
Thursday 7 March 2013

Spring Sunshine at The Vyne

Yesterdays beautiful spring sunshine saw us temporarily downing tools (or in my case books!) and heading out for the day. A visit to my parent’s grave was long overdue and as its mother's day on Sunday, it felt like the perfect time to call in and leave a few spring flowers. But first we decided to pay a visit to the Vyne for lunch and a walk around the gardens.

The Vyne is a National trust property built in the 16th century for Lord Sandys, Henry VIII's Lord Chamberlain. The house is nestled by the Shir brook in Sherborne St John, which is a wonderfully serene lake. It’s surrounded by lush pastures, woodlands, wetlands and manicured gardens.

It was much too nice to spend any time inside, but a visit to the library is an essential part of any trip!  

While wandering around the corridors we came across this fabulous 'book' (actually just a couple of pages) challenging visitors to solve a riddle.

This is all to do with a new exhibition exploring whether a Roman ring, found at an archaeological site in Silchester inspired Tolkien to write The Lord of the Rings. The Ring Room, created in conjunction with the Tolkien Society, tells the incredible story of the ring and contains memorabilia from The Tolkien Society's own archive. The exhibition also tells how The Vyne may have got its name, whilst intrepid explorers can hunt around the mansion, solving riddles and puzzles and hunting for dwarves!

This was my idea of a perfect day, but what do you like to do on your days off?


  1. Beautiful garden , images of flowers are so beautiful
    thanks for sharing ;)

  2. Beautiful photos and the exhibit sounds awesome!

  3. barbaraannefisher8 March 2013 at 06:48

    You’re most welcome Aunty Mary, thanks for calling in!

  4. barbaraannefisher8 March 2013 at 06:51

    Hi Jo, The National Trust/English Heritage put on some really interesting exhibits. My favourite one so far is the flower fairies of Cicely Mary Barker, but this one comes a close second.

  5. What a perfect way to spend a day! I love the pictures of the Vyne, shot across the lake, and of the trees. The library and The Lord of the Rings exhibition are delicious cherries on top. Barbara, is the Vyne open to the public all year round?

  6. Angie Keyworth8 March 2013 at 13:53

    Lovely photos. I think Nottingham has missed the sunshine this week!

  7. Angie Keyworth8 March 2013 at 14:10

    I have a very early Book of the Flower Fairies by Cicely M Baker given to my Mum from her sister Christmas 1927 and passed on to me November 1989. I can remember Mum reading the poems to me when I was little. There is a bit of wear and tear on the book because it has been used and loved. I'm sure the first edition was published in 1927.

  8. Oh goodness! We still have ten inches of snow on the ground! I wish I could instantly fly over and walk through this beautiful garden. Lovely of you to share!

  9. I glad you had a nice day off Barbara, thanks for the photos - I'd love to visit that library.

    The UK has such interesting heritage buildings, one day I'll get there.

    I like to go to bookfairs to get away from things, they're just the perfect day and nothing else seems to matter.

  10. barbaraannefisher9 March 2013 at 07:42

    Thank you Claudine! I was trying to get a perfect reflection (in the shot across the lake), but the swans had other ideas – they found it amusing to disturb the water! But I am pleased with the way it turned out.
    Parts of it are open all year round but on certain days/weeks the house is closed for cleaning/refurbishments. There is a handy visitor information page at hope that helps.

  11. barbaraannefisher9 March 2013 at 07:56

    Hello Angie, we only had the one day of sunshine, but it made such a lovely change! I hope you get some soon!

  12. barbaraannefisher9 March 2013 at 08:02

    The book of the flower fairies is a really beautiful book. You are lucky to have it, especially as it has been passed down through your family. I’ve had a few copies in the past, but they never stay in stock for very long. The first edition was published in 1927, so it sounds as though you have a first.

  13. barbaraannefisher9 March 2013 at 09:00

    I love to see some snow each year but not ten inches and not for too long! It’s been wet and grey in the UK for what seems like forever so that little bit of sunshine was very welcome. It’s raining and grey again now so you need to delay your trip for a week or two.

  14. barbaraannefisher9 March 2013 at 09:07

    Hi Michelle, I absolutely agree with you about bookfairs. Book auctions, book fairs, flea markets, charity shops you name it; I love it. Terry, on the other hand, has no interest in books or anything ‘bookish’ so a day that combines photography, and books is perfect. The National Trust properties are great for that, they usually have a second-hand book shop and a library where I can lose myself for a few hours while Terry is out in the grounds photographing the wildlife. Sadly, the libraries are out of bounds for anything other than staring, but that’s fine I like to stare. Some of the bindings on those old books are incredibly beautiful.

  15. Donna DM Yates9 March 2013 at 15:14

    What a fun trip. I so love that library. Sadly, I can get lost in a library for hours and hours.

  16. barbaraannefisher9 March 2013 at 15:29

    Hi Donna, that’s not sad – it’s joyful! Thanks so much for your comment.

  17. Sounds like a perfect day!

    Sunshine? Where was that?! It tipped it down all day Friday and was still wet yesterday while I was down in London. Still, I had a great time :)

  18. Photos are stunning, it looks like a beautiful day. I had plans to visit the grave also but will have to make it in the next few days. Bitterly cold here and been snowing the best part of the day. I love visiting libraries but sadly do not do it often enough, unless you count my living room :D

  19. Dear Barbara

    If you would like to pop over to my blog sometime there is something waiting for you and there are no rules attached:)

  20. I love the pictures! The spring sights make me want spring now, too. We just had snow- though it is melting. It sounds like your day was delightful and I love the library. I think the riddle is so fun (but I do enjoy a good riddle). Thanks for sharing! Happy March!

  21. barbaraannefisher11 March 2013 at 11:06

    Hi Nikki-ann, it was Tuesday 5th March! I marked it in my diary because it was so unusual. It’s snowing now so I think that was probably our only day of spring! It’s also freezing cold and I’m back in my winter clothes.

  22. barbaraannefisher11 March 2013 at 11:11

    Thanks Lainy, I can’t believe it but it’s snowing here now! My dad used to say
    “Ne'er cast a clout till May is out” and he was not wrong!

  23. barbaraannefisher11 March 2013 at 11:13

    Thanks Michelle, I love that there are no rules attached – I will be right over!

  24. barbaraannefisher11 March 2013 at 11:17

    Hi Stephanie, I thought you might enjoy the riddle! Spring came and went all on the same day, and we now have snow! Still it was a lovely hint at what is (hopefully) on the way. Happy – soon to be – Spring. Barbara

  25. Lovely images! These photos are really great.
    And that library...of course it sounds like a fantastic visit.

  26. Thanks for the link, Barbara. (This is research for my eventual trip to Britain. Would definitely want to visit the Vyne.) The pictures here are beautiful. You are quite the photographer!

  27. barbaraannefisher12 March 2013 at 10:28

    Thank you! It really was a perfect day.

  28. barbaraannefisher12 March 2013 at 10:35

    Thank you Claudine, but I have to confess that two of the 'photos (the snowdrops and dew and the second picture of the house - middle of the bottom row) are from the Vyne website. I did take all the rest honest! Barbara x

  29. Just wanted to let you know that I gave your blog a shout out today on the post Wednesday Weekly Review #21! (

    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog

  30. barbaraannefisher13 March 2013 at 18:15

    Thanks Helen that was lovely of you! x


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx