
Saturday 16 February 2013

Spreading some brightness today

I'm taking part in the Let's Spread Some Brightness blogospread to celebrate Love & Courage. Bloggers everywhere are invited to share their recollections or wishes on 'Spreading Brightness.' Come show us some love, check out Claudine's picture ebook that started this blogospread and download a small gift from her here!

* Your post doesn't have to be in writing. If there's a particular poem/song/picture/Art/quote that has brought Brightness into your world, please feel very free to share.

En's grandma is losing her hold on clear thoughts and memories. It is a scary and lonely place. So En sails out to bring Brightness from their past and releases them to relight Grandma's world. Will Grandma remember them?

What a lovely idea, now for a little bit of brightness courtesy of Pinterest...

 Cottage Light Studio via Pinterest

Don't forget to visit Claudine's blog to download your gift, and if you can spread a little brightness today, please do.


  1. I love Claudine's blog and can't wait to read her latest book. The picture you shared is beautiful. What a bright and wonderful image. Thanks for spreading the brightness. :)

  2. Sweet. I love this idea. Don't we all need a little brightness and love?

  3. barbaraannefisher17 February 2013 at 20:14

    Hello, It is very sweet, and it contains an important message. My dad suffered from dementia so things like this always strike a chord with me. Thanks for calling in, Barbara

  4. barbaraannefisher17 February 2013 at 20:15

    Hi Stephanie, Claudine's blog is a favourite of mine too. Spreading the brightness is such a great idea.

  5. barbaraannefisher17 February 2013 at 20:16

    Hi Donna, we certainly do!

  6. barbaraannefisher17 February 2013 at 20:16

    Thank you Terence, you made my day and reminded me it’s time to pay a visit to your blog – maybe I will see the fairies?

  7. barbaraannefisher17 February 2013 at 20:17

    Thanks Michelle. I've just read your brightness post its fantastic! I would urge anyone reading this comment to visit Michelle at Vintagecobweb. You won’t be disappointed.

  8. Thanks for the thought of brightness. I was slightly--okay not so slightly cranky today.

  9. Barbara, I choked a bit when I saw that picture ~ not because I was teary or so extremely happy (though I am, I am, such a lovely umbrella of tiny blooms glanced from beneath, with the soft sunlight streaming through), but because I was trying so hard to remember the name of the flower! I'm off Googling about this beauty now. Thank you so much for spreading such sweet Brightness, and for telling your readers about my ebook. {And yes, of course, you're most welcome to use the cover and everything available from my space. :)) Much Brightness to you and Terry, always.

  10. My comment didn't come through earlier, so I'm trying again: Barbara, I choked a bit when I saw the picture because I love it so much but can't recall its name! I'm off Googling about it in a while. Thank you so much for this lovely umbrella of tiny white blooms. Much, much Brightness to you and Terry, your children and grand-daughters, always!

  11. barbaraannefisher18 February 2013 at 11:48

    I’m happy to think that a little brightness may have helped. I am sending lots of love your way. Barbara.

  12. barbaraannefisher18 February 2013 at 12:02

    Dear Claudine, I’m sorry you had a problem leaving a comment. Blogger is like that sometimes! I love the way you describe the picture and think it should be called an umbrella of tiny white blooms. Thank you for sending us Brightness, we return it to you in triplicate with hugs!

  13. barbaraannefisher23 February 2013 at 08:37

    Hi happy to meet you! I've just visited your blog and want to thank you for brightening my day too! Barbara

  14. Thanks for your bit of brightness Barbara. I haven't been getting your posts lately. So glad I found you on Claudine's site. I have subscribed again. Hope it works.

  15. barbaraannefisher26 February 2013 at 08:42

    Hi Darlene, how strange I don’t think I’ve been getting yours either – I must call over and see what I’ve missed. Thanks for calling in.

  16. It is really nice to hear your discussion on specific topic here. I too agree with your points here. keep posting good blogs. Thanks.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx