
Friday 28 March 2014

Book of the Month; The Weather Fairies by Marion St. John Webb Illustrated by Margaret Tarrant c1924

March winds

and April showers

bring forth May flowers

Listening to the wind and rain outside my window it’s difficult to believe spring has arrived.  I was hoping to take a few photographs today, but due to the inclement weather, I'm reverting to some from previous years.

6th May, 2011
Sunshine, dogs and walking shoes; see original post here

3rd May, 2013
Bluebells at Dunster Castle; see original post here 

The Weather Fairies by Marion St. John Webb 
Published by The Modern Art Society, London. Now sold, thank you for your interest

I love the spring. Do you have a favourite time of the year?


  1. Your post weather fairies is so good, the illustrations are magic, thank you. the month of May it has to be, winter has gone away you see, be well Agman

    1. Dear Agman, I couldn't agree more! The chilly days are mostly behind us, and we have the summer and autumn to look forward to. Thanks for your visit and kind words, Barbara

  2. Gorgeous faerie illustrations
    Julie xxx

    1. Thanks Julie, glad you like them. I hope you are doing something fun this weekend. xx

  3. The fairies are darling! Your photos are just the medicine I need for my winter weary eyes! Just lovely Barbara.... I will be pinning some of these! I hope you have some sunshine this weekend. ~ Diane

    1. Thanks Diane. I think Pinterest is the best thing on the Internet at the moment. It’s certainly taken over my life. I just love it. Please Pin away! I hope you also have some sunshine and a lot less snow. Have a good weekend, Barbara.

  4. Love the illustrations!! Margaret Tarrant's illustrations of Water Babies and Pied Piper of Hamlin are some of my favorite memories from my childhood!!! Love your lamb photo, so cute!!

    1. Hi Teressa, I agree Margaret Tarrant’s illustrations for the water babies are beautiful. I don’t remember the pics from the Pied Piper, but I’m sure they are just as good.
      Lambs always make me smile; there is just something so joyous about them. Thanks for your visit, Barbara

  5. I adore the weather fairies!

    It's lovely seeing your Spring photographs and remembering how the season is supposed to look. Autumn used to be my favourite season, but we had such a long, hard Winter that I'm actually longing for Summer.

    Have a wonderful weekend dear Barbara x

    1. Hi Yvonne, I’m craving warmth and sunshine, so I agree with you roll on summer. I shouldn’t say that really because I do love spring time, and it is sunny today, just not very warm.
      Enjoy your weekend, don’t work too hard. Barbara xx

  6. Lovely photos. I do have a favourite season and, curiously, it's Autumn. I love the smells of things beginning to wind down and the morning chills that remind us winter is on the way. Weird, I know but I can't help it.

    1. Hi Roger, I usually look forward to the autumn, but after the winter we’ve just had, I can’t say I feel like that at the moment. I remember my parents saying the cold didn’t agree with their bones, and I can see myself saying the exact same thing any time now! Have a great weekend. Barbara.

  7. I love spring and seeing everything start to bloom (even with my allergies). We are getting lots of rain here, so it won't be long before we start seeing everything come back to life.

    Your pictures are beautiful and make me want to get out and enjoy the season (just as soon as it stops raining).

    What a gorgeous book! I love the illustrations. :) Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Stephanie, allergies are a real nuisance. I'm OK so long as I don’t go near any kind of ivy. I only have to brush against it start sneezing.
      It is the most beautiful spring day in Somerset, blue sky and sunshine. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  8. What a beautiful book and yippie for spring. It's lovely outside right now. So I think it's time I grab a book and cup of tea and enjoy. Have a great weekend!

    1. A cup of tea and a book sound like my idea of heaven. Enjoy! Thanks for your visit.

  9. Spring has to be my favorite my friend, but when each season arrives and is fresh and new, I have to admit that I say, "THIS IS MY FAVORITE!" and that includes winter! But after this past winter, I think I'll do as everyone else does and count winter as one of the least favorites! Spring is finally knocking on our doors, but not without winter putting up a good fight. We had snow on Thursday, but we are promised that this weekend is going to change everything.

    I love that lamb....and may you see pink petals fall from the sky!

    1. Hi Anita, I can identify with that but spring is my favourite – well it is today! : )
      I hope the weekend lived up to its promise with no snow and lots of sunshine.
      I would love to see pink petals falling from the sky – how beautiful that would be. Love & hugs, Barbara xx.

  10. Its absolutely gorgeous Barbara. I love the picture of the sun on the cover and also the winter illustration you have included in the slideshow of the book. This is when I wish I could just splurge and buy what I want when I see it! Spring is a wonderful month and there is nothing more beautiful than the flowers at this time of year but I think summer has to be my favourite - long days and the promise of sitting outside in warm sunshine :)

    1. Hello Sharon, I had a feeling you would like it. Splurging on nice things is not as easy as it once was, but at least with blogs, we can share each other's pretty things without having to own them ourselves. I’m often very envious when I visit your blog, but then I count myself lucky to share some of your treasured possessions.
      It will be wonderful to put the garden chairs back out, not long now!
      I hope you had a lovely mother's day. xx

  11. Hello dear Barbara, I think of you very often & your kind & tender heartedness.
    I love the Margaret Tarrant book of course! I haven't seen some of those illustrations of hers before so thank you so much for giving us a peek. How wonderful to imagine weather fairies : ) Did you discover the Peter-phore in your post after some pondering?
    I love your spring shame about the present dullness &.. the bluebells...I will never tire of them, not ever! It was only in recent years that I discovered that they are quite scented.
    Much love from way down here, Catherine x0x0x

    1. Hello Catherine, how lovely to see you! I’ve not visited your blog in a while but must remedy that asap. I bet I’ve missed out on lots of good things.
      I’m still pondering the Peter-phore. I do believe if something is meant to happen it will. What that 'something' might be is not yet clear – but keep watching!!
      There is nothing nicer than walking through a wood full of bluebells on a sunny day. The scent is intoxicating. Add a touch of bird song and you have found my idea of paradise.. Lots of love Barbara. xx

  12. I love that lamb picture.
    What a great story idea - weather fairies and the pictures are wonderful.

    1. There are a few new-born lambs in the fields around where we live; I love to see them running around in the sunshine.
      I have to say I agree the idea of weather fairies is very creative.

  13. Lovely spring pictures. I like spring but summer is truly my favourite season.

    1. Hello Darlene, I'm glad you enjoyed the pics. I'm rather partial to the summer but still think spring is best.

  14. Good morning Barbara! Thank you so much my dear friend from afar, for coming to visit me! We are all well (to my knowledge!) but my poem is dedicated to a blogger friend who discovered she has cancer. But there is great hope, and she is resting. Now enjoy your day, and hoping it is a warm and sunny one! BIG HUGS Anita

    1. Dear Anita, I am relieved to know you are all well, thank you so much for taking the time to let me know. I do hope your blogger friend is soon recovered. The sun is shining in the UK. I hope the same can be said for you. With love, Barbara.

  15. Oh my goodness another wonderful post. Perfect given the time of year. I thought Spring had sprung here in the north east but alas it only lasted for one day before we had a few days of hail with thunder and lightning.

    1. Hi Tracy, such a shame about the hail & thunder but looking at the weather map, I think you are OK now? It’s going to be very warm here today (around 19 degrees) so it should feel like a summer's day. I must get my camera and go for a walk. Thanks for calling in.

  16. Spring is my favourite although given the dry weather in Singapore, we only have incredibly warm seasons and rainy seasons. Love those flowers, especially the bluebells, and the picture of the dog in that awkward position! Also, those fairy postcards are beautiful.

    1. Hi Claudine, I remember you saying you loved bluebells, so I was hoping you would call in and see these. The dog is actually a lamb but it’s an easy mistake to make as they do look very alike. Have a lovely day. Barbara.

  17. Spring is my favourite time of the year but I have been reminded that we are one quarter of the way through the year, which if frightening!

    I have never heard of the Weather Fairies! Beautiful drawings too.

    1. Hi Anne Marie, I can’t believe three months have already gone – it will soon be Christmas! : )
      The weather fairies' book is quite scarce. I’ve only seen three copies in about 20 years of book collecting/selling. Enjoy the rest of the week, Barbara.

  18. Dear Barbara..
    Such a treat to see these beautiful, illustrations by of course Margaret Tarrent...
    I could look at them all day, so dreamy and the colours really special..
    I have mentioned before I have Alice in Wonderland ( my mama's) illustrated by Margaret too...
    SPRING for me too..
    There is nothing so beautiful as all the new life to behold just now...
    Happy April to you, lovely Barbara...
    hugs Maria x

    1. Thank you Maria, Happy April and hugs back to you. Barbara xxxx

  19. Hello there, like most people spring is my favorite season though I am partial to light winters called here in North India as "Gulabi Thand" or "Pink winters" and for some inexplicable reason the strange title suits it perfectly ! I wait eagerly for the onset of winters (Feb-March) when its the gulabi or pink type... light chill, cold wind , flowers still in bloom and the early dusk with hot ginger-cardamom tea......
    As for the book like most of your collection, it had that dream like ethereal look to it... specially the image titled 'March Wind' ... I so wish that my kids can read the book as they are easily influenced by the forces of nature... even in the shape of an illustration !
    Best wishes for a nice spring and calm weather .... Love, Kokila.

    1. Dear Kokila,
      I love reading about your country. I feel I learn something new each time I come to visit you and now when you visit me. Pink winter is such a descriptive name, how wonderful. The hot ginger-cardamom tea sounds delicious.
      Thank you for your visit Kokila, Happy April. Barbara. xx

  20. Love the weather fairies and your photos. My favorite time is always summer. Even in the desert. Although I don't live in the desert anymore, so I'm thinking it will be even sweeter, lazier and way more fun.

    1. Hello Eve, I read you left the desert. I hope the move went well, and you are enjoying your new home. I’m sorry I’ve not been for a visit recently the days are just galloping away. xx

  21. These are beautiful images. I have been thinking of making a weather doll coincidentally.
    These certainly have given me inspiration. Now I need to see how I can make it all work

    1. Hello Shashi, I’m already looking forward to seeing your weather doll. Maybe you could even make one for each season? Thanks for your visit, Barbara.

  22. Greetings human, Barbara,

    Lovely to make your acquaintance :) Such wondrous, magical, enchanting photos. Your beautiful photos make me immerse myself in the thoughts of the green and pleasant land. My human and I love fairies. We have wee folks reside in our magical garden.

    Thank you for this. I love lambs. May the rebirth that is spring fill our hearts with inspired energy.

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

    1. Hello Penny, I’m delighted to meet you! I love dogs of any shape and size but of course Jack Russell’s are my favourite! I’m very pleased to meet your human too, I love to share ‘photos of pretty things.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx