
Monday 3 August 2015

March House Bookshop Closed but March of Time Book Blog continues.

March House Books Bookshop is now closed, but this blog will continue for as long as I am able.  It feels odd thinking that never mind writing it. Buying and selling books was a big part of my life for a very long time, but I know I've done the right thing. Just think, no more worrying about finding new stock, no getting up at 5am to travel hundreds of miles to auctions, no more packing parcels at midnight to make sure they catch the morning post. Oh dear, I miss it already!

Thank you to all the customers who became friends, I know we will remain in touch. Thank you to everyone who Tweeted, Facebooked and contacted me in numerous other ways. Special thanks to Claudine at Carry us off Books and Yvonne at Winter Moon for writing such nice things on their blogs. I also want to thank Sue at Green Meadow Books. She was the inspiration behind March House Books, and I will be forever grateful to her.

March of Time Books as suggested by my cousin John came top in the ‘rename this blog’ competition. March House Adventures suggested by Yvonne came a close second, and Willie came up with some interesting ideas ‘Beware the ides of March’ being one of them! Willie also mentioned giving a prize for the best name (why didn't I think of that?) hence this little book will soon be on the way to John.   John is a writer and a poet, so I feel sure he will enjoy it.  There is also a second prize for Yvonne and a highly commended for Willie. Both will be on the way in the next few days.

I have lots of ideas for this my new/old blog. One thing I really want to do is to make space for lots of guest posts. Do you have a favourite book, a fascinating hobby or collection or are you working on a new venture?  You don’t have to be a ‘professional’ blogger just someone with an interesting story to tell.  Maybe you are thinking of starting your own blog but have yet to take the plunge – why not post something here it just might give you the motivation you need.  Send me an email (via the email me button in the right-hand column) tell me what you want to write about, and I will do the rest.


  1. You are most welcome, Barbara, and congratulations to John, Yvonne and Willie on the excellent re-names of your blog! Looking forward to reading what your guests have to feature here as well as your own posts. xoxo Claudine

    1. Hello Claudine, I’m looking forward to that too. Thanks for everything. Barbara xx

  2. ooooO! This is sooooo exciting....Just like being
    at the Oscars...!
    So...Good luck to you Barbara, what ever you do,
    l know it'll be ummmM! What's the word...Great!
    Interesting! Funny! (Any squirrels)...HeHe!
    Really looking forward to it...

    "Alas poor Yorick..I knew Willie (Horatio)...A
    fellow of infinite jest....". "Willie yer going off on
    one" "Yes! Yes! Don't know the rest anyway". :>).

    1. Hi Willie – I was thinking it sounded like an Oscar’s speech as I was writing – I almost thanked my mum and my manager but decided that would be taking things a little too far.
      I couldn't find a squirrel for you, but what I have found could be distantly related! : ) It (they) will be on the way soon.....

  3. GOod morning Barbara! Doesn't it feel good to enter into a new portal of adventure? Our former lives/projects are not forgotten...they have prepared us for the new. I have very fond memories of your posts and how them made me FEEL. I am confident that you are on to a new happiness for yourself and for us! I'd love to be a guest on your blog one day. School is going to start up for me in a few weeks, (can't believe that) so preparations are coming my way soon. But as I settle in and your new blog takes shape, would you consider me?

    Have a relaxing time off to think, plan and design. I know it will be charming. Much love, Anita

    1. Hello Anita, it does feel good – a little strange – but good. I am so excited to think you would want to guest post on my blog. The answer is Yes Please – whenever you can. xx

  4. What a lovely post, and that is so sweet of you Barbara, thank you! ♥

    Congratulations to cousin John. I love 'March of Time Books'.


  5. I'll miss all your gorgeous books. But as long as you're still around, that's alright, then.

    1. Hi Roger, there will always be vintage books because they are my first love - maybe just not so many as I won't be buying them in vast quantities now.

  6. Hi Barbara, dear cousin what a grand start to your new blog, may you have great success with it and gain great pleasure from it. I am very honoured that you chose my suggestion for the title, there were other really good ones. So thank you very much. ( covers cheeks to hide blushes) Thanks also for all the congratulations.

  7. Hello cousin John, it was a brilliant idea, thank you! I’m really pleased with my new blog name. It feels like a fresh start. x

  8. Sounds like you're starting a new adventure. As one uncle of mine always said at the end of each phone conversation, Have fun!

    1. I am Bish, I really am. I've never done so much tea drinking in my life! x

  9. Barbara- I am sure you are filled with all sorts of mixed emotions right now. But, I hope you are enjoying your new freedom and the extra time you have to relax and do what you want to do. Love the new blog name! :) Can't wait to see all the guest posts.

  10. I love the new name and new look!! All the best in your future endeavours Barbara. It seems many of us are making huge changes in our lives right now. <3

    1. Thank you so much Darlene. It does feel as though my life is going through a period of change right now, and I’m excited to see what comes next.
      You have made some huge changed just recently, and I’m very happy to see they are working out so well for you.

  11. I feel sad too Barbara since I came to know about your book shop only a year back? So compared to others very recently which is my loss. However I have come to know your blog and you and your friendship which I hope will be for a long time. I love the new name and congratulations to John for choosing a wonderful title. I look forward to your future posts eagerly

    1. Hello Shashi, I really enjoy our friendship, and your comments always lift my day. I hope all is well with your mum. 90 is a grand age. Also hope your back is much better now. I’m looking forward to seeing the next post about your latest project. I'm still thinking about those pretty shoes. I know you are not completely happy with them, but I love them.
      I'm very happy with the new blog title - it just feels right.

  12. Oh Barbara, your comment as I read it this morning, touched me so! My aim is to speak to the part of most peoples' being that is connected by this humanity we share. Thank you for your most poetic comment! Have a lovely day; it is sensational out here today! LOVE, Anita

    1. Thank you for your sweet words Anita. We enjoyed a delightful lunch out with friends today, so feeling on top of the world now. I hope the rest of your week is full of good things. xx

  13. The end of one era but the beginning of a wonderful new one. Fair forward March of Time Books!


    1. Fair Forward March of Time Books sounds like a really good title for a book - perhaps I should write it! Thank you for your good wises Ruth. I always enjoy hearing from you.


  14. I'm so glad that whilst March House Books is no more we still get to visit you at your new abode as it were. I'm loving the new name, well done to John and the others for
    such wonderful suggestions.

    1. Hi Tracy, I’m loving the new name as well. It just feels right.

  15. Hello Barbara! I love the new name. I'm excited to see what is ahead for you.

    1. Hi Diana, I’m not really sure what is ahead but when I figure it out I will be sure to let you know.

  16. It's a cliche but it is true that as one door closes, another opens. I love the new title and look - new enough to signal something different but familiar enough to be reassuring. Congratulations to all the new name winners!

    1. Hi Sue, I have a feeling lots of doors will open at once – and then what will I do? :-)

  17. Hi Barbara,

    A new blog name and a fresh start. And yet, there is a gentle transition that makes me feel as welcome as ever, my kind friend.

    Nicely thought out by your cousin, John. Hearty congrats in this your new blogging adventure.

    Gary :)

    1. Dear Gary, your visits are always appreciated, and your words eagerly read, thank you Barbara.

  18. How much I loved the new name , I have already written in other comment as I am late ... But here there's so much to write.. again ! You have come up with this wonderful idea of guest posts to keep this beautiful place fresh lively ! I am looking forward to the posts and wishing you all the very best with this concept .. I love to return here again n again :) :)

    1. Thank you Kokila, if you ever feel like writing a guest post, I would be delighted to include it. I know it would be an interesting read. Love Barbara

  19. Dear Barbara,

    What a fun new name to your blog and I so look forward to visiting you again at your new place. Sorry to hear that you are closing the shop but understand the need for you doing this.
    Hope you are enjoying the weekend and thanks for the kind visit to my blog.

    1. Hello Carolyn, I’m really pleased with the new name and grateful to John for thinking of it. I’m sad about the shop, but it was the right decision. It feels like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.
      I always enjoy visiting you, and will be back soon. Love Barbara

  20. Love the new name and header! Wishing all the best for March of Time Books!

  21. well as long as roger says" as long as your still around, that's alright" I'm in? as well.
    Be happy, be lucky. be well! agman

    1. How nice to feel wanted, thank you Agman. I hope life is being good to you. Barbara x

  22. I have not visited your blog in so long! Love the new name.

    1. Welcome back Leanne and thanks for the sweet comment. Barbara

  23. I love the new name, too, and am so glad you're keeping up with the blog. By the way, all my books have arrived (as of about two weeks ago, when the last parcel arrived) and all are just as lovely as I'd hoped! xx

    1. Hello Chandra, how nice to hear from you, it was sweet of you to leave a comment, and I’m really pleased to know you are enjoying your books.
      Thank you for all your custom over the years.
      I did think about giving up the blog, but it is proving to be a bit of a lifeline now the books have gone, with lots of lovely people (like you) to chat with. xxx


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx