
Thursday 14 May 2015

Guest post; Nut and Bolt / Bout en Moertje by Nicole de Cock

I was born in Zandvoort, in the Netherlands, at the seaside and from an early age I loved making things. I adored my grandfather who painted a lot and who loved animals, two things which, up until now, are very important in my life. My grandfather invented an oil machine but he also had to raise a family of 5 girls, among them my mother, during the war so he didn't always have the time to paint but there was always a place in his house where he had several projects going on - ceramics, painting, sculpture, etc.. I really learned drawing from him !

I could spend hours on my own, painting and reading. During high school I began working in a bookshop and it was during that period I started making small stories. When things changed dramatically at the bookshop because of the crises in the 90's, I left the shop and tried to turn drawing into making serious illustration-work. The first years I made illustrations for a wildlife magazine and for biology books for children and for years now I am making picture books, although I still love making other thing - miniature books, clocks....

In my books animals and nature are very important. I am very concerned about the earth and I hope that by reading and looking at my drawings children might care a tiny bit more about our planet.

I 'met' Barbara years ago when I was looking for a book (I think it was a ladybird book) and found her wonderful shop on the internet. We became close friends although we never actually met. She has an excellent taste as you all know ! (you mustn't leave this out, dear friend) We both care about nature and we both lost our dogs in the same year which, if you love dogs with all your heart as we do, is quite something to share. We still 'talk' about her Rosie and my Shy. That was 6 years ago and since then I luckily have another wonderful dog, Roet, which means soot !

In my book Bout en Moertje, which is now translated in English, Nut and Bolt, it is all about friendship between a donkey and a mouse - maybe I was inspired ?

and our new animation ! Bout is bang / Bolt is afraid

Lots of love, Nicole

Nicole and Shy

Thank you so much Nicole, I'm very grateful for your friendship. I really enjoyed all the photographs and reading more about your life. Your baby picture is adorable!

If you are interested in purchasing Nut and Bolt or other books by Nicole, you will find them at Amazon


  1. This is magic. Barbara dear, you always feature magic. And I know a special someone in Blogland that I must send your link too. She will appreciate this so much. Oh, it's been my dream to make my own animated film. I just need to learn the technology!

    I hope you are having a lovely spring? We are! OK, now off to send this link to my dear friend. LOVE! Anita

    1. Hello Anita, I agree with you, Nicole and her books are truly magical.
      I will eagerly await your first animated film – I would not have a clue how to start, but I’m quite sure you will work out how to do it.
      It felt like summer here yesterday but raining again today so just like spring really.
      Lots of love, Barbara xx

    2. Hello Anita, Thank you so much. It is very satisfying to make an animation in this way, although it is a huge amount of work - 270 donkeys for 1 minute ! :-) Have a lovely weekend ! Nicole

  2. Hello Nicole, So nice to 'meet' you,
    A delight to read your post and see a small part of your life and talent. Also, I think you have a wonderful aspiration in teaching children to care for the planet. Best wishes to you for success in that venture.

    1. Thank you John, It is good to know you and so many other people share my concern about the environment ! Have a lovely weekend ! Nicole

  3. Hello Barbara ,I liked the animation ,it's beautiful.Nice to know about that lovely lady Nicole.

  4. What a lovely post and I just love that clock. Nicole is one very clever lady.

  5. Hello Nicole, it's very nice 'meeting' you! Barbara mentioned your books to me a while ago but I wasn't able to find a copy at my library. I'm glad you have another one in English. Hope to seek it out soon. Your artistic talent is inspiring. I love that clock, and the paintings featured in this charming animation. Barbara is one of the warmest blogger-friends I have, and yes, her taste is impeccable!

    1. I completely agree, Claudine ! What luck to have such a friend. Have a nice weekend ! Nicole

  6. It was nice to read about your life. Have a nice time!

  7. What a beautiful piece of animation. Very simple but I felt every little bit of that tiny mouse's fear, and the happiness and relief at the rescue. You have a wonderful talent - and thanks to Barbara for the introduction.

    1. Thank you so much Sue ! I must take away your worries - Bout (Bolt) the donkey is very afraid of lots of things and one of his fears is water. Moertje (Nut) the mouse comforts him every time and helps him to overcome his fear !
      Have a lovely weekend, Nicole

  8. Lovely to meet you, Nicole. Your animated trailer is terrific and your clock---adorable!

    1. Thank you Marcia !! Nicole

  9. Hi Barbara and Nicole,

    Thank you for your post and the fascinating info you have shared, Nicole. The ideals of incorporating your passion for our beloved animals and our fragile nature, makes for a wonderful, thoughtful, compassionate writing style.

    Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar, sends you pawsitive wishes. And I, her alleged human, wish you well with all your writing endeavours.

    I shall duly take the liberty of sharing this post.

    Thanks for bring further awareness of Nicole, dear Barbara.

    Gary :)

    1. Hello Gary, Luckily there are still lots of people who share my concern. Without nature and the animals, plants and trees who inhabit the earth, life would be empty for me. Is Penny on youtube ? :-) Nicole

  10. Wonderful to meet Nicole. Its exemplary that her love of nature and animals shines through in her work.

    1. Thank you Tracy, I find that a huge compliment, Nicole

  11. Nicole, your art is truly magical. Your passion for nature and the animals that fill our world is so evident, thank you for sharing this with us. And Thank you Barbara for this great feature!

    1. Thank you ! Nicole
      I am also very grateful to Barbara !

    2. Thank you both - your comments mean a lot! xx

  12. Nut and Bolt looks like a great book. I loved the trailer. It was so fun learning about Nicole. I agree with her that Barbara has a wonderful book store and blog. :) Thanks so much for sharing.

    1. Hello Stephanie, She has, hasn't she !! :-) , Bye, bye, Nicole

  13. Dear Nicole,
    Please don’t feel you need to reply to this – I just wanted to let you know how much I’m enjoying Nut and Bolt. I’ve looked at the pictures in Bout en Moertje so many times and even had a go at translating the words, but nothing compares with sitting down with the book and really understanding it.
    “Real friends would do anything for each other” is certainly true, thank you for being a real friend to me. Much love, Barbara.

    1. Dear friend, thank you !! You really mean a lot to me ! I keep lots of our letters safe - you know that because people tend to forget how easily these can vanish in these modern times. While we read a letter from one person to another in the 12th century and can learn of their sorrow, luck or love, in a century nobody knows about our letters or how special our friendships were !

  14. What a lovely book cover. It's amazing the friendships we're able to form through the Internet.

    1. yes, it is amazing !!Lots of love, Nicole

  15. Nicole so nice to meet you and know about your fascinating journey towards writing books. I think Nut and Bolt is a wonderful title for a book and I am sure the book is as wonderful too.

    1. Thank you so much Shashi, Nicole

  16. Cute, cute book. Nice guest post. Can you imagine? Working in a bookstore? What a perfect job for those of us who love books.

    1. Thanks for coming over Donna. Nicole is a lovely lady with lots of interesting stories to tell.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx