
Friday 17 February 2012

Added Value; Things found in books – Happy Birthday Tiger!

It looks as if a lot of care went into the making of this colourful birthday card. The squiggles, flowers and stripy tiger are all very carefully drawn. I love the expression on the tigers face and the wispy hair on the end of his tail! The message reads; Dear Julia, Happy Birthday from Laura.

Found between the pages of the secret seven adventure by Enid Blyton.


  1. I really adore your blog! It is so fascinating, I am a HUGE fan of the unique and the vintage. My make-shift closet is filled to the brim with clothes from the 20's, 50's, early 60's and even the present. I walk better in kitten heels and feel the most comfortable when hold a vintage worn hardback book in my hand. Nothing bets the smell! This book sounds wondrous and just up my alley.
    I am such a big fan of old children's book that it borderlines pathetically geeky, but whatever right?


    Hey I tagged you in a book tag, it is up to you if you want to participate in it or not. No hard feelings if you are not into that sort of thing...If you are interested head over to this url:
    To get the the answers to the questions I answered and the questions I asked you.

  2. This card is so cute and thoughtful, it reminds me of the cards we made in school for people and the one I got when Allison was growing up. I am guessing that Julia and Laura must have been best friends and mayber even sisters.

  3. What an adorable card! I think it is amazing and exciting to see all of the treasures you find in books. The card was obviously given a lot of thought and time. The book looks like an exciting one!!

  4. barbaraannefisher17 February 2012 at 21:31

    I think Julia and Laura must have been best friends. The card has that kind of ‘feel’ about it. It's a friendly sort of card!

  5. What a lovely surprise. I could see any fan of Enid Blyton would put that much effort into a card for her friend. :) I once found an old letter from a relative in Germany in a book my Mum had given me. I gave the letter to my step-dad, as it was one of his relatives and the letter was in German.

  6. That book probably inspired someone to be an artist! Laura's stuff might be in museums--all because of a book. I wrote a post about this awhile back called 'Connections'.

  7. barbaraannefisher18 February 2012 at 11:46

    Hello Eve, I’d not thought about it like that, but it would be wonderful if it were the case. I shall call over and take a look at connections.

  8. barbaraannefisher18 February 2012 at 11:59

    Hello Anne, thank you so much for your lovely comments – you made my day! I love how you say you walk better in kitten heels, how right you are. Borderline geeky – excellent – me too!
    Thank you also for tagging me, I’m going to put that aside for a week or two because I was tagged last week, and I think people might get fed up reading about me, me, me. I’m going to go and print up your questions and keep them on my desk as a reminder.

  9. barbaraannefisher18 February 2012 at 12:55

    Hi Jess, it is pretty isn’t it. Most of my 'finds' come from books bought at auction, I suppose people box them up and put them in the loft or a shed and forget all about checking what might be inside them. I think of them as added extras because that’s just what they are!

  10. barbaraannefisher18 February 2012 at 12:57

    Hello Sharon, thank you for calling in and leaving a comment. It’s nice that you could give the letter back to your step-dad. I bet he had forgotten where he left it!

  11. I think the only things I've found in old books are pressed flowers!

  12. barbaraannefisher18 February 2012 at 22:36

    Hi Nikki-ann, thanks so much for your comment. I've found them too and although the sentiment is lovely a book really isn’t the best place for pressing flowers, the natural pigments and oils often leave stains and the moisture can wrinkle the pages. My daughter in law gave me a good tip for preserving flowers. Hang the flowers you want to preserve upside down in a wardrobe or other dark place for a couple of weeks until dry. Spray with a floral spray available at hobby or craft stores or use unscented hairspray. I tried it with some roses, and it worked!

  13. I love Enid Blyton books! I feel like re-reading them all... maybe I will one day :)

  14. barbaraannefisher19 February 2012 at 14:25

    Hi Megan. It would be nice to re-read them all, but she wrote so many it would probably take a lifetime. :-)

  15. How precious of a gift. Sad that it was left in a book.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx