
Monday 30 September 2013

Urgent Greetings with Vintage Style

Regular readers of this blog will know I'm something of a collector. Along with books, postcards and nursery china, I also collect vintage greeting cards. Anything with a cute dog or cat is a welcome addition to my collection. None of my cards are worth more than a few pounds, with the possible exception of one… but more of that later. 

The front of this card is very appealing but the inside is just odd! What on earth has the monkey got to do with anything and why is it sucking a dummy?

I do have a theory, but if you have a better one, do tell. I think the monkey is reminiscent of the Lawson Wood sketches from the 1930s and 40s. An orangutan called Gran’pop was one of his most popular characters so perhaps the card manufacturer thought a monkey would make the card more attractive. I can't say I agree, but each to his own.
A Volume of Good Luck published by Valentine's.

This ‘dog and duck’ card is incredibly sweet, and I just love the foxgloves and the thatched cottage. 

The card with the little black cat and white heather reminds me of my dad. He was a great believer in ‘Lady Luck’ and usually had a sprig of lucky heather tied to the front of the car. He also kept several Cornish Pixies on the dashboard and a four-leaf clover in his driving licence. When I was old enough to drive he found a four-leaf clover for me - and that in itself was quite lucky!  

What child wouldn't love to receive this pretty card? Not only does it have the sweetest little dogs on the front it also hides a surprise inside…

Another doggy greeting – but this time the dogs are leaping out of the card. 

This is one of my favourite pop-up cards. I just love the expressions on the faces of the singing cats!

The printing of this card makes it look as if one dog is a mirror image of the other, but in fact, one dog is on the outside and the other inside.

As I mentioned at the beginning of the post, most of these cards cost only a few pounds, but if you collect known artists, the prices begin to climb. The Christmas card below is one of two Louis Wain pop-up cards I bought at auction a few years ago. I went to the auction knowing I was going to bid and thinking I might have to pay a reasonable price, but I was surprised by just how much I paid.

The week after the auction this appeared in the local press…

 It looks as though I wasn't the only one surprised at the price!   By selling one of the two cards I was able to recoup some of the money and add this card to my own collection. 

It’s a beautiful September morning in Somerset. Our garden is full of autumn colour… and fat spiders, my pet hate! I find myself drawn into the garden more and more as summer slips away.  I love this time of the year when everything seems to enjoy a final flourish before dying back for the winter.

A purple cloud of Michaelmas daisies makes the perfect backdrop for the more showy dahlias

and yellow daises.

The apple tree is laden with fruit, 

and in a few short months, the cycle will begin again.

Mother Nature is truly amazing!

Whether the weather be fine,
Or whether the weather be not,
Whether the weather be cold,
Or whether the weather be hot,
We'll weather the weather,
Whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not!

 Author: unknown

Happy October everyone!


  1. The card with the black kitty and the heather made me smile. That must be my favourite amongst all. Wonder what the surprise within the 'You're Two' card is? Collectibles are astounding (as with their prices). I'm glad you sold the card.

    Do you also drive with a four-leave clover tucked somewhere now?

    "when everything seems to enjoy a final flourish before dying back for the winter." Love this, Barbara. :) Happy October!

    1. Thank you Claudine – I came over all poetic!
      The surprise is a pop up (next picture down) sorry I didn't make that very clear.
      I’ve still got the four-leaf clover it’s really papery and very fragile, but I wouldn't part with. As for driving, I don’t do much of it now; the roads are so much busier than when I learnt to drive.

  2. Such a wonderful post, Barbara, and interesting! I love those cards, especially the 'dog and duck' card, and the black cat card which are so adorable.
    Your garden is still full of flowers and colours. Enjoy the apple harvest :)

    1. Thanks Hilde, we can’t wait to get started on the apples. They are almost but not quite ripe, but will be in a day or two. I’m glad you enjoyed the cards. I had a feeling you might! Barbara x

  3. Good morning dearest Barbara!

    OH THOSE CARDS with the dogs - they are my absolute favorites. The sweet little terriers just make me want to go get a terrier now. We have been "on the fence" for years about getting one, but they are the breed I would want. Don't you just love the art of this day that captures an innocence? Today's world, youth and market are sometimes too "realistic" and crude and forget about the innocence and charm of childhood and nature's creatures. But thank you for restoring and interest and value for these sometimes lost works of art.

    Our summer continues here, which is odd for this region of the US, but the spiders are on schedule, showing us that fall is supposed to be here!

    Wishing you another lovely day in Somerset, and thank you for always sharing such loveliness my friend. Anita

    1. Hello Anita, we are sitting on that fence with you! Our last dog was a (Cairn) terrier, and she was the sweetest little girl you could ever wish to meet. We hope to have another one day but not while our son is in Australia – unless we move there!
      I do indeed love the art from back then. I feel as though I’m stuck in some kind of time warp, but I really don’t want to move forward.
      It's amazing how spiders have this inbuilt ability to tell the seasons! They are busy fattening themselves up now and will soon be moving back indoors (unless I spot them first). Then in April they will move back outside – it’s the same every year. I can’t bear the pesky things!
      Thank you as always for your lovely comment. xxx

  4. Your cards are wonderful, although I do agree with you about the inside of the first one - not attractive at all. Your garden must really look spectacular. I was up in Connecticut this weekend and the sugar maples were some red and lovely. Too bad all this beauty is a precursor to winter, my least favorite time of the year.


    1. Hello Alex, we’ve always wanted to visit your part of the world, maybe one of these days we just will. We would love to see those sugar maples. I really don’t enjoy being cold so am already looking forward to the spring! Thanks for calling in.

  5. Hi Barbara,

    I absolutely adore those cards - who'd have thought they could potentially sell for so much. My favourite is the black cat with the Volume of Good Luck.

    I'm enjoying my Autumnal garden too.
    Your flowers are beautiful and apples are just begging to be picked.

    A happy October to you too : )

    1. Hello Yvonne, our apples are not quite ready yet, but I think it will only be a few days, especially if the sun shines.
      Thanks for your visit. Happy October.

  6. Thank you for this wonderful post this morning. You've brightened my day.

    Hugs from the hilltop in Pennsylvania where our woods are thinning and the leaves turning.

    Helen Crow

    1. Hello Helen, how lovely to see you here! It feels like ages since we last 'spoke'. You've brightened my day too. Your hilltop in Pennsylvania sounds lovely.

  7. I love everything about your post today! Welcome October! Have a wonderful week!

    1. That’s such a lovely thing to say, thank you! I hope you have a great week and a wonderful October. Thanks for calling in.

  8. Wonderful cards! Those cats singing are great, so sweet! And of course I love the children with the blocks. "Something of a collector" sounds fantastic haha, people with the "collector gene" understand each other very well, thank you internet!!
    Great photos of your garden!

    1. Hello Silvina, you know me so well! I had not thought of it as a ‘collector gene’ but of course that's what it is – so it’s not my fault it’s that pesky gene! Thanks for making me (O:

  9. What a great post! I always enjoy looking at old cards and post cards. I especially like the ones with the cut outs (not sure if there is a style name for it). These remind me of the cards that my grandma used to send me card. :)

    Happy October to you, too! Great pictures!

    1. I'm pretty sure the term is ‘die cut’ I couldn't think of it while writing, but your comment nudged my memory. It's strange how words slip away sometimes (all the time!) Thanks for calling in Stephanie, I appreciate it. Happy October!

  10. If you really love something, it is worth every penny. That card with the Kitty beating the drum and a huge smile is adorable. I love your fall flowers too, very inviting. The poem is just perfect! Happy October to you as well.

    1. Thanks Darlene, you are absolutely right! Someone once said “the only book you regret is the one you don’t buy” and that is also true of cards! Happy October and thank you for taking the time to comment. Barbara

  11. Oh so lovely , I liked all of them , very cute post :)

    1. Thanks Aunt Mary, glad you enjoy it, Barbara

  12. Flowers AND cute animal cards on the same day?! Glad I came over for a visit! ;-)

    1. I’m glad too Jamie. I always enjoy your visits.

  13. ~ I was totally in awe with these beautiful cards....I do wonder why cards now are made quite poorly! ~ Gosh they are beautiful....LOVE the kittie ones and hearing your lovely memories of your dear Dad.. and the lucky charms....Thanks for sharing Barbara, I do enjoy your vintage ways...Happy October to YOU!
    Hugs Maria x

    1. Thank you Maria, your visits and kind comments mean a lot. I’m just back from visiting you and have to say your latest post is simply beautiful. xx

  14. where to start, what wonderful pictures. The monkey with the dummy, I actually have no idea, at all. I love the kitties and dogs, are these cards collected over a period of time or was it just a fabulous find day? Those apples look delicious and indeed there is so much wildlife in bloom. We have it lashing down just now and tonight when putting out the bins we have 2 frogs out on the front pavement, two! We haven't seen any at all since last year so we got a few pictures. My friend also rescued a wee hedgehog last night, her cats were mighty curious and it was her daughters first time ever seeing one!


    1. Hello Lainy, I wish I could say it was a fabulous find day, but no I’ve been collecting them for ages. I always look for them everywhere I go, but they are getting harder to find now.
      We used to get lots of frogs in the garden but then our neighbour filled in their fish pond, and that was the last of the frogs. We often found dozens of tiny baby ones on the rockery! They always made me jump when I was gardening, but I loved to see them. I’m so glad your neighbour rescued the hedgehog. They are such interesting little creatures and something else I love to see in the garden.
      Thanks so much for your lovely comment, Barbara.
      PS will you be putting your frog pics on your blog?

  15. Oh how I love that "3rd Birthday" card with the two terriers running at YOU! teeheee

    Dearest Barbara, your visits are always a joy to wake up to and open; thank you for coming to my post. It felt GOOD to sit here at my computer and engage in my favorite past-time: blogging.

    It is raining here now, and we need it. Our summer has been much longer than usual, but the rain has come for me at a perfect time. Certain things in nature "slow" me down and this week with learning yet another technological element for my teaching job, the threat of my husband losing his job, and just the bad news all around our country (government lockdown!), the rain we had seemed to wash away all the noise and I could finally hear what matters.

    I hope you can hear the rain in a different way the next time it comes to you; remember how important you are. Your name is sung in each drop that falls. Anita

    1. Hello Anita, thank you for your lovely words both here and on your blog. I’m so sorry to hear your news. The threat of losing a job is a horrible thing to deal with as is trying to learn new technology. I will be thinking about you both and hope to hear better news soon. We’ve heard about the government lockdown on the television but can’t really begin to image what it must be like. Keep listening to that rain, I’m sure it will bring better news your way. Love Barbara x

  16. What a fun collection you have! And your garden is really beautiful!!

    1. Thanks Gayle, I am really pleased with the garden this year, especially as it was under water for much of last year! I honestly didn’t think anything would survive, but it just shows how strong plants are.

  17. that I delightfully come again, I see the "YOU'RE TWO TODAY" card with yet MORE terriers running to knock me down!

    Dearest Barbara, thank you for coming by Thursday night; it is an honor to share this ether space with kind souls like you who simply want to promote goodness and smile-makers, sweet memories, and love. Have a terrific autumn day in the U.K. Anita

    1. Thank you Anita, your kind words mean more than you could ever know. Barbara xx

  18. Love your cards Barbara - I think my favourite is the one with the foxgloves but then I am such a traditionalist! I agree with you about the monkeys - there was a time when people seemed to be fascinated with them - I always found them a bit creepy! Same with the pics of animals dressed up playing poker etc. I can't believe what those last two cards are worth - I've paid that for some of the paintings I've bid on on eBay by my favourite children's illustrators and been shocked at the price!

    Your garden looks lovely and you are right about this time of year. My dahlias have suddenly decided to put on a spurt after looking miserable all summer. They all seem to be yellow or cream - and here's me thinking I'd have a mixed batch.

    Love the rhyme you finished with!

    1. Hi Sharon, I love the foxglove one too it is very reminiscent of my childhood. The house we lived in was not thatched, but it did have foxgloves growing around the door, and we had a little brown and white dog called Peggy.
      I’m not keen on the ‘dressed animal’ pictures either. I know lots of people like them, but I prefer a more natural look!
      I’m glad your dahlias have come on now, let’s hope the first frost is late this year. It’s such a treat to see butterflies and bees in the garden, sad to think they will all be gone soon.

  19. bookmarked!!, I really like your web site!


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx