07

    Hello Claudine, I completely overlooked the two ducklings having a chat. That's so sweet, thank you for pointing it out.

  11. You always find the coolest items! I love this book- it is so sweet. The pop-outs are great and the story looks so cute. I think the inscription looks like it could have been written by a child- maybe Aunt Ruth was young- it happens in many large families (my friend has two uncles that are younger than him and one that is only a year older because his dad is the oldest of 8). I think the book was passed down in a family- and that the godfather is the son of Aunt Ruth. I love that it got passed on to another reader. How absolutely wonderful. I agree with you that it would be wonderful for someome to write in at some point who knows about the inscriptions! You never know. :)

  12. barbaraannefisher12 February 2012 at 16:12

    Thanks Jess. I think you are right about it being written by a child. I must admit I hadn’t given that a thought until Sharon mentioned it. I will be sure to keep you posted if I do hear from a previous owner.

  13. Hi Barbara! Just letting you know that I have tagged your blog in a book tag - see for more info. I'd love for you to participate because I want to read your answers!

    Megan @ Storybook Love Affair

  14. barbaraannefisher13 February 2012 at 09:19

    Hi Megan, I’ve never been tagged before! Thank you for including me, It will take a few days, but I am more than happy to play along.

  15. Love the blog -- so enchanting! But what really hooked me is the fact that you share my enthusiasm for book inscriptions. Not everyone does, so it's a pleasure to find a kindred spirit. The books are wonderful! I especially love the Flower Fairies -- it has eluded me for years. So I also related to the blog about the terrible auction!

  16. barbaraannefisher16 February 2012 at 19:04

    Tessk, Thanks for calling in, I’m glad you found something you enjoyed. I adore book inscriptions, and flower fairies so kindred spirits indeed! I felt pretty flat after the auction, but it didn't last for long, lots more fairs and auctions coming up and lot's more lovely books to find.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx