
Friday 29 May 2015

Edmund C H Mardell and Bobby Bear

Have I ever told you how much I love my job? It does have the odd downside, like struggling to find new and interesting things to sell. Then again, that can be looked at as an upside as it means I get to spend many happy hours searching for those elusive treasures. However, the very best part of my job is the happiness it gives to others which in turn brings joy to me. Just last week I received this letter from a lovely lady called Judy. 

Dear Barbara,

I just wanted to let you know that I received the wonderful book "Bobby Bear Annual'. Thank you so much for that.

I just thought I would let you know a little story about one of the contributors in it. One of the stories is called 'Scissors and Spells' written by Edmund C H Mardell. He was the older brother of a very good friend of mine here in Australia. I have done some research on him, and that’s how I found your book.

‘Kitty’ (Kathleen) came over here in the early 60's (I think....) and 'Eddie' died shortly after that. She has never returned to England, and only had one photo of Eddie. She knew he had written a few stories and poems before, but had no idea of this story. You should have seen her face when she realized what she was holding! She now can hold  just a little bit more of her wonderful brother’s legacy.

So thank you so much for having this book, selling it to me, and sending it with such obvious care. You have made quite a few folks VERY happy. Thank you.

Kind Regards,


By the way, here is the photo of Edmund C H Mardell. Lovely, hey?

I was smiling from ear to ear when I read Judy’s message and replied with this;

Hello Judy,

Thank you so much for your email.  I love hearing stories like this.  Eddie was certainly very handsome and how young he looks in that photo.  

Would you mind if I included your email on the feedback page of my website and maybe on my blog?  Either way I'm very grateful to hear from you and thrilled I could play even a small part in the story.

Please pass on my best regards to your friend.

Best wishes, Barbara

This was Judy's response;

Hi Barbara,

You know, I think it would be wonderful to share the story and the photo. Kitty mentioned that Eddie had a daughter but they have lost touch over the years. It’s my opinion that people love to hear a wonderful story, and they would love to see your blog and feedback about the wonderful Eddie and his little sister Kitty. (She’s in her early 80’s now!) I will read her your letter, and when you get it all posted, I’ll print it out for her to have. She will love it.

Thank you for your kindness. Good luck to you!


There really are some wonderful people in the world, and I seem to be lucky enough to meet lots of them. Now I just hope someone remembers Eddie and Kitty and gets in touch. It would be amazing to reunite Kitty with her long-lost relatives.  


  1. Morning Barbara, Now that really is nice.How lovely it must be to bring others such happiness and you do it so well. What a gift you have. you really are special.
    By the way I like work too, I could stand and watch it for hours.

    1. Why thank you John that is a lovely things to say. You are special too!

  2. What a wonderful, wonderful story....
    And, look at that Eddie....He has to be famous,
    he's wearing a bow tie..ALL famous people wear
    bow ties..."Do you wear a bow tie Willie"?
    "Is the Pope, Catholic". :).

    I'm going to Google Bobby Bear...Never heard of him.
    I know Pooh Bear! I was wearing a waistcoat yesterday,
    covered in Pooh Bear...With dicky~bow to match! :).
    I love bears...especially when they've only got one eye!
    HeHe! Bless'em...! :>).

    1. Oh Willie you do make me laugh. I can’t match you in the Pooh Bear waistcoat stakes, but I do have a Pooh Bear brolly and an Alice in Wonderland shopping bag. I’m not sure what that says about me!

      Thanks as always for your visit. Barbara

    2. Oh! I did have a Bobby Bear....
      Seems he appeared in the Daily Herald back in 1919.
      Based on a Steiff Teddy Bear..The first bear as a cartoon
      character, out dating Rupert the Bear!
      also various annuals....!

    3. Well researched Willie! I didn't know it was based on a Steiff bear & I don’t remember the cartoon in the Daily Herald (I’m not quite old enough!) but I’ve seen several of the annuals, and they are lovely.

  3. It's amazing how books (and blogs) and connect lost friends and family! This is the sort of stories we love hearing about. I'm so glad Judy managed to help Kitty and a part of Eddie reunite!

    1. I honestly think connecting with others is the best thing about blogging. Without it, I would not have met you, and my life would be sadder for that. Barbara x

    2. Ahhh Barbara, you sweet person, you. My writing and blogging life would be so much lonelier and sadder without you, too.

  4. Good morning dear, dear Barbara! And yes, I agree. You have a job that not only gives pleasure to us, but is self-gratifying. To search, to find, to share such gentleness, that is like watching a flower grow in the garden into a lovely celebration of color and life. I so love everything you share with us, and I hope your spring is a lovely one, like ours.

    HAPPY DAY! Anita

    1. Hello Anita, I think you know how many times a day I count my blessings. Finding books is getting much harder now, and I do occasionally think about retiring, but I would miss so many things if I did. We’ve been enjoying lots of sunshine but a little rain today – never mind the gardens are glad of it. Have a lovely day, Barbara xx

  5. Lovely and hope we hear more about the family. Well done Barbara xxxx

    1. Hi Sue, I hope we do to. It would be nice to do a follow up later on. xxxxx

  6. That's a delightful story and the photo and letters add a lot to it. :)

    1. I thought so Eve, glad you enjoyed it.

  7. And it sure is great to see you here, and at my blog dearest barbara!!

  8. Hi Barbara,
    That is a touching story of brother and sister, I can understand your feelings after reading Judy's message :)
    Have a nice weekend :)

  9. Oh, what a perfectly wonderful story. I do hope Kitty becomes reunited with Eddie's daughter. I agree, he really is a handsome gentleman. x

    1. Hi Yvonne, I hope so too. I’ve Facebooked and Tweeted now just have to wait and see. Have a lovely weekend. xx

  10. As Claudia has already said, how wonderful that books can reach out over the miles and years to bring back happy memories and possibly even reunite lost family and friends. Let's hope future generations will treasure them as much as we do, Barbara.

    From Ruth x

    1. It is wonderful Ruth and I really hope future generations do enjoy them as much as we do. xx

      Claudine if you should happen to read this Ruth asked me to apologise about the mistake with your name. She offered to remove the comment but knowing you as I do I know you wouldn't want her to do that. xx

  11. Bow ties are cool, as the last Dr Who said! Love the photo of Eddie - just how I imagine an author should look. I'm also hoping to hear more on Judy, Kitty and her relatives.

    1. Hi Sue, I love the photo; Eddie looks like a thoroughly decent chap.

  12. What a wonderful story!! How great that a book from your shop could reconnect a woman with the memory of her dear brother.

    1. Hi Teressa, books are like that. Thanks for your visit, Barbara.

  13. What a special connection you have made!

    1. Absolutely! Thanks for commenting Marcia.

  14. What a truly fabulous story! I love that you were able to bring Kitty such joy and share a bit more of her brother with her. What a treasure you had found and it went to just the right person. It is wonderful that Judy wrote to you and let you know the story behind the story. :) I hope Eddie's daughter catches wind of the post and is able to reunite with her aunt. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hello Stephanie, I was the lucky one here. I got to ‘meet’ the lovely Judy and to hear all about Kitty – I love my job. Thanks so much for your visit. Barbara.

  15. Oh how sweet. It's touching to know that a person's words can bring joy to others long after he's gone. I love this!

  16. Oh how lovely, such a heart warming post. I think the hardest part for me would be having to part with some of these books. Then again to provide such happiness to others as you do is such an amazing thing.

    1. Hi Tracy it is difficult but I honestly don't have room for them all :-)

  17. So lovely to receive these. I love the sound of what you do!

    1. Thanks Kelly, your comment means a lot. Barbara.

  18. Hi Barbara,

    There is wondrous magic in the email exchanges. May there be some upcoming connections that you so desire. What a result that would be. Kudos to you and stay remarkable, dear Barbara.

    Gary :)

    1. Bless you Gary, you say the sweetest things. Enjoy the sunshine and have a lovely day. Barbara.

  19. BTw, I have tagged you in the Love/Hate challenge is you are interested :)

    1. Hi Jo, it sounds like fun - I will get on with it asap. Barbara

  20. Dearest Barbara! HOW ENCHANTED I AM to see your enthusiastic comment this morning! Thank you dear friend for the love and memories you have already graced to me. And now, I am back. I just have to be part of this community! Much love, Anita

    1. Dear Anita, you are a huge part of the blogging community and have been greatly missed. xxx

  21. Dear Barbara what a wonderful post and it would be so lovely if Kitty's relations could get reunited through your blog. Yes there are wonderful people in this world and one of them is you.

    1. Dear Shashi, I know another wonderful person … and that is you. Thank you for your friendship and this lovely comment, Barbara.

  22. This is so nice, Barbara! A lovely post!


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx