
Thursday 20 February 2014

Bobby Bear, Flossie and Fluffie, Gumpa and other Newly Catalogued Items

This is a small selection of recently catalogued items and a sneak peak at some awaiting cataloguing. If you are looking for a particular title, please let me know, and I will do my best to find it. As new stock is listed it will be available to view at March House Books. For more details about any of the featured items, please click on the links or use the 'email me' link in the right-hand column.  

Poor Pussy a collection of verses by Jessie Pope with beautiful illustrations by A. E. Kennedy. Sold, thank you for your interest.

When Flossie and Fluffie, one day, were invited, to stay at the farm, they were very delighted. They carefully packed - without wrinkle or crease - their "nighties" and shirts, and a toothbrush apiece. The first day was sunny, and off they both set to a bulrushy river, each armed with a net. They both caught a fish which they popped in a pail, and ate them for dinner - fins, backbone and tail! 

I've just started listing a large collection of Bobby Bear Annuals. It will take some time to list them all, but the following are available now and more will be added as I get time.

Bobby Bear's Annual 1923 - Sold
Bobby Bear's Annual 1924 - Sold
Bobby Bear's Annual 1925 - Sold
Bobby Bear's Annual 1931 - Sold
Bobby Bear's Annual 1935 - Sold
Bobby Bear's Annual 1937 - Sold
Bobby Bear's Annual 1950 - Sold
Bobby Bear's Annual 1952 - Sold
Bobby Bear's Annual 1954 - Sold
Bobby Bear's Annual 1959 - Sold
Bobby Bear's Annual 1961 - Sold

Above - from the top; Ladybird books - The Weather by F. E. Newing, Musical Instruments by Ann Rees, William the Conqueror by L du Garde Peach, Julius Caesar also by L du Garde Peach and Flight Six The Holy Land. Early Readers -  Tip and Mitten the McKee Readers No. 2 published in 1955, Janet and John Book Four also published in 1955, A series of ‘Gay Colour Books’ written by Alice Williamson and published in the 60s - The Little Black Cat, The Little Green Hat, The Little Orange Top and The Big Red Ball, Lenny The Lion’s third annual 1961. All sold, thanks for looking.

 The Weather, Musical Instruments, William The Conqueror, Julius Caesar, Flight six the Holy Land, Tip and Mitten, Janet and John Book Four, The Little Black Cat, The Little Green Hat, The Little Orange Top and The Big red Ball are all sold, thank you for your interest.

This lovely painting book is by Ivy Wallace. I’ve featured her Pookie Books before here and here. This title is from the Animal Shelf Series.  Gumpa's Paint Book is now sold, thank you for your interest.

The following books will be listed at March House Books over the next few days. If you would like more details before they are listed please email or leave a comment.

Meanwhile after all the wind and rain - Mother Nature still manages to do this -

 Snowdrops and primroses flowering alongside 

Christmas Roses.

Another image from Gumpa's Paint Book

I hope you've enjoyed this quick preview. Thanks for calling in.

Update July 2016: March House books closed on my retirement in 2015, but I do still blog here at March of Time Books and always appreciate your visit. 


  1. Such a gorgeous selection of books, I absolutely adore The White Kitten book.

    Isn't nature wonderful, it's hard to believe that so many beautiful flowers can still blossom after such ghastly weather. Those snowdrops are so pretty. I loved seeing all my daffodils pushing through the earth, they're almost ready to burst with colour.

    The air seems fresh and crisp lately....a touch of Spring perhaps :)

    I hope you're having a good week x

    1. Hello Yvonne, I agree; the white kitten is gorgeous!
      I didn’t think the snowdrops in our garden would survive the water, but there they are flowering away & the daffs won’t be far behind.
      Have a lovely weekend. xx

  2. Good morning Barbara!

    I wanted to make sure I looked to see if my blogroll was working and THERE YOU ARE! A NEW POST! It is lush with colorful and happy finds, just what I need to start off this SNOWY day. I hope you are well! I see you are so busy with the books, and my dream would be to see this collection in person.

    I wish you a lovely day, dear Barbara! Anita

    1. Hello Anita,
      How nice to see you!
      Have you had fresh snow? I do hope not. We’ve had sunshine and showers, much nicer than torrential rain.
      Maybe you will come and visit me one day, but until then I hope you continue to enjoy the books on my blog.
      Have a lovely rest of the week and weekend. xx

  3. Every time I visit here, I drool most disgracefully. I so want to walk through your store and smell the air and pick up a book and get lost in the pages... :)

    1. Hello Bish, please drool away! I will try to waft you a little bookish smell via the blog! There – did you get that? Thanks for your visit.

  4. Even more than this great selection of books it was the cat ornaments that caught my eye as I can remember these from my grandparents home. I always loved them as a child and wonder what happened to them.

    1. Hello Tracy, I found the cat ornaments at an antique fair. I fell in love with them and knew they would be coming home with me. They look very happy on my kitchen window, especially when the sun is shining.

  5. Lots of cute kitten books. The spring flowers look promising . Have fun cataloguing your new arrivals.

  6. I have, I have. The paintings are so lovely, especially the last one from Gumpa's Paint Book, and it's good (such a blessing) to watch the flowers bloom after the windy damage. The cat ornaments also caught my eye. They do look like they're having a great time on your kitchen window ledge, Barbara!

    1. Oh good, that’s nice to know!
      I didn’t intend to leave the cats there, but they look so at home I don’t have the heart to move them.
      Have a lovely weekend. xx

  7. It is always such fun to catch up on the books you are finding or cataloging. I learn so much and see so many new/old books. I love it! The colors on the top Bobby Bear Annual are beautiful- so vibrant. Thanks for sharing and letting us enjoy your finds. :) May more spring weather come your way.

    1. Hi Stephanie, the Bobby Bears are bright and colourful, inside as well as out. Thank you for taking the time to look, I enjoy sharing them. Have a good weekend. Barbara.

  8. Wonderful pictures..Loved the beautiful flowers :-)

  9. I feel like we missed out on a LOT of wonderful books/illustrations here in the USA. I've never seen most of these, and I'm a kid lit nut. Maybe I should have moved to England! :-) Your flowers are gorgeous!! My Mom loves primroses.

  10. Little Grey Rabbit! I remember being mesmerised as a child by the perfection of the illustrations and all the detail. Lovely post.

    1. Well spotted! The Little Grey Rabbit books are a joy and always sell really quickly.

  11. Dearest Barbara,

    Do you know that when I visit you, it IS like visiting an angel's library? The kindness that streams out of these innocent and lovingly illustrated works fit for little hands makes me long for a world where only children and childlike adults can play. Thank YOU for being an angel to me, someone who celebrates that which is good, kind, lovely...oh the adjectives go on and on.

    Your comments are just golden. Anita

    1. Dear Anita, I wish I had the words to express how much your comments mean to me. Thank you for being a wonderful person and a very special friend. Barbara x

  12. Great flowers and I love the book covers

    1. I'm happy you like them. Thanks for taking the time to let me know. Barbara

  13. Barbara, the images in each post you share are always so wonderful, even when I haven't seen most of the books before. I really feel that your job is a pleasure...being surrounded by pretty things all day!

    1. Hello Silvina,
      I count my blessings every day! I love books and pretty things, so my ‘job’ is perfect!
      Thanks for your visit. Barbara

  14. Beautiful flowers :) It's always a joy to visit and see what great books you've got to show us.

    P.S. - There was a change of plan, so I'll now hae those books for you in a couple of weeks.

    1. Hi Nikki-ann,
      If it’s proving difficult, please don’t worry about sending them. It was nice of you to think of me but there really is no obligation.
      I’m so pleased you are enjoying the books (and flowers) Barbara.

  15. I think I could get stuck on that shelf with the Gumpa paint books and those adorable illustrated characters!

    1. Hello Eve, I might just join you on that shelf! :-) I love the way the illustrator has caught the shadows and painted them on the wall. Thanks for your visit.

  16. All these lovely childrens books take you back. I didn't have many books, just read the ones I had from cover to cover. My Gran had a drawer full of them which had been there for years. I think I have mentioned some of them to you previously. Some stories I can remember one of which was the boy who woke up one morning to a world of one large patchwork quilt with holes in it for people to get in and out

    1. I wish I could find a copy of that story. It sounds wonderful. I’ve just tried a search on Google but putting ‘patchwork’ into the search engine brings up masses of craft books. I will keep looking and let you know if I should ever be lucky enough to find it.
      If anyone reading this recognises the story, please leave a comment.

  17. The cover image of Poor Pussy is inviting and your slenderly curved Cat with a tilted head looking like a Dresden China piece is complimenting so well with it! For your collection of books only one word I have-Envious! Second is - Marvelous ! And the beautiful and amazingly BIG blooms......... they are so brethtaking. All dewy, fresh and bowing . I have never seen a Christmas Rose so thanks for this treat.Its beautiful though I wonder if its truly a rose? Love, Kokila

    1. Hello Kokila, my mum grew Christmas roses when I was a little girl, and I just carried on the tradition. It never occurred to me to wonder if they were related to a ‘real’ rose but your question intrigued me, so I’ve just looked it up. According to Wikipedia “the correct name for Christmas rose is hellebores. Despite names such as Christmas rose and Lenten rose, hellebores are not closely related to the rose family” So we’ve both learnt something today.

      On one of my recent visits to your blog, you were sharing pictures of a tree and fruit that I had never seen before, I love seeing things like that.
      Thanks for your visit. Barbara x

  18. Those flowers are gorgeous and so colorful. As for the books, I love the 'Poor Pussy' cover - it's just so adorable and the rhyme is delightful.

    1. The flowers smelt every bit as good as they looked, the perfume filled the house for days. I love hyacinths and all the spring flowers. Thanks for calling in.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx