
Wednesday 24 June 2015

Dear Maudie, Doesn’t the tempus seem to fugit?

Postcards from my collection;

A set of six postcards sent from Charlie to Maudie during February and March 1904. You may remember a previous post about Charlie and Maudie here

Dear Maudie, I'm sure this sweet set will please you. très bon! With love Charlie

Dear Maudie, only 7 weeks to Easter!!! It’s pouring with rain again and I’ve been playing all the funeral marches I’ve got to cheer me up. It seems like sacrilege to play anything more lively in Godalming. Metcalf has just started on an eight mile tramp through the mud, so we’re all happy. Adieu pour joyous! Charlie. 

Dearest Maudie, I was quite overwhelmed with gratitude to receive such a beautiful card from you this week. It’s too kind of you and I shall never forget it. (You don’t mind me mentioning that I had that one already, do you?) Easter is getting nearer and nearer. Doesn’t the tempus seem to fugit?  Metcalf went to a dance last week he can’t dance, so he wallflowered and talked scandal with all the other old women. With love, Charlie.

Dear Maudie, the C. M. will do very well, thank you. I haven’t quite decided yet what I shall send you when this set is finished. I’m not going out at all on Monday, as I’m sure to be in great demand. Who is the luckless wight you mean to fix? Love Charlie. 

Dear Maudie, only four weeks to Easter! I suppose it wasn't you who wrote to Metcalf on the 29th? He didn't have a chance of accepting, as he could not recognise the writing. Isn't the weather simply lovely? With Love Charlie. 

Dear Maudie, this is the last of this sweet set. How quickly the time does go, doesn't it? With love, Charlie.

I purchased these six postcards, and the previously featured set from an auction.  I've often wondered about Charlie and Maudie and decided to see if I could find out anything about them.  If you would like to know more, please pop over to my family history blog here  (You will need to scroll down the post to read the rest of the story) 

Thanks for spending some time with Maudie, Charlie and me...


  1. Oh they're fun, never heard of Charlie and Maudie
    Julie xxxxxx

    1. Neither had I until I found the postcards – now they feel like family :-)

  2. I think this is such an extraordinary collection not only for the charming ART, but for the historical value of this couple who had much to share about life in 1904! What was important for them at the moment, what was happening in their world. This is truly a WONDERFUL SET my friend! I must refresh my memory of these two and follow your link! HAPPY SUMMER DAY! Anita

    1. Hello Anita, it really is a beautiful summer day today. I’ve just returned from a long walk it in the countryside – perfect.
      I hope you enjoy finding out a little more about Charlie and Maudie over at my other blog. Thanks for your visit, much love Barbara

  3. Hello Barbara,
    These cards are so cute, I enjoyed reading the messages too:)

    1. Thanks Aunt Mary, glad you enjoyed them.

  4. Loving these postcards, the expressions on the faces of Charlie and Maudie is priceless.

    1. Hi Tracy, glad you enjoyed them. Thanks for your visit. Barbara

  5. Charlie and Maudie saw life as it really was - I wonder what they would have thought of texting? Here's to the past Barbara!

    1. I am so glad texting wasn't around back then. I love looking for unusual postcards and always read the messages. If they had been sent by text they would all have disappeared by now. Here's to the past indeed! :-)

  6. Charlie and Maudie are so interesting. Love reading the post cards and imagining them. The post cards are such fun. Thanks for sharing them with us. :)

    1. Always happy to share Stephanie. Thanks for leaving a comment. Barbara x

  7. I love Charlie's sense of humour, particularly the bit about playing funeral marches in Godalming (I know Godalming!). I went over to read more about Maudie on your other blog and it's fascinating to imagine that there might have been a love triangle going on there. If Maudie married Metcalf, I do hope Charlie found the girl of his dreams, too!

    1. Hello Susan, I know Godalming too my sister lives near there. My dream is to find a bunch of postcards sent from Maudie to Charlie – all the answers might then be revealed. I feel sure Charlie would have found someone. With a sense of humour like his he would be irresistible! Thank you for taking the time to visit my other blog. Barbara

  8. Yes I remember this pair! (What's tempus? What's fugit?) Also, who in the world was Metcalf and why was he talking scandal with the old ladies? This is so funny! They sound like characters in a P.G. Wodehouse story (in a less posh setting).

    1. Hello Claudine Tempus fugit is a Latin phrase, usually translated into English as "time flies". He was a bright chap that Charlie!
      I’ve been doing a little research about Metcalf – at first I though he must be Charlie’s manservant, but I now think he was a friend. Maudie actually married a John Metcalf in 1915, and they had a child also called John in 1922. I feel sure he must be the one Charlie talks about.
      Wish I could write like P. G. Wodehouse I would be working on their story right now.

    2. Ooh, so that could be the John Charlie was talking about. Thanks for letting me know about Tempus fugit, Barbara. I never would have known! I love what you said about winning a bike for Steven and nearly winning a car. You were and still are very very talented in writing slogans, Barbara. xoxo C

  9. Oh the joys of the internet - what a wonderful thing to be able to research these postcards and then share them with us. It brings the past to life, doesn't it - I only hope future generations will still have tangible records and mementos of the past that they can cherish the way you cherish these postcards. Ruth x

    1. Hello Ruth, I am privileged to have these cards in my collection, and although I don’t know Maudie, Charlie or Metcalf I feel very fond of them. It has just been suggested to me that Charlie might have died in the Great War and of course that is a real possibility. I’m going to keep trying to find out more and will share whatever I find. Thanks so much for taking the time to visit. I hope life is being kind to you, and business is brisk. Barbara x

  10. Hello Barbara, these are the most adorable postcards that I have ever seen. They are a beautiful treasure that you have there . .

    1. Thanks Shashi...I think so too. Have a lovely weekend.

  11. Simply adorable Barbara! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend! ~ Diane

    1. Hi Diane, I'm being very spoilt this weekend as it was our 45th wedding anniversary on Saturday. As Charlie would say how quickly the time does go. Have a lovely week, Barbara

  12. Those are some cool postcards! Cursive of that time fascinates me. It's quite different from the way cursive was even when I was growing up. SO fancy!

    1. I agree Stephanie, very fancy indeed – and just right for the times.

  13. Hi Barbara,

    Charlie and Maudie, postcards to touch the heart. Wow. I note it was your wedding anniversary. Hearty congrats to the both of you.

    Gary :)

    1. Thanks Gary, there has been a lot of water under our bridges! Hope you are enjoying the sunshine. Barbara

  14. Charlie and Maudie sure sucked me in. Wonder what happened after that? So cute about mentioning the duplicate postcard. It's almost like he wanted a complete set of whatever she was sending too. Wish you had those too.

    1. I wish that too Eve, and I’m going to keep searching.

  15. How sweet. And what makes them even sweeter is the personal notes.

    1. I agree with you Donna, the notes are very special.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx