
Thursday 6 February 2014

Valentine - You Float my Boat!

Unusual 'rocking' valentine card.
Valentine don't rock the boat you upset my heart! 

Three teeny tiny cards  (Now sold)
It's not because of paper lace or posies hearts and things
 I hope you like this Valentine but for the love it brings.

Heart shaped paper lace

Hearts a flutter (Now sold)

Valentine greetings for my teacher (now sold)
There are a lot of teachers, and I've seen quite a few,
 but there's no other in the world that’s half as fine as you.

 Cupid written and illustrated by Babette Cole. 

 When Cupid and his parents the God of Thunder and the Goddess of Beauty come to Earth, he is supposed to act like other kids. But Cupid steals a bow and arrow from the boy next door and quickly learns that when his arrows meet their mark, hilarious results will follow.


  1. Good morning Barbara!

    I love your world here, and you know it! I adore the choices you share because they all evoke a time and for me, sadly, it is a time PAST. My husband and I were just saying last night that today's youth for example, (since we both work with youth in education) have too many choices around them, and in some strange way, we both wonder if those choices have robbed them of an innocent wonder. The illustrations and stories of these vintage items are precious and lovely, and for me represent a time of sweet innocence. Thank you for the choices of magic that you share with us.

    1. Hello Anita, and I love sharing them with you and all my other very special blogging friends. I agree about it being a time of greater innocence back then. Things have changed so much, and I feel children are missing out on much of the magic of childhood. Thank you for coming to see me today Anita, I really appreciate it. Barbara x

  2. Lovely cards Barbara..Especially 3rd one is too beautiful :-)

    1. I agree there is something very special and romantic about paper lace. Thanks for calling in.

  3. What great Valentines Day cards, Barbara. I still love it, partly becausei it is such a harbinger of spring. By the way, I hope you haven't been affected by the heavy rain and flooding I have been reading about in Somerset.

    1. Hello Alex, Snowdrops and Valentines Day are sure signs that spring is on the way. I say that and then look out of the windows and realise it might be a little further off! The fields around us are saturated and there is a stream in our garden that has no business being there, but we are very, very lucky. People on the Somerset levels have been flooded for weeks on end, and many have had to leave their homes. It’s heartbreaking to see so much devastation. It has rained all day today and more is on the way so it doesn’t look like getting better any time soon. Thanks for your kind comment Alex, I appreciate it. Barbara.

  4. Great selection. I'm surprised that the card to the teacher is from the 1930's as we tend to think of Valentine's cards to individuals other than our sweetheart a fairly recent thing. It just goes to show that things were fairly commercialised even then.

    1. Hi Tracy, I could easily be wrong about the date of the teacher card. I took a guess at the 1930s because all the cards were sent to the same lady, and I feel sure the paper lace one dates from earlier. I suppose she could have been older, by the time she started teaching so it could be 1940s or even 50s. The cards were all made by Whitney in America and looking online most people are estimating dates between 1920 and 1940. If anyone reading this has a better idea I would love to know. Glad you enjoyed the selection. Thanks for taking the time to comment. Barbara

  5. Thanks for sharing these wonderful cards. I have been pinning tons to my boards. I wish I had saved all the ones I received as a kid. They were so cute!

    1. Hi Diane, I'm coming over to take another look at your Pinterest boards as soon as I’ve left this reply. I can’t get enough of things like this. Thanks for your visit. Barbara.

  6. Perfect, perfect, perfect!

    I adore them all, thank you so much for sharing these :)

    You always find the most gorgeous things.

    Have a lovely day x

    1. Thanks Yvonne, I do my best! Have a good weekend. Barbara x

  7. Lovely and precious cards, Barbara. I can't decide whether to be charmed or amused by the 'Don't rock the boat' one, but of course my favourite is the one for teachers.

    1. Hello Claudine, I thought you might favour that one. I think the ‘don’t rock the boat’ card was perfectly suitable for the time it was produced, not so sure it would be appreciated now though. Thanks for your visit.

  8. These are adorable! I love the one for the teacher the most (probably because I am a teacher). :) Vintage valentines are so sweet. Thanks for sharing these with us!

    1. Hello Stephanie, I don’t think I’ve seen a Valentine card for teachers before. There are always plenty around at Christmas time but this one seems more unusual. Have you ever received one?

    2. Hi Barbara- I have received some Valentine's cards for teachers. Some of the boxes of valentines that the kids get come with one for the teacher. Many of them are very sweet, but the one you posted is fabulous. The message is much longer. :)

    3. How lovely Stephanie, and certainly something to put in your keepsake box.

  9. I love the old valentines. So charming. The Cupid books looks like fun.

    1. Hello Darlene, the Cupid book is a lot of fun, only Babette Cole could have thought of it! Thanks for calling in. Barbara.

  10. XOXOXOXO! Thank you so much for coming over so swiftly last night dearest Barbara! Enjoy all the crazy love in your life and let's have a little spring....I am getting exhausted from this miserable CHILL!

    1. Hello Anita, you are always one of the first (if not the first) to comment on my blog, so I was trying to do the same. The problem is I was in bed when you published your post, so I was a little late. I will try harder next time. Spring would be a welcome relief in this part of the world too. It's not chilly but it sure is wet! Keep warm Anita, Happy Valentines Day!

  11. Dear Barbara..~ Ooh i love the first card and all it's delightful colours and details...~ They are so very nostalgic and precious..
    Thank you also Barbara for taking the time to come and visit me in both my blog corners, this means an awful lot...Hugs Maria x

    1. Hello Maria, I love my visits to your blog and to Bumble Bee, so it really is no hardship. I was thrilled to see more photos of Little Bee, so adorable.
      Thanks for calling in, so pleased you like the cards. Barbara x

  12. So sweet. I love valentines with lace and hearts and pinks and reds.

    1. Hello Donna, me too, the prettier the better as far as I’m concerned!

  13. I love seeing these vintage items :) So sweet!

    1. Hi Nikki-ann, I'm glad you like them. Thanks for your visit. Barbara.

  14. All cards are like exquisite gems ...I specially liked the rocking boat and the paper lace one! Beautiful collection you have ! Thanks to you we get a feast of innocence ,vintage love and warmth with every post of yours :)

    1. Hello Kokila, I’m so glad you are enjoying them. Thank you for replying to my comment on a previous post, your good wishes are much appreciated. Lots of love, Barbara.

  15. They are just lovely...the first one is so sweet! Lucky you owning such a wonderful collection.

    1. Hello Silvina,
      I do feel very lucky to have them. Thanks for calling in. x


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx