
Thursday 23 February 2012

Added Value; Things found in books - Happy Ever After

This pretty embroidery transfer and skein of ‘Peri-Lusta’ thread was found carefully preserved in tissue paper at the bottom of a box of books. It must have been in the box for a good number of years but still looks like new. The thread is a little flattened, but the colours are bright and the transfer unfaded.

I can imagine a young girl putting this away to use at her wedding, or perhaps the wedding of a future daughter or granddaughter. I wonder if, when the time came she was unable to find it or simply forgot all about it.

I suppose it would be considered old-fashioned now, but it would still make a pretty embroidered tablecloth for a wedding. Or maybe you can think of another use for it.

Do you know someone who is getting married? Would they be able to use this, maybe with a different coloured thread? Alternatively, would you like to make something with it? I think it’s been unused for too long! I am happy to send it free of charge (anywhere in the world) to the first person who leaves a comment saying they would like it. Please leave a note of your blog or email address so that I can contact you.

Congratulations to aobibliophile for being the first to comment! I've sent you an email and will send the transfer and thread when I have your details. 


  1. hi Barbara! that's priceless! i'd love to have it. thank you very much. aobibliophile(at)gmail(dot)com

  2. barbaraannefisher23 February 2012 at 09:49

    That's fantastic, I'm really happy to send them. It would be lovely to see a photo of what you make with it. I will email and get your details. Barbara

  3. That's wonderful of you to be willing to send it. I'm sure AO Bibliophile will enjoy it. :)

  4. Barbara, you're indeed very generous to be willing to send it anywhere in the world! Congrats, AO Bibliophile. The colours are so lovely I think I'd put it in my small box of random collection of buttons, embroidered patches and so.

  5. Hi Barbara - I was just thinking as I was reading this that you would be surprised at how many people are still interested in this sort of thing - and of course now it is considered very retro chic. Its so lovely that you had the thought to send it on and that it will finally be used - I hope you are able to do a follow up post of the finished results!

  6. barbaraannefisher23 February 2012 at 19:24

    I don't mind at all, just glad that someone can make use of it. Thanks for calling in.

  7. I just discovered your beautiful blog which was mentioned on
    Since I'm new I don't know what you have previously discussed, so this may be redundant, but I've read that Mary Engelbreit collects children's books and uses them to decorate her houses. I just started a blog of short stories for grown-ups, although definitely G rated which is at so I am just learning about the wonderful blogs that are on the internet. Thanks.

  8. barbaraannefisher23 February 2012 at 22:23

    Hello Claudine, what a lovely idea!

  9. barbaraannefisher23 February 2012 at 22:35

    Hello Sharon, I hadn’t realised people were still interested in this kind of thing. I just felt they had been in the bottom of a box for long enough, and it would be great if someone could use them. I hope to be able to do a follow-up and will ask AO Bibliophile about it when she contacts me.

  10. barbaraannefisher23 February 2012 at 22:58

    Hello Amy
    Thanks for your lovely comment and the info re Mary Engelbreit – something for me to find out about. I will be over to visit your blog tomorrow, time to get some beauty sleep now. I love thedesertrocks blog btw.

  11. You always find the most interesting items. I love to see them posted on your blog! I loved to do crafts like this when I was younger (while my grandmother would knit or my mom would do embroidery). I have not done anything like it in ages. I think it is great that you are shipping it off to aobibiliophile. How fun!

  12. barbaraannefisher24 February 2012 at 08:53

    Hello again Amy, I've just been over to your very interesting blog and am now following.

  13. barbaraannefisher24 February 2012 at 08:56

    Hi Jess, I also used to knit and do embroidery. But like you, it's been years since I tried it, and I didn't want to mess this up as it is so pretty. It’s gratifying to know that you enjoy the things I blog about, it makes the effort worthwhile.

  14. What a nice thing to do a giveaway for this sweet embroidery. I used to love doing that, but not anymore. My crafts repetoire consists of knitting a few doll sweaters once in a while for one of the kids.

    I hope your winner really enjoys this.

  15. Dear Barbara, I got your nice comment on my blog this morning. Thank you. I try to write amusing stories, although some earlier ones are a little 'ironic'. I didn't realize you were in England which is a beautiful country. I was there with a friend in 1960 and with my husband years later in 2003. I have a granddaughter whose name is Charlotte Rose, so Rose must be coming popular. Good luck.

  16. How lovely. My mom and I used to embroider things like this all the time. It brought back wonderful memories. How lucky for you to have found it and now to pass it on.

  17. barbaraannefisher25 February 2012 at 16:37

    Hello Alex, I’m just pleased someone will love it! I used to do lots of craft things but about 16 years ago books completely took over my life, now I don’t even own a pair of knitting needles! Maybe I will take it up again when I retire.

  18. barbaraannefisher25 February 2012 at 16:46

    Hello Amy, thanks for calling in. I enjoyed reading your blog and will be back for another visit soon. England is indeed a beautiful country, and I feel lucky to live in a very pretty part. Maybe you will come back for a visit some time.

  19. barbaraannefisher25 February 2012 at 16:52

    My mum made some lovely things when I was a little girl, I’ve still got some of her embroidered tablecloths and napkins. I used to enjoy cross stitch and knitting but was never very good at embroidery.

  20. Hi Barbara,

    You can't believe how popular embroidery still is. If we ever get either transferred material or just the threads donated into the charity shop where I volunteer, they are guaranteed to be snapped up instantly, and usually for a good price.

    I still embroider on occasion, although I am not very proficient and tend to stick to the basic stitches. I have a quite a little collection of threads and transferred cloth, just waiting for me to get the time to do something creative with them.

    What I would do with the finished articles goodness knows, as ther probably isn't anywhere I would want to display them in our home. I would probably donate them back to the charity shop, where they will sell to a lover of 'retro' paraphernalia!

    A great find and a lovely thought to pass them on to someone who would do something with them.

  21. barbaraannefisher26 February 2012 at 21:00

    Hello Yvonne, thanks for calling in and leaving a comment. I had no idea so many people were still interested in things like this, but it’s lovely that they are. The thread and transfer were really pretty, but I didn't think anyone would want to use them now, but I can see how they could work for a wedding with a retro theme.

  22. Hi Barbara,

    I am a speech-language pathologist who works in a public school. I'm always looking for new books, So glad I found this blog. I found you through Book Blogs and am now following you. Please stop by my blog, Kick Back Moments at thanks. Peggy

  23. Hope that beautiful wedding embroidery will be worked by someone with loving fingers! It's adorable!

  24. barbaraannefisher28 February 2012 at 16:02

    I’m sure it will be. It’s so pretty it really deserves to be admired.

  25. Oh, how sweet. I have many patterns my mother-in-law gave me that are quite old. It's a darling pattern.

  26. barbaraannefisher19 August 2012 at 11:12

    Hi Peggy, While in the process of doing a follow up on this post I found your comment. I'm so sorry I didn't answer it before. I've visited your blog and followed with GFC. Looking forward to catching up with all your posts. Barbara.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx