
Thursday 13 September 2012

One lovely blog award!

Thank you so much to Suzy for nominating my blog for the One Lovely Blog Award.  For those of you who have yet to visit Suzy you will find her at Low Fell Writer's place

These are the requirements that go along with the award;

Include the blog award logo in your post
Thank the person who nominated you
Provide 7 random facts about yourself
Nominate 7 other blogs, and let them know you have done so

Random facts;
I played the part of a daffodil in a school play – no lines to learn just lots of swaying in the breeze!

I've had the privilege of sharing my life with seven wonderful pets;
Kosset cat; named after a brand of carpets.
Peggy; a dog of no particular breed.
A budgie called Tarzan; who later turned out to be Jane  - it’s difficult to tell the difference!
Kelly; a beagle with a mind of his own.
Patch and Albe; two of the sweetest little King Charles Cavaliers.
Rosie; a Cairn Terrier who came into my life when I least expected it.

Patch and Albe

I used to enjoy entering competitions, especially those that required a slogan. My winnings include a mountain bike, a thousand pounds, a collection of CD’s and a CD player, numerous bottles of wine and boxes of chocolates, Marks and Spencer's gift vouchers, a voucher for home decoration, lots of cuddly toys and other miscellaneous things.

I lived on a farm for the first 21 years of my life.

On the farm with mum and dad not sure of the year - maybe 1957?

We have one son and four grandchildren, two girls and two boys.

I love playing Twister, Monopoly and any kind of card game except bridge.

I collect just about anything made of paper - cards, postcards, books (of course) and lots of ephemeral items.

Right that is quite enough about me!

Now we get to the interesting part,

my nominations are;

Nancy at  Simple Clockwork
Joleen at Amaranthine
Lindsay at The Little Reader Library
Michelle at Vintage Cobweb
Claudine at Carry Us Off Books
Angela at AJ Arndt Books Blog
PK at PK Hrezo

Congratulations! I will leave a comment on each of your blogs.

PS. Sharon from Sharon's Sunlit Memories mentioned she would like to see more dahlia pictures - so Sharon this one is just for you.


  1. Thank you so much for nominating me Barbara! It means a lot to me. It's lovely to read your post and learn a little more about you. I love board games like Monopoly too, although don't play them half as much these days. It's lovely to see the black and white photo and to learn more about the pets who have shared your life. Also you must have been very skilled at writing the competition entries! Thank you again, so much.

  2. Hello Lindsay, you are more than welcome I always enjoy visiting your lovely blog. I will look forward to seeing who you nominate and finding out a little more about you.
    Re the competition entries I used to keep a pen and writing pad on the bedside table so that I could jot down ideas that came to me in the night – it always work but just now and then it did.

  3. Oooh! - thanks so much for mentioning me and posting another dahlia picture. This one is a beautiful colour - one of my favourite shades! Isn't it nice to be able to sit back and enjoy them now after all your hard work.

    I really enjoyed your random facts, especially the photo with your mum & dad!

    Congrats to all your nominees :)

  4. I love the ‘photo with my mum and dad. We are all dressed up to go somewhere, but I can’t remember where. I think my sister must have taken the picture, so I will see if she remembers. It was unusual to see my dad in a suit he was usually in his green overalls.
    I am really taking time to enjoy the dahlias as I don’t think they will survive many more cold nights. I must have known this one was your favourite colour!

  5. Hey a fellow thespian! How fascinating. I got goosed on stage once then got a load of cat calls. Well two village pantos back in the late fifties, (Mother Goose and Dick Whittington), a long story. Those were the days before TV spoilt things. Anyway congratulations on your nomination, so well deserved. Also especially lovely to see your folks...........

  6. Congrats on the much deserved award! I love that picture of the Dahlia. Wow! I also found the new facts about you fascinating. How cool that you entered slogan contests and won some fabulous prizes! Being a daffodil sounds wonderful. :)

  7. Me a thespian? I think not! I enjoyed dressing up as a daffodil (thanks to mum’s skills with crepe paper), but that was the full extent of my acting career. I had no idea you had been on the stage – what a varied life you’ve had.

  8. Thank you Stephanie! Entering the competitions was fun. My son used to find the ones with prizes that he would like (such as the BMX bike), and then I would try to win them for him. I got very close to winning a car at one-point – but ended up with a runner up prize – a bottle of HP sauce, not quite the same!

  9. Congrats and thanks so much! Love the photos :)

  10. Congratulations on the award. You certainly deserve it because your blog is so lovely I keep coming back. And thank you for nominating other bloggers for the award, including me. I'm happy to get to know you better, Barbara. Like you, I always enjoy a night's game of twister and scrabble. I don't mind losing every time; it's the joy of being with words that matters. Cheers!

  11. You are very welcome – and you’re worth it!
    Glad you liked the photos.

  12. Thanks Nancy, it’s very sweet of you to say so! I hope you have fun with the award.

  13. Thanks for sharing the award with me, Barbara, and for all the bits of fun facts about you (some of which I knew previously ... like Rosie and your granddaughters. :)) 'lots of swaying in the breeze' is so funny and fun. And Patch and Albie look so handsome. You've had a lot of pets, and you used to live on a farm ~ have I told you for the 128th time that your childhood is one I envy?

    Some time ago, I wrote that I wanted to concentrate on children's books, reading, and childhood issues/memories on our blog, so I'm very sorry but I wouldn't be able to take on the questions for One Lovely Blog Award, Barbara. (So sorry! Though the logo looks so pretty I'm kicking myself right now ...) I'm truly grateful you like our blog posts, and I always, always, always look forward to yours. Thanks very much again!

  14. Congratulations, and what fun facts. I loved the pic of dogs. They look so darling.

  15. Hi Barbara! Sorry I'm so late getting over here. But thank you so much for the award!

    I love that you were a daffodil. lol SO cute! I have quite the postcard collection myself. I always pick some up wherever I go and write a memory or two on the back for safe keeping. :)

  16. Oh Claudine, I’m sorry I did read your post about concentrating on children’s books, etc., but I had forgotten all about it. I’m so glad you didn’t mind me mentioning you. I keep thinking about making my blog an award-free zone, but I’ve not been able to bring myself to do it yet.
    I count myself as very lucky to have had such a wonderful childhood and wish I could share some of it with you.

  17. Thanks Donna, Patch and Albe were perfect darlings.

  18. Hi PK, You are most welcome!
    I can never resist a pretty postcard, or a funny one, or an interesting one, or…...
    Thanks for calling in.

  19. Hi Barbara! Thanks so much for visiting my blog ;) Your blog is really wonderful - you deserve this award :D New follower - Ara of My Book and My Coffee

  20. Hello Ara, thanks so much for visiting and following and for your lovely comment. I've followed back. Barbara.

  21. Thanks, Barbara, and no sorries between us. Of course I don't mind you mentioning us. I'm thrilled you like our blog. You have been sharing tasty bits of your childhood either here or on my blog whenever we reminisce. Loved reading about the farm, the apple orchard, and your school. :) More, please. More!

  22. I was away when this one came through but I love learning all those things about you. I should have known you were a farm girl as well. Love your pets. Do you have any right now?

  23. barbaraannefisher12 October 2012 at 14:30

    Hello Darlene,
    Our dear little Cairn terrier, Rosie, died three years ago so no pets at the moment. We would love another dog, but we are very torn. Our son moved to Australia five years ago and is now living there with his wife and two daughters. We obviously want to visit them when we can but would hate to leave a dog in kennels for long periods of time. So no pets – but watch this space – you never know!


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx