
Monday 16 February 2015

Dream Homes For Sale

Today I have two characterful properties for you to explore both are situated on a small bookshelf close to all amenities.  The first property comprises a kitchen, sitting room, bedroom and bathroom.  The second is a self-build in need of a little renovation.

Westminster Books 521A Bancroft & Co Doll's House
Doll's House

A bright sunny kitchen 1950s style
A bright, sunny kitchen complete with all mod cons.  

The sitting room with modern TV and fireplace
The comfy sitting room with a TV in the corner and a picture above the fireplace.

A double bed a cot and a potty
A double bed, a cot and a potty!

A typical 1950s bathroom with pink bath - pop-up book
A typical 1950s bathroom with pink bath and fitted cupboards. This picture shows how the property looks when open for visitors.

My Dolly's Home
My Dolly's Home with furniture and many cut-outs 1950s book
This self-build property comprises a cardboard sleeve with five cardboard inserts, two of the inserts are made up of several figures to cut out. These including two children, a dog, a cat, a plant on a side table, a TV (showing Humpty Dumpty sitting on his wall!), a lamp, a stool and a waste bin. There is also a cardboard rug to place in front of the fire, a stand-up sofa (one slot is torn) and the inside wall of a house, with a fireplace with five different size elephants standing on the mantelpiece,  an old telephone, pictures and a standard lamp.  

A Tower Press product Made in England No. 115, undated but I would guess 1950/60s.

My Dolly's Home the cosy living room
A cosy room.

My Dolly's Home all the pieces to cut-out and play
All the pieces waiting to be cut-out and played with.

A Tower Press product Made in England No. 115, undated but I would guess 1950s.
Close up of children, dog, cat and furniture.

That concludes our tour. Thank you for visiting and please click on the links for full particulars.

A lovely blogging friend from A Little Bit Vintage just suggested I should add the following  –

'Early Viewings Are Highly Recommended To Fully Appreciate The Unique Qualities Of These Charming Homes'. 

 How perfect is that? Thank you Francis!

Both featured books are now sold, thank you for your interest.

If you have the time please call in at my other blog - For travelling the bride wore a pink and blue two-piece.  My sister Sue and my cousin John are sharing a little about their lives, and I'm writing about my parents, grandparents and other family members. I also do the occasional Sepia Saturday post where a variety of topics are covered. 


  1. They were still selling something like the bottom house in the sixties because I had one along with a theatre, which was Aladdin.
    Julie xxxxxxxxx

    1. Thank you Julie, I’ve updated the post to read c1950/60s. It’s always a guess with these things so your help is really appreciated. Have a lovely day, Barbara xx

  2. Barbara - GOOD MORNING! How great it is to see you again! And with such a charming tour of property in the best location: THE IMAGINATION! I have never seen anything like this but I'm sure they exist in American childrens literature...the pop outs are so lovely and I can remember wanting to MAKE something similar when I was a child! Each room surely speaks the 1950s into the early 60s. What an era - my era!

    And I just visited your other site! LOVELY recollections of a time past but ever so important to keep the memories spinning. So good to see you dear one! Anita

    1. Hello Anita, thank you so much for coming to visit me today. I’m glad you enjoyed my virtual home tour, and I’m thrilled you called in at the other blog (very much a work in progress). I hope life is being kind to you. Sending love and hugs Barbara xx

  3. Adorable books, I'm sure they'll be winging there way to a good home soon.


    1. Hello Jean, I’m really enjoyed them, so I hope they will remain on ‘my’ shelf for a little while. Thanks for coming over for the tour. Barbara x

  4. Oh how wonderful these two are. I don't think I've ever seen these pull out books on houses before. The first picture reminds me of the illustration of Enid Blyton's book, The Family at Red Roofs. It showed a house with a red tiled roof. It always stuck in my mind even when I grew up and when I found a copy in a charity shop, I bought it, and read it of course.

    1. How funny Anne Marie I knew it reminded of another book, but I just couldn’t think what – but that is exactly it! Thank you now I can stop worrying about it. I hate this getting old lark, I forget everything!

    2. I"m glad I've solved your problem, Barbara, what I also was going to say after I'd pressed the button was I used to draw inside of rooms when I was a child, often looking like this sort of stuff, fireplace always was in the centre. I know the feeling about getting old, as I think I'm quite ancient.

    3. Drawing the inside of rooms takes real talent, my drawing skills only went as far as drawing the outside of houses. I liked to draw a picket fence around the house and a curving path leading to the front door but could never get the perspective right. My houses always looked as if they were sitting on top of the path (a bit like a tree house). I don’t really mind the getting old, but I do find the forgetfulness frustrating. Selling books and a good memory sort of go hand in hand as I’m often asked for recommendations, which is not easy when I can’t remember what day it is! :-)

  5. Those are adorable. I've never seen anything quite like that before but I would have LOVED to have had those as a child. I loved doll houses and pop-up/lift the flap books and those are just the perfect combination of both.

    1. Hi Fiona, I would have loved them too, but I might have loved them a little too much, to the point where they fell apart! I don’t think these have been played with very much, which is a shame. Thanks for calling in.

  6. These are so wonderful. I used to love my dollhouse, so did my Kiddo when she was growing up (and hopefully she will have a daughter some day), but these are so lovely and take up so much less space - like playing with cut out dolls. I love your pet additons.

    1. Hi Alex, I had a son so no chance to play with a doll’s house. I did play with his Star Wars figures though, and I suppose it could be said the Millennium Falcon was a kind of doll’s house! The pets were a charity shop find, I wanted to add a little ‘life’ to the pictures, and I think it worked.

  7. Absolutely charming! This would have been something I know I would have played with!

  8. Those do look like they'd be worth a lot of money these days. My kids would love them. Then probably destroy them.

    1. Hi Stephen, I think most kids would! They are very fragile so it’s amazing they’ve survived as long as they have.

  9. I loved pop-up books as a child and still love them today. When I have to give a birthday gift for a toddler, I always give the same alphabet pop-up book and the mothers always tell me it becomes a favorite.

    Don't you love the design of the houses in that pop-up!

    Thanks for the sweet words on my latest post!

    1. Your post was perfect for Valentines Day, and I really enjoyed it.

      I think you’ve found a winning formula with the pop-up alphabet book. I must try that myself.

      Thanks for your visit, Barbara.

  10. So adorable!! I wish I had something like this when I was a little one.

    1. Me too! I’m sure it would have been hours of fun.

  11. These are wonderful. What little girl wouldn´t love them. I can see hours of enjoyment here.

    1. I absolutely agree Darlene. It's amazing they have stayed in one piece.

  12. How fun! I would have loved either of these growing up- but especially the one that folds out into 4 rooms. I would have thought it was the coolest thing to take my dollhouse with me on the go! I also loved looking at the old style bathroom and kitchen. :)

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Stephanie, I hadn’t thought of them as portable dollhouses but that is exactly what they are. What fun. I enjoyed sharing, thank you for looking. Barbara

  13. Hi Barbara! I'm finally getting back into blogging again so I thought I would stop by your lovely book blog. It's always a pleasure to see what treasures you have in store :) These "tours" were delightful!

    1. Thanks so much Brandy.
      Good luck with all your projects in 2015 it looks as though you are going to have a busy year.

  14. All are wonderful but that cosy room is my favorite, how cute !

    1. Hi Aunt Mary, I have to agree with you. I would be very content in a room like that. Have a happy day, Barbara.

  15. I am so happy to see you back, Barbara, and what a fun and delightful post!!! That 50's bathroom is fantastic. Love this. :)

    1. Thank you so much Linda, that’s a lovely thing to say. xx

  16. The colours and designs are so evocative of that late 50s/early 60s era - wonderful. These days, the "play houses" are from Lego or Playmobil, but it's the same idea!

    1. I hadn’t thought of it like that Sue, but of course you are right. I’m sure children get just as much fun from today’s toys, but (for me) some of the charm is missing.

    2. Strange though it seems, in 50 years today's toys will seem quaint and charming too!

  17. Oh, how adorable are these houses (and so fully equipped)? I can imagine playing with them with my sisters when we were very young, running home from kindergarten and setting up the houses to play for hours.

    1. You paint a lovely picture Claudine. I can almost see you and your sister playing. :-)

  18. Dear Barbara, Having just recently entered the property market I was intrigued by these properties. Alas none are suitable for my requirements as I desire adjacent accommodation suitable for my two vintage Dinky cars.

    1. Dear John, there is plenty of room for your Dinky cars on the bookshelf - but you will have to build the garage yourself! :-)

  19. I've a confession to make! I've just bought My Dolly's Home as it's my daughter's 35th birthday today and I want her to show it to my granddaughters... No - the truth is I can't wait to relive my own childhood. Am I forgiven, Barbara?

    1. Absolutely nothing to forgive you for Marilyn, I’m delighted it is going to such a loving home. Have fun! Thank you very much for the order, Barbara

  20. Hi Barbara - As an Estate Agent dealing with similar charming properties - I think you should add 'Early Viewings Are Highly Recommended To Fully Appreciate The Unique Qualities Of These Charming Homes'.
    Thank you for your 'blog list' help recently - it worked! You are a treasure.
    Stay Warm, Frances x

    1. Thank you Frances, I will take your expert advice and add that now! One of the properties sold this afternoon, and I was quite sad to see it go.
      It is a bit nippy out but lovely and sunny.
      Happy I could help, Barbara x

  21. I love those house-books. That would have been SO much fun as a child.

    1. Hello Stephanie, how right you are – I sometimes feel I missed out on so much, but I’m making up for it now! :-)

  22. These are just adorable! Sorry I'm so late getting here, but I'm so glad I didn't miss this cute post!

    1. It’s always a pleasure to see you Diane x

  23. Oh Barbara what a delightful house, very much after my own heart. I am sure this property won't be in the market for too long if it has not already been snapped up.

    1. Hello Shashi, new owners have taken possession of one of the properties, and the other one is getting lots of viewings. It may or may not change hands, but I don’t really mind either way as I’m enjoying it so much! Thanks for coming over, Barbara.

  24. What wonderful books! My niece would adore them (and I think I would too!).

    1. Morning Nikki-ann, it’s hard not to (adore them) they are just so sweet!

  25. Just stopping by to say "Hi" real quick. (I don't get on the blog very often anymore, but don't want to abandon it completely.) What delightful little house books these are! Love them!

    1. Thanks Gayle, it’s lovely to hear from you again. I’m glad you are not giving up blogging completely.

  26. Look, what I missed ! But Not any more :)
    To say that 'I Loved the books' would be repetitive :p but then that's the first emotion one feels! Warmth , cosiness and love such beautiful homes. How wonderful it would be to design the cutouts !
    Loved the old Telephone, the pink bath and the cosy room with a crackling fire ...
    Thanks for the share and your sweet comments on my bog Barbara :)

    1. Hello Kokila, I’m pleased you love them. I love them too! Your blog is one of my favourite places to visit. It's lovely to spend a little time in your world. Barbara x

    2. Thanks for your kind words Barbara ..I equally enjoy visiting your space .I went through this post -
      on you other blog but was at loss of word to comment as I felt little intrusive writing about real people !
      Maybe I'll gather enough courage to comment there after reading a few more of those :)

    3. Dear Kokila, how sweet of you to visit the other blog! My sister is telling her life story as it happened, and I must admit I’m learning things I was too young to appreciate at the time. My cousin John is also writing about his life, and I’m adding the odd thing about my life and the lives of some of our relatives.
      I’m sure my sister would welcome a comment from you, as would John and I. After all we are writing online so we are inviting people into our lives. However, if you feel more comfortable not leaving a comment that is absolutely fine, it’s just nice to know you are visiting. Barbara

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I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx