
Thursday 2 February 2012

The Fairchild family by Mrs. Sherwood

Near Mr. Fairchild's house there was a little green hill, at the top of which were some beautiful chestnut trees; and under the chestnut trees was a wooden seat, which Mr. Fairchild, with John's help, had placed there. On summer mornings Mr. Fairchild often used to retire to this place, in order to sit there and read undisturbed. From the top of this hill one might see Mr. Fairchild's house, standing in the pleasant garden; and also many beautiful cornfields and little coppices, and meadows, through which flowed a smooth river, the long green lane which led to the village, too, was visible from the hill, and John Trueman's neat cottage just at the entrance of the village; and the spire of the church just peeping over the trees. You do not know who John Trueman is; but you shall know by and by.

The Fairchild family Pg. 3
By Mrs. Sherwood with illustrations by Miss Sybil Tawse, 1913

The Fairchild family is now sold, thank you for your interest.


  1. This is an amazing website! I love the feeling you evoke and the book selection is incredible!

    I am definitely a new fan and follower of this site.

  2. barbaraannefisher2 February 2012 at 15:40

    Thank you. What a lovely thing to say! I will be over to visit your site again very soon.

  3. Oh my, I love this one. I love the 'you do not know who John Truman is, but you shall know by and by' What a way to capture the reader.

  4. Wish I'd find a place like that to read in! A little green hill, beautiful chestnut trees, near a garden and a river ... my God(s).

  5. barbaraannefisher3 February 2012 at 08:43

    It does make you want to read more, quite a ploy!

  6. barbaraannefisher3 February 2012 at 08:53

    Hello Claudine, you will have to come to England where you can still find wonderful places like that.

  7. Hi! I see you like all the OLD classics too! My favorite authors for kids (and adults) is from the 1800's to around 1940. I love George MacDonald, Grace Livingston Hill, and so many others. Ella Johnson and I will be hosting the Classic Reading for Kids event in March - we will be featuring 5 books for kids and then giving them away! I'm planning on featuring popular children's authors and their little known books (ie - Don Freeman & Beady Bear) and Ella is doing Classics like Treasure Island, etc. We'd love to have you join us.

    I finished my answer on Book Blogs - thanks for visiting me!

    You might try accessing my blog through this link:

    Thanks! Tina

  8. barbaraannefisher3 February 2012 at 10:18

    Thanks Tina, I'm looking forward to your feature on popular children's authors and their little known books - I'm sure there will be lots I don't know. I've followed on Twitter and Facebook so should be able to keep up with what's going on.

  9. What a beautiful passage! I would like to read or draw in the scene that was described. This sounds like another treasure! It is a book that I am not familiar with- but this post has made me quite curious! Thanks for sharing!

  10. barbaraannefisher4 February 2012 at 13:51

    You are very welcome Jess. I’m glad you enjoyed this little ‘taster’.

  11. England's definitely on my list, Barbara. It has been since I was a child. (The rustic areas, or a small town with a toffeeshop, a coffee and tea shop, a small bookstore, a barn turned-into a theatre during the weekends ... something like this. Oh, and gardens, the sea and castles to explore. :) )

  12. barbaraannefisher7 February 2012 at 07:29

    There are loads of lovely places on the coast with castles, gardens and tea shops. The bookshops are getting harder to find but there are still some nice ones around. Our daughter in law from Australia loved Corfe with its castle and teashops and all the old houses.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx