
Wednesday 8 July 2015

All Change Here ...

I've made a decision – quite a big decision as it happens, and I wanted you to be the first to know.  (Drum roll...)  I’m retiring BUT let me just elaborate a little. Books and I are inseparable and will never retire from one another completely, but I am, reluctantly, closing March House Books.  Everything is reduced by 65% at the moment so there has never been a better time to buy.  

One of the big influences behind my decision is my health, which has been a little wearying of late. I’ve been undergoing all kinds of treatments for Osteoporosis (brittle bones). When it was first diagnosed nine years ago I was put on a course of medication followed by yearly infusions at the hospital but with no discernible improvement. As I write this, I’m several months into a new regime of daily injections, plus walking, Pilates and Tai Chi. I would like to say I’m enjoying it all, but that would be a slight exaggeration.  I do enjoy the walking and the Pilates. I'm not so sure about the Tai Chi, and the injections are something else altogether!!  But the biggest drawback is the time it all takes, time I used to spend buying and listing wonderful vintage stock.  I've always been happy and proud of March House Books, and I want to close it on a high.

I started this post by saying I would never retire from books, and that is perfectly true – I will continue to collect, buy and sell books, but my new marketplace will be eBay. Just making that simple change will save all the costs associated with PCI compliance, credit card processing, business insurance, ridiculously high bank charges and all the other things that go hand in hand with running a business. Another plus for eBay is I can do just as much or as little as I want without the constant pressure of finding new stock.

This blog will continue but in a slightly different form.  I hope to make it a space for collectors with posts about books old and new and other interesting things. If you would like to contribute a post about a hobby or a collection, a favourite book, or your latest venture please let me know.

If you are still reading this – and I wouldn't blame you if you gave up several paragraphs ago – I would like to thank you all for your friendship and support.  I will still be here and I will still be visiting all your blogs. I may not post every week but you can be sure I will be posting as often as I can. 

Now for the good news - our lovely Australian family are visiting us for six weeks over the Christmas and New Year period! We are so excited and can’t wait to see them.  We have several outings and trips planned, and I will enjoy sharing them with you in 2016.

Thanks to everyone for the comments left on this post, I will be along to answer them just as soon as I can.  The sale is going far better than I ever expected so I am pretty busy at the moment.


According to the American Recall Center, it's extremely important to research your surgeries and medications before committing to them. Too often, patients are put through unnecessary pain and expense at the hands of uninformed doctors or surgeons. For osteoporosis patients, this is especially the case considering one of the more popular knee replacements, the Zimmer Knee Persona, has been recalled due to a faulty part that caused inflammation and revision surgery. If you have osteoporosis and are considering surgery, you can read more about this on the Recall Center site here.

I have no personal knowledge of this device or its component parts and received no financial compensation for adding this message to my blog. Furthermore, I have no material connection to the brand or products mentioned.


  1. Oh! Oh! Oh! (Can't find a word to follow that).
    Well, l can......but! :).
    At least were not loosing you all together....That's good,
    always look froward to a good read and the odd squirrel
    or two...! HeHe! Bless!

    And the old bones....Yes! I suffer with 'Cervical Spondylosis',
    Arthritis in the neck...Caught up with me from my dancing days.
    Just waiting to go back for some more pain management. I've
    had injections, acupuncture, and even....(No laughing)....Botox! :).
    Waste of time...Though l have the loveliest neck around! :>).

    And, we'll look forward to sharing your Christmas and New Year,
    with your Australian family...That should be a lot of fun...!
    Which reminds me...Must Tipex my cards from last year, ready
    to send out this Christmas....Well, it's saves money, then all you
    have to buy envelopes! :>).

    1. Dear Willie you always make me laugh, thank you. I promise to find you a few more squirrels so long as you promise not to eat them!!!!

      Terry suffers with ankylosing spondylitis I must read up and see if that is anything like cervical spondylosis. It certainly sounds similar so maybe Terry could have some Botox – not that he needs – me, on the other hand – well you get the picture - and it's not pretty!

      I bet you need a lot of Tipex for all the cards you receive Willie – you had better get started on them now. xx

      Love Barbara x

  2. Barbara, Sadness was my first thought but as I read on you made the reasons for the change apparent, the strain, not only on your 'pocket' but you personally. So sadness is replaced by a feeling of optimism and eager anticipation for your improved well-being and the new look March House Books. So very best wishes for the future.

    1. Thank you so much John, you are always so positive and lovely with it! Have a super weekend, Barbara xx

  3. What can I say? Sorry to see the end of March Hare Books but even more sorry it is because of health problems. Here's hoping the new regime proves beneficial. I look forward to seeing the new format. Take care. x

    1. Thanks Tracy plus big hugs and even more thanks for the Facebook mention. I will still be blogging when I can and will visit your blog often. Barbara x

  4. Barbara, I am sorry to hear of your health problems and do hope that your new venture will give you a little more time and less administrative stresses. I am glad you are continuing your blog ... although I don't always have the time to comment, I do always read your posts! M x

    1. Hello Marina, thank you for your sweet comment. I know what you mean about not always commenting, I read masses of blogs but like you I don’t always comment. There are just not enough hours in the day. I hope you are enjoying this lovely weather. Barbara x

  5. As a martial artist of over fourty years, even I never really understood the point of Tai Chi. As long as you're not going all together, that's alright. I'll see you on Ebay where my daughter has an account as I'm too much of a Luddite. Sorry to see the shop close. I've always loved your book line up.

    1. I had no idea you were a martial artist – there is just no end to your talents. I’m very impressed Mr. Lawrence! I’m not sure I see the point of Tai Chi either but my neighbour and I have fun going. Thanks for your kind words re March House Books. Have a good weekend.

  6. That sound you heard was my gasp, but then I read on and I certainly can understand the reasons for your decision. I've loved reading March Hare Books Blog from the beginning and I'm glad you have decided to keep it going - I might even like to contribute one day.

    I wish you all the best with your latest medical regime. But am so happy for you that the family will be visiting for so long. I know what it's like to miss them (I miss my Kiddo now that she's a married lady living in California), so I hope you have the best time ever with them.

    But I too will be looking forward to the new format and not losing touch.

    1. I wondered what that noise was.  I would love to have a contribution from you Alex. I love visiting your blog and always enjoy what you have to say.

      Missing your daughter as you do you will understand how excited we are about Christmas. The trouble is we are wishing the year away, and we really mustn’t do that because then they will be going home again!

      Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. Barbara x

  7. Oh Barbara, I will be extremely sad to see March House Books and the lovely lady behind it disappear from the book-selling world, but at the same time, you must be so excited at what wonderful adventures lay ahead for you now that you'll have so much more time on your hands. I'm so glad you'll still be blogging and look forward to reading future posts.

    I'd better hurry and browse your shop while I still can.

    (((hugs))) from Wales ♥

    1. Hello Yvonne, thank you for those hugs from Wales – they were much appreciated!

      It is sad but on the other hand, I feel pleased to have finally made the decision. I’m sure it will be the best thing I ever did.

      Happy weekend – I hope the sun shines for you. xxx

  8. Oh Barbara I will be extremely sorry to see your shop close but I understand why you want to do it. Your health is the main thing so look after yourself. I was just writing about your lovely books that I received and decided to check out your web address before I wrote. I will change it a bit now that I know you are closing. Will keep in touch with you though. Glad to know that you are not entirely retiring from books. Take care

    1. Dear Shashi, I’m so pleased you like your books, thank you for sharing them on your blog. We will definitely stay in touch, and it will be nice to have more time to read and enjoy your posts. Have a great weekend, Barbara x

  9. Hi Barbara,
    Your health is more important and I think you made a right decision.I am so happy that you will continue blogging.Please take care :)

    1. Thank you so much Aunt Mary, your kind words mean a lot. Barbara

  10. Dear Barbara,
    I've been a very slack blogger but I'd like to say thank-you for your v.nice comments over at mine over the years :)
    I hope your new "regime" has you feeling better in time for your Aussie visitors.
    Take care and be kind to yourself okay x

    p.s. I had a quick look for Misty Annual in your shop (I always meant to buy it), but alas (for silly me!) you'd sold it.

    1. Dear Kylie, you hit the nail on the head there! I’m doing my very best to be as fit as a fiddle by December, I want to have boundless energy by the time the family arrive.
      I’m so sorry about the Misty annual they don’t stay around for long. Barbara x

  11. Dear Barbara,
    Closing March House books must have been a terribly hard decision to make, but it is a courageous decision, and the right one. Freeing yourself up from time and stress and admin will allow you to concentrate on what's really important - your family and your health. And seeing as you'll be carrying on in another form, it's less of a closing down and more of an opening up! By the way, I don't know much about it, but I am sure others here could help - Etsy is also a good platform for selling vintage and second-hand.

    You must have brought so much happiness to people through March House Books - happiness of a collector finding what they've been searching for for months, happiness of memories renewed from buying a book from childhood, happiness of discovering a special present for a special person.... and all that happiness will never close down :)

    1. Hello Sue thinking about it, I probably should have said March House Books is retiring rather than I am! I’ve been toying with the idea of closing it for some time, and it just came to me that the time was now.
      I’m not sure I want the responsibility of stocking a shop again, and I think that is how it would be with Etsy (although thank you for the suggestion, I will certainly explore it). Ebay appeals because I can list when/if I have something to sell.

      Thanks for your lovely comment, Barbara

  12. My dear, dear Barbara,

    I think your decision is a good one. You will still be buying and collecting and in this day of e-commerce, you will do well. Your collections are stunning and there will always be many people who will be interested. Your health is the first priority here, and with this big weight off our your mind, who knows, that may even increase your health. I wish you all the health so you can ENJOY yourself! And your family is going to visit you! You have much to prepare for a fun and pleasant visit. I hope you are enjoying a lovely summer???

    Sweet Barbara, may your plans be fruitful and your exercise routine be fun, relaxing and beneficial. MUCH LOVE TO YOU!

    1. Dear Anita, thank you so much for you always thoughtful and sweet comments. We are enjoying a wonderful summer, and we don’t want to chase it away, but we are so looking forward to December!
      Thank you for calling in, have a wonderful Sunday. xx

  13. Warm thoughts here for you Barbara. My mother has osteoporosis so I know the challenges it presents. Although I'm sad that your website is closing I can understand why you've made that decision and hope that eBay goes well for you. Looking forward to hearing about all your new adventures and I'm so glad your blog is continuing. Ruth x

    1. Hello Ruth, it will be a relief to do as little or as much buying and selling as I feel like doing. No more panicking when I have nothing new to share. Do you feel like that in the shop?
      Talking of osteoporosis have you had a bone density scan? I do think it’s a worthwhile thing to do.
      Thanks for your visit x

    2. Yes, I often panic in the shop that I haven't got enough new stock in, we also do a weekly market stall that I''ve got to come up with something different for. Who said book dealing was relaxing!

      I'll have to grit my teeth and go for a scan at some point I know. My sister has had one which showed some loss of bone density.

      Glad to hear your sale is going so well x

    3. Hello Ruth, I used to love all the dashing around looking for new (old) stock, but the fun has gone out of it lately. I’m sure it will return once I feel a bit more like my old self.

      My sister went for a scan and although (like your sister) she has some signs of bone loss, it’s not too bad. She has been advised to take vitamin pills but no other treatment at the moment.

      I’m amazed at how well the sale has gone it’s beginning to slow down now though so probably coming to an end. I want to keep the site open for a bit longer so that I can get some of the articles and things from it. Hope to do that in the next week and then that should be that.

      Thanks for your visit, Barbara.

  14. Thank goodness you'll still be blogging. Hope your health improves and you must be very excited about seeing your Australian family if you're already talking about Christmas when it's only JULY!!:)

    1. Hello Eve, are you trying to say I’m getting ahead of myself??? I' been planning for Christmas ever since the family said they were coming back in May! 

  15. Dear Barbara,

    I am so very relieved that you won't stop blogging. I'm sorry to hear about your health woes and hope you keep feeling better through your walks and Pilates. My dad has been practising Tai Chi for over 40 years and it has been an important reason why he is still very healthy. The heart feels slightly heavier when I read the top of your post but I know you aren't closing down your lovely shop. You're moving it elsewhere. And yes, our love and link to books will never be broken. I wish you the best on eBay (I don't know how it works exactly but it's good that you'll get to save costs selling there. I've heard a lot of people sell vintage crafts on Etsy, too. Wonder if books might work there as well?) I'm your follower everywhere.

    Stay well always, and enjoy the time with your family! xoxo Claudine

    1. Dear Claudine,
      How could I give up blogging when there are lovely folks like you to chat with?
      Thank you for your sweet comment. xx

  16. Dear Barbara, definitely your health is more important than any other thing but you just saved me from abject disappointment and sadness by saying that - one - you will be active on e-bay
    second - on your blog too :)
    its a pleasure visiting you here dear which I have repeatedly posted in my comments ..I will be glad to visit here knowing that you are doing things at your own pace .
    Lots of love,sunshine and wishes ..

    1. Dear Kokila,
      Terry is impatient for me to take life easy, but I just can’t let go of my blogging friends or my life here online. I enjoy it far too much!
      Thank you for the sunshine and wishes – I send them back to you in triplicate. Barbara x

  17. Barbara - I'm so sorry to hear that we will be losing the wonderful resource of your store, but happy to hear we will still see you in cyberspace. ((hugs)) to you for taking care of yourself!!

  18. Dear Barbara,

    Understand you retiring from March House books, and yes, your health is more important.
    Hope that ebay goes well for you and so glad that you will still be blogging.
    Sending hugs and good wishes

    1. Hello Carolyn, thank you so much for the good wishes. Hugs back! Barbara

  19. How lovely all your friends on your blog are, must keep you going when you are feeling poorly. Lots of love. Xxxx

    1. Hello Sue, there are lovely - and so are you! xxxxxx

  20. Good morning Barbara! It was lovely to open up my blog this morning to see you! I think lately that many people have been on holiday and are not blogging as much, so seeing a friend pop in is such a treat!

    I am allowing my summer days to stretch out as long as I can make them, like summer TAFFY! Long and sweet...

    Much love, Anita

    1. Go on enjoying that taffy for as long as possible Anita – working can wait! Much love Barbara xx

  21. Sounds like a good decision, your health is so much more important and I'm sure your love for old books will never fade. As for bones, I think good balance is just as important as density. I try to balance all my weight on one leg every so often to keep me in practice. Best wishes for great happiness in your new adventures. I'm very glad you'll still be blogging!

    1. Thank you Marcia. I’m sure you are right about balance I can fall over a matchstick these days!

  22. Barbara, sending good thoughts for you with your health! I hope the treatments are helpful for you.

    Sending good thoughts, too, for your sale and transition to eBay. I'm glad you will be continuing with your lovely blog. It is a pleasure to visit.

    Take care! Trish

    1. Thanks Trish you just made my day. It’s a pleasure to visit you too and I must do so right now. Barbara x

  23. We all seem to be going through big changes. My dad always said a change was as good as a rest but I´m not too sure about that. Glad to hear you are still going to blog. I would miss you if you weren´t here. Good luck with the sale and what wonderful news about your Australian family´s visit!

    1. Hello Darlene, I did think about giving up blogging, but I’ve made so many lovely friends over the last couple of years, and I know I would miss you all. We are more than excited about Christmas and the New Year – it’s been ages since we saw them.
      I hope your week is going well. x

  24. Well Barbara, I surely do wish I could have visited your store before you closed it. I've enjoyed the lovely illustrations and books... sigh. Sending you healing energy that your bones get strengthened. Here's to a new adventure!

    1. Thank you so much Bish, I feel better already! xx

  25. Wishing your health happiness! All the best to any new venture you take on.

    1. Thank you kelly, that is very sweet of you. Barbara

  26. Oh Barbara, I saw your ad come through on Twitter, but thought it was just a summer sale. I understand though, it can be a lot of work and taking care of yourself is more important. I must get over to your online shop and look around! I'm glad to hear your blog will be continuing!

    1. Hi Diane, thank you so much for your kind words – thank you also for the order received this morning. The shipping charge was far more than required, so I’ve refunded you via Paypal. That is the beauty with small items they always cost so much less to send. I think my new eBay venture should only include tiny things!
      Your parcel is on the way. I do hope you love everything but if not, please let me know as I will be happy to put things right. Barbara x

  27. All the very best to you Barbara, and thank you for updating us all here. Take care x

    1. Thanks Lindsay, all the best to you too xx

  28. Hello lovely lady. I hope all is well with you. I know I've already commented, but I wanted you to know that I've shared your sale on both Twitter and Facebook, as well as making a few purchases of my own. Everything's so hard to resist! How long will the sale run for? I'd like to share it in a future blog post. xx

    1. Hello Yvonne, thank you for your sweet words and for sharing. Even more thanks for making a purchase, your items are on the way – I do hope you love them.
      March House Books should disappear from the Internet on the 1st August – I say should because it is down to my website provider to close and remove it. The site shouldn’t receive any orders after the 30th July if it all works OK.
      I would love to appear on your blog if you have the time. Barbara xx

  29. Barbara- I was away on vacation and am just now catching up with everything. I am sorry to hear about your injections, but I am glad you are doing what you need to do for yourself. It is bittersweet for you to be closing March House Books I am sure. I am glad you have found another avenue to pursue your love of books- eBay sounds great and less stressful. So happy for you that the sale is going so well. Wishing you the best of luck and am so thrilled you will still be blogging. :)

    1. Hello Stephanie, it’s been a hard decision to make, but I’m sure it is the right one. I can’t give up on blogging as I love it too much, and I would be lost without friends like you. Thank you for your kind words. Barbara

  30. Barbara, I'm sorry. Health does take so much of our time. As long as you can still indulge in your passion, though, then that's wonderful.

    1. Hi Donna, I’ve been very lucky with my health thus far so I really can’t complain. I’m sure my interest in books is what keeps me going.
      I do hope you are keeping well at the moment. Barbara x

    2. Barbara, I realize I'm months late in responding...but since I'm back online ( I took a "sabbatical" for a few months, so to speak) I'm sorry to hear you have closed down your shop. But I hope your health is improving and you begin to feel in tip top shape. I personally know what it's like to live with a chronic condition and the extent to what you have to give up. I wish for you, peace, health and happiness.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx