
Monday 28 September 2015

Coming Soon - A wonderful wordless Christmas book

My sweet friend Nicole sent along this YouTube video of her new Christmas book.

Please turn up the sound and enjoy. 

The first snowflakes flutter down and over a village shines a bright star. 

In this charming Christmas story, the birds and animals look for decorations to adorn a huge pine tree.

Sure to become a Christmas classic.  Kerstmis will be available on Amazon soon – please visit this linkAlternatively, you can reserve a copy at Libris.  The music accompanying the video was composed by Nicole’s husband Martin and is available to download from iTunes

The Bout en Moertje (Nut and Bolt) ABC will also be available soon. This comes in a good quality box with 26 loose letter cards and a booklet.  You may remember Bout en Moertje (Nut and Bolt) from a previous post here, and you can read more about Nicole here.

Available from Amazon in early October.

Thank you so much everybody for your lovely comments, it really means a lot to me. As an illustrator/author, you work on your own and live in your stories. I love the animals as if they were my own. Nicole. 

I received no financial compensation for writing this post and have no material connection to the brands or products mentioned. 

Christmas is arriving early this year. Our Australian family are visiting at the beginning of December and staying with us until the middle of January. Terry and I can’t wait to spend time with these two gorgeous little girls (our granddaughters) and their mummy and daddy.

We are already busy shopping and preparing.  How about you, do you like to buy presents early or do you prefer to wait until Christmas Eve? 


  1. Oh what beautiful CHILDREN my dear Barbara! And the story sounds divine. Enjoy a day of nostalgia, gentleness, and love.

    1. Thank you so much Anita - I hope we both enjoy such a day. xx

  2. That's really marvellous.....
    One thing l would like to mention...
    There's an author who lives here in my town of
    Blandford...Dorset. We've been friends for a number
    of years now! His name...Peter Collington.
    He's written children's books, so much so that one....
    'A Small Miracle' was made into an animated film,
    and is shown every Christmas, since 2007. on BBC2.
    He's also, written, produced and directed a 10min film.
    In which, among a few others, l appear in...! HeHe!
    No Oscar as yet!!! :).
    But, take a look at his web site...several links to follow!
    Well worth while!

    oooooO! Barbara...Family from Australia...That's fantastic!
    And..Two lovely Grandchildren...My! My! Bet you can't wait!
    I think that will be two you ladies who will be spoilt...spoilt! :).

    I buy prezzies ALL the year round, so that does'nt really apply
    to me...Top cupboard of the wardrobe..That's where all the prezzies
    go, if and when needed......Been doing that since my daughter was
    small! As she got a lot of repeat prezzies, some were put away!
    HeHe! Without her knowing! :). But..shussssss...No Telling! :).

    1. Well I never! I really enjoy Peter Collington’s work, but had no idea about him living in Blandford. What a small world. I will be over to investigate the website as soon as I’ve left this reply. I always knew you were famous Willie, and you have just confirmed it!

      You are absolutely right about the girls being spoilt. How lovely it is to buy presents and not have to ship them. I’m not sure what their mummy & daddy will think when it comes to fitting them in suitcases to take home, but we will worry about that in January – wouldn't it be funny (and expensive) if we end up having to ship them.

      I always promise myself I’m going to buy prezzies early, but then I forget but this year I’m definitely getting ahead.

      I hope you are enjoying the lovely sunshine. xxx

    2. HaHa! The only way l'd get my 'name' in lights...
      Is to change it to 'EXIT'. :).

      Peter is a lovely chap...Though he did go through
      a bit of trauma some years ago...A lady from Salisbury,
      was exercising her dog over the 'Ham' near the river Stour.
      Her dog fell in..She went in after it, and got into difficulty,
      Peter jumped in to help, he was unable to get hold of the
      woman, she was dragged under the weir and drowned.
      Two men, then got Peter out!
      Awful experience for him, affected him greatly. Had to have
      therapy..etc..But! Has never got over it. It was on the News,
      and also the papers! Never been the same man since...!

    3. Oh you are a one!

      What a terrible thing to happen, poor man I can understand why it would affect him so badly. We were involved in a road accident on the A303 a couple of years ago a young man of 27 died at the scene. I don’t think we will ever really get over it. It is just awful being so helpless. Thank God for the air ambulance but even they couldn't get there in time to save him.

  3. Those two little grands are growing up so fast and they are so beautiful. I'm sure you will enjoy every minute of their visit.

    And yes, I buy Christmas presents early before everything is all picked over. I've already bought my first one - for my Kiddo.

    And I love the video, music and look of your friend's book, which I will have to check out (I love a good Christmas story)

    Have a wonderful day, Barbara, and thianks for sharing this with us.

    1. Hi Alex, it’s hard to believe Zoe will be five in January it doesn’t seem ten minuets since she was a tiny baby.
      I must try to get into the habit of buying presents early. My sister usually starts her Christmas shopping in the July sales, not only does she get some bargains she is also less stressed come December.
      I’m sure you will enjoy Nicole’s book; she is such a wonderful artist (and a writer too).

  4. Two adorable little girls. The beauty on the right reminds me of the the old Pear's adverts.

    1. Hi Marina, you are absolutely right about Lilly and the Pear’s adverts, although it hadn’t occurred to me before. Her mummy and I think she has a look of Audrey Hepburn about her or is that just us being a proud parent/grandparent.

  5. Barbara, I love the Kerstmis video and the music is so dramatic! And your granddaughters are too adorable! Another wonderful post!
    Hope you are enjoying the changing seasons, the leaves are already starting to fall here in Minnesota. Have a lovely week! ~ Diane

    1. Thank you so much Diane, I just know Nicole and Martin will be thrilled to read your comment.
      We are enjoying some beautiful autumn days in the UK, blue sky, sunshine and lovely colours. I can picture your garden because of the photos you share and can imagine how pretty it is at the moment. xxxx

  6. What a lovely, lovely trailer! I'm with you, it's sure to become a classic. I'm happy for you and the time you'll get to spend with your Australian family!

  7. Your little grand daughters are lovely. Almost like two beautiful little dolls. Have a wonderful time with them. Loved the snippet of the video it sounds lovely.

    1. Hi Shashi, we think Zoe and Lilly, and our two grandsons are beautiful, but then we are biased!
      You mention a snippet of video, so I’m hoping it played OK for you? It works fine on my screen, but I wonder if there is a problem with the link – I must go and check.
      Thank you for visiting xx

  8. My wife buys all the Christmas prezzies about Easter - no strategy involved. She just likes shopping.
    Lovely looking girls.

    1. Hi Roger, I think your wife is a wise and wonderful woman! Wish I was as organised as that.

  9. You must be so excited about your special visitors! They are adorable. The Christmas story is lovely. I usually start Christmas shopping around August. I like to spread it out.

    1. Another wise and wonderful woman (see my comment above), I wish I could be as organised as the two of you. I’ve started this year but only because I want to have it all done before the family arrive.
      It’s been two years since we last saw them, so we are almost beside ourselves with excitement.

  10. I am SO excited for you that you are going to get to spend a lot of time with your adorable granddaughters. How exciting! The holidays will be such fun for all of you.

    This Christmas book looks lovely. I really liked the trailer and the music was perfect. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Stephanie, I’m so pleased you enjoyed the trailer, and I know Nicole will be too.

  11. What beautiful illustrations and glorious music to go with them. I can smell the pine needles! I love children's Christmas books - I keep mine hidden throughout the year with the decorations and bring them out the first advent weekend. Even though my son is a bit old for them now, he still likes to have a look through them. I hope your granddaughters will have the book 'Pookie believes in Santa Claus' read to them by their gran!

    1. Hello Sue, that is such a lovely thing to say and do you know – I can smell the pine needles too.
      The night before Christmas, The toys' night before Christmas, Angelina’s Christmas, A letter to Santa, Humprey’s Christmas and Maisy’s Christmas Eve are all ready for the girls but not Pookie believes in Santa Claus – how very remiss of me. I’m going to look for a copy immediately. I can’t wait to share some of my favourite books with the girls and feel so lucky to get to spend the time with them. They don’t know this yet, but we have booked a few days at Disneyland Paris before Christmas – I’m as excited as any five-year-old!!

    2. Disneyland - what a treat! My personal favourite when it comes to Christmas reading is the couple of chapters of 'The Wind in the Willows' set in winter.

    3. I must read The Wind in the Willows again – it’s been too long.

  12. Oooh Kerstmis sounds like it could be a wonderful addition to the list of books I'm compiling for this years Christmas Spirit Reading Challenge.

    Such pretty little girls, you must really be looking forward to December. Though I have been known to shop Christmas Eve for last minute things I do prefer to start the end of November, finishing Mid-December. That said now that we shop a lot online we are generally a little later in starting.

    1. Hi Tracy, I’m sure Nicole would be thrilled if you did include Kerstmis.

      I would really like to do all my shopping online, but it seems to take me ages to find just the thing I’m looking for, so I tend to trundle off to the shops. I need to get more organised – she said crossing her fingers (it will never happen!)

  13. I love this trailer. The whirling snowflakes draw you right in and Martin's music is awesome, too. Looks like a great book.
    You must be so excited, counting the days until your beautiful little granddaughters are in your arms. Thanks for sharing this lovely post!

    1. Hi Marcia, I absolutely agree with you. I keep replaying the trailer because I love it so much.
      We are wishing the days away, but once they arrive time needs to slow down so that we can savour every minute.

  14. I love Nicole's book trailer and her husband's music is just the sort I used to buy. Must check it out on iTunes and the book on Amazon. Enjoy your early (and sweetly protracted) Christmas with Terry and your daughter's family, Barbara! They grow up so fast, don't they? As for your question, I like shopping early.

    1. Hi Claudine, I thought you would enjoy it as it is just so beautiful.
      We are still visualising the girls as they were when we saw them two years ago so I know we will be surprised by how much they have grown. Their mummy and daddy are really good about taking and sharing loads of photos, but it’s not the same as actually being with them.

  15. Nicole would like me to share this with you all - Thank you so much everybody for your lovely comments, it really means a lot to me. As an illustrator/author, you work on your own and live in your stories. I love the animals as if they were my own. Nicole.

    Thank you so much Nicole, your new story is beautiful. Barbara

  16. Those illustrations are simply beautiful, as are your sweet little grandchildren ♥

    I hope all is well with you. Have a lovely day x

    1. Thanks Yvonne! All well with us, hope the same is true for you. xx

  17. I liked all the illustrations. Now I need to put skates on as I haven't even started thinking of Christmas yet....

    1. I’m not sure where September went, but I woke up this morning and realised it was October! So much to do … so little time! Thanks for calling in, Barbara

  18. Oh, what beautiful little girls. I've started at the last post Barbara, as I've not really been looking at blogs recently, been busy with my Vulcan watching in the last few flying weeks. I hope you're well.

    1. Thank you Anne Marie, we think the girls are beautiful, but then we would wouldn't we! :-) Vulcan watching sounds far more entertaining than blog reading, so I don’t blame you in the least. I’m feeling well, thank you, hope you are too. Barbara


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx