
Sunday 10 February 2013

An award and a fairy tale website

A big thank you to Marilyn and Elaineyross over at Guernsey Writer for awarding my blog the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.

I’m not sure the term ‘inspiring’ really applies to my blog, but I'm delighted to accept it nonetheless.

So, here are the rules;

Display the award logo on your blog.
Link back to the person who nominated you.
State 7 things about yourself.
Nominate other bloggers for this award and link to them.
Notify those bloggers of the nomination.

I’ve already talked far too much about myself so instead I’m going to include a quote from each of my nominated blogs. 

DM Yates Believe in Yourself  To be successful we all must ever move on, step by step. It's a New Year and time to let the past go. Set down your last year's baggage and march forward, ready to greet the new year.

The Desert Rocks The possibilities, the potential to change — everything begins with that first step in the right direction. Before your feet touch your slippers, carpet or cold floor, that’s when it begins. You have the power.

The Children's War And of course, the biggest and best Christmas present of all that year was the end of the war.

The Little Reader Library As for me, my dog Daisy is certainly my best friend. I had no idea what sort of special relationship an owner could have with a dog until she came into our lives. She is a constant companion, there for me as much as I am there for her.

Vintage Cobweb I think by now everyone knows I can't pass up the chance to pop inside an oppy, if I don't get inside one for a while I start to feel like something's missing.

These are all wonderful people with interesting things to say. Call in if you can you won’t be disappointed.

A Fairy Tale Website;

A friend of mine in Italy has just launched a brand-new website showcasing his ever growing collection of illustrated books.  The site is written in Italian, but with the help of Google translate it’s possible to understand everything, and of course, the illustrations need no translation. Please call in if you have the time

Thanks for your visit.  x


  1. If that's not inspiring, Barbara, I don't know what is!! I particularly like the quote about leaving behind last year's baggage - we should all make the effort to do that. I'll definitely be having a look at that Italian website - and thanks for your lovely illustrations, as always. Kind regards, Marilyn

  2. barbaraannefisher10 February 2013 at 13:58

    Thanks Marilyn! They are all inspirational bloggers with delightful blogs, so it was a pleasure to pass the award on to them. Thank you for nominating me, Barbara.

  3. Thank you, Barbara. I'm honored to accept. I loved reading the other quotes and visiting the sites.

  4. Dear Barbara

    Thank you very much for the award and congratulations to you also.

    I have actioned the award and posted on my site :)

    I'm going to check out the sites you have also nominated.

    Thanks again, Michelle

  5. barbaraannefisher11 February 2013 at 09:27

    Thanks Donna, your blog inspires me every time I visit.

  6. barbaraannefisher11 February 2013 at 09:38

    Hi Michelle I’ve just been over to read your post, loved finding out more about you and seeing all your ‘photos. Congratulations.

  7. Congrats on your award! I love your blog. I found 3 old looking postcards in my attic (from the previous owner) and I thought of you. :) I have been to most of the blogs you nominated- and I look forward to checking out the one I don't know. The fairy blog also looks fun. Thanks for sharing. :)

  8. Congrats on your award! I do enjoy stopping by, lovely graphics and always something different.


  9. barbaraannefisher13 February 2013 at 10:33

    Thanks Stephanie, I love your blog too! I hope the postcards were pretty or at least interesting. I love finding things like that.

  10. barbaraannefisher13 February 2013 at 10:38

    Thanks Lainy, I’m glad you enjoy your visits – I certainly enjoy your company and your blog and am just popping over for a visit now. Barbara.

  11. Hi Barbara, thank you so much for this award, I am really delighted, you have made my week so much better! I am so thrilled with the words you chose too.

    Lindsay x

  12. barbaraannefisher14 February 2013 at 11:35

    Hi Lindsay, I’m so pleased you like the award, and the words I chose. Your lovely blog really does deserve it. I will look forward to reading your answers.

  13. I finally had a bit of time to check out this wonderful award and mention. Thank you so much Barbara. I will try to pay it forward soon--okay well not very soon--but someday.

  14. barbaraannefisher18 February 2013 at 11:58

    Dear Eve, I know how busy you so please don't worry too much about passing it on. I just wanted you to know how much I admire your blog.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx