
Wednesday 4 December 2013

The Holiday!

Colouring in by Zoe Rose Fisher aged 2 years 10 months.

Thank you so much for all the comments and messages while I've been away. I'm sorry my parting post sounded a little mysterious. I didn't want to mention being away from home in case it signalled an open invitation to any burglars in the area. I was longing to tell you about the upcoming holiday but had to contain myself!

As many of you know we live in England and our son, his lovely wife and our two little granddaughters live in Australia so Malaysia felt like the perfect place to meet. We spent two weeks in Penang, followed by a week in Kuala Lumpur.

Let's Go! This is Lilly (aged 18 months) waiting to board the flight from Adelaide to Malaysia.

I forgot to take my camera so all the photos are courtesy of our son and daughter in law. I thought I had done well with the packing. I remembered to include a small Christmas gift for each member of the family, treats for the girls, plenty of sun tan lotion, tea bags, hair straighteners (unused), lots of shoes (unworn) and changes of clothes but no camera – bah humbug!

Steven and Lilly lead the way while Zoe and I stroll along hand in hand.

Our hotel in Penange was wonderful we stayed in the garden wing of the Shangri-La Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa at Batu Feringgi Beach. If you are ever out that way, I can thoroughly recommend it.

The Shangri-La Rasa

Lilly looking cool in her shades but does it really take two grandparents to push one buggy?

Yum! Zoe enjoying an ice cream.

Lilly feeling the heat.

Chatting with Lilly and Zoe.

The colourful streets around Little India, Kuala Lumpur.

Inside the Petronas Twin Towers, Kuala Lumpur.

It may be 32 degrees outside but inside its Christmas!

We arrived back in the UK on Sunday morning but are still operating on Malaysian time (day feels like night and vice versa) so it may take me a few days to catch up with all your posts. Thanks again for your visits I really appreciate them. 


  1. What a beautiful blog post, your grandchildren are adorable and your holiday looks amazing. It must have been quite a wrench saying goodbye.

    Welcome home Barbara :) x

  2. Hi Yvonne, it was very, very, hard but blogging friends (like you) help to make up for it. Glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks so much for the welcome home. Barbara x

  3. How wonderful to catch up with your family in such a lovely place. The hotel looks beautiful. You must miss them so much but at least the powers of the internet make it easier these days.
    It's good to have your lovely blog to read again! M x

    1. Hi Marina, thanks so much for your lovely comment. I am missing the family, but it was good to spend time with them, and you are right about the power of the Internet.
      I'm looking forward to catching up with your blog posts so will be over shortly. xx


    Welcome home my dear; I knew you'd be off the computer for a bit, and missed you so. But look at the glorious weather you encountered and your grandchildren are just PRECIOUS! Truly, welcome home, and I hope your Christmas festivities are full of child-like wonder and love.

    Thanks for coming to visit my home! Many fond regards, Anita

    1. Dear Anita, it is so lovely to catch up with you. I've missed our ‘chats’. Thank you for your kind words about my grandchildren, they are truly precious – but then I would say that!
      I just need to change my thinking from summer holidays to Christmas now!
      With much love, Barbara.

  5. ~ A big WELCOME HOME from me too, Barbara!
    I have missed you...
    Beautiful photographs capturing the magic moments together...~ those little ones are sooo adorable.....and what a wonderful country to venture together...
    With kindest thoughts...Maria x

    1. Hello Maria – I have missed you too. One of the nicest things about coming home is catching up with all my favourite bloggers – and that includes you.
      We had a truly lovely holiday with lots of magic moments and lots of new memories to cherish.
      Lots of love Barbara x

  6. Barbara ... can you email me your email address as I can't reply to your comments on my blog - your address comes up as a 'no-reply blogger'.
    The church is in Barwick and the barn at Haselbury Mill!
    M x

    1. How odd! I wonder if I've ticked a box somewhere by mistake? Thanks for letting me know where the church and barn, I'm sure I've seen both before.
      I will leave my email address on your blog. Barbara xx

  7. Your grandchildren look so sweet I'm sure the ripples of pleasure they give make you turn in your sleep. And of course everybody knows it takes two grandparents to safely push a buggy. Welcome back. agman

    1. Hello Agman, thank you for the lovely welcome. I was feeling a little sad but dear blogging friends like you really cheer me up. Barbara

  8. I am glad it was really a holiday and not something else. The pictures are lovely, the grandkids beautiful and I like your short hair. LOL - I read 32 degrees and thought perfect cold for Christmas, but then I realized you meant celcius and thought even better Christmas weather. Malaysia looks wonderful.

    1. Hi Alex, I’m sorry about all the ‘cloak and dagger’ stuff, but I think it’s safer not to say when you are going away from home. Thanks for noticing my hair. I’ve spent years trying to tame my natural curls but had a feeling it would be impossible in the hot humid conditions, so I had a short back and sides and let it do its own thing. It went very blond in the sun so that was a bonus. I will probably keep it short now. It is so much easier. Thanks for calling in. Barbara

  9. I must admit it amazes me how many people advertise that their home is standing empty.

    Good to have you back. It looks like a lovely time was had by all. Such wonderful photos, thank you for sharing them with us.

    1. Thanks Tracy. I can't take any credit for the 'photos but I agree they are pretty wonderful! I have lots to catch up with on your blog so will visit again in a day or two. Barbara

  10. Looks like you had the most wonderful time
    Julie xxxxxxx

    1. Hi Julie, I did! Thanks for calling in. Barbara xx

  11. What a wonderful vacation and time with your family! Sounds truly divine! What a lucky grandma to have such beautiful grandchildren! :-)

    1. Hi Gayle, it was a wonderful vacation, and I do remember to count my blessings every day, even when I’m missing them. Thanks for your visit. Barbara.

  12. What a wonderful trip to see your precious little family, your little granddaughters are so pretty bless them...I expect you are feeling a bit chilly
    Thea xx

    1. Hi Thea, not just chilly - blooming freezing! I'm wearing thermal underwear, two jumpers, jogging pants and thick socks and I'm still cold! Arriving back at Heathrow on Sunday morning was a real shock to the system. Thanks for your kind comment, we are very lucky to have such a wonderful family.

  13. So glad you are back!! Have missed your posts!! It looks like a wonderful trip!!

    1. Thank you Teressa it’s nice to be missed. It was a wonderful trip, and I’m sad to be back but lovely blogging friends like you make up for it. xx

  14. I see you enjoyed your fantastic holidays. Your granddaughters are so sweet. Once more I find Lilly looks like my little neighbour when she was a little girl. I've shown the photo to my husband and inmediately said the same and I hadn't told him before.
    I'm very happy you're back, I missed your posts a lot!

    1. Hello Silvina, and I missed your lovely posts too, but I’ve made up for it this morning by visiting and catching up with everything. I like all the early readers you shared, especially the ones with the little pictures replacing parts of the text.
      They do say that everyone has a double so maybe your neighbour's double lives in Australia! Barbara xx

  15. Looks like a fabulous holiday and a great opportunity to see the grandkids. They are so sweet. You do live an adventurous life!

    1. Hello Darlene, it's an odd thing, but we didn’t leave home for years, and now we are never at home! We had an elderly dog for a long time and would not leave her in kennels, so we are making up for lost time. Our son lived in Denmark for a while, so we visited him there a few times, and then he moved out to Australia, so that meant trips there. He was married in Fiji, so of course we went to the wedding and since then the trips have just continued. When we said goodbye at the airport he suggested the next trip should be to Vietnam – but we will need to save up for a while first! Thanks for calling in, Barbara.

  16. You really had wonderful time with your cute grand kids, I am so happy for you :)

  17. Looks like a fabulous time for everyone! Your hotel looks good, Lilly's ice cream looks good, and you look great in that dress, Barbara. And now, you just have to adjust to the time and weather differences ...

    1. Hello Claudine, and what a difference! It was just 4 degrees when we arrived in London on Sunday morning!
      The hotel and ice creams were good. The dress was OK but every time it rained (often) the bottom got wet, so I had to tie a knot in the hem! I should have shortened it before leaving home but somehow ran out of time.

  18. Wow, what a great trip! Welcome back!

    1. Thank you Leanne and thank you for calling in. Barbara.

  19. What an amazing holiday and Lily could have stepped right out of one the children's books on this site. So adorable.

    1. Hello Eve, I thought the exact same thing every time I looked at Lilly. Her face is almost timeless. I think she, and her big sister will break some hearts.

  20. Welcome back! You were missed! It looks and sounds like you had a fabulous vacation! What a holiday! I love that you got to spend time with family and get away to such a beautiful location. :) Great pictures!

    1. Hello Stephanie, thank you for the welcome. I've been overwhelmed by all the lovely comments.
      The location was indeed beautiful and being with the family is always a joy.

  21. Wonderful days with all your family members. Cute grand daughters.

    1. Hi there, thanks for your comment. You have a wonderfully named blog.

  22. Nice to have you back Barbara! Looks like you had a fabulous time on holiday. Those girls are just adorable! Have a wonderful weekend! ~ Diane

    1. Thanks Diane, they are and we did! Thanks for the welcome home.

  23. Welcome home, Barbara! It looks like you've had a fabulous time, and all the photos are lovely! I've wanted to go to Malaysia for a while -- it looks so beautiful.

    1. Thank you, Sophie. It really is the most beautiful country, colourful and with a taste of the exotic. The food is amazing, and the Malay people are incredibly friendly. They love children so Zoe and Lilly were an instant hit!

  24. Morning

    I am the author of a new children's book that I have successfully self published through a Kickstarter. It is also being stocked in Brighton's Waterstones and there is a highly limited print run of 500 (150 have sold on the first day)

    I'm looking to get this book reviewed and for a publisher to pick up on my writing and this particualr series about a purple anteater with a thirst for cream tea.

    Could I submit to yourself for a review and possible interview on how and why I self publish (this is my 4th book).

    Many thanks

    1. Hello Greg,
      I love the sound of a purple anteater with a thirst for cream tea! I don’t really review new titles, as I sell and blog about vintage/out-of-books but I do wish you every success with it. Barbara

  25. How wonderful!! Malaysia wow! Looks like a nice place to visit during the winter that is for sure! ;-)

    1. Hi Jamie, it was wonderful and so nice to feel warm! I love England but the dark winter days can get a bit depressing. Thanks for calling in.

  26. What a wonderful vacation. I'm so glad you got to spend time with your family and in such a lovely warm place.

    1. Thanks Donna, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and came home with a tan!


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx