
Thursday 4 February 2016

Around the world in forty two days.

The title of this post might be a slight exaggeration but Karen, Steven and the girls did travel from Australia to England via Dubai before visiting France then back for a whirlwind tour of England and a return trip to Australia all in the space of forty two days. I realise they didn't exactly go around the world, but they certainly crossed it a couple of times.

We have hundreds of photographs so choosing the ones to share is proving difficult, but I hope you enjoy this selection. If you would like to see more, please visit my previous post.

Paris - Karen, Zoe, Steven and Lilly

Lilly's pose was entirely spontaneous, but I wonder if the inspiration came from her favourite Disney film.

Queen Elsa starring in a Frozen Sing Along at Disneyland Paris. Notice anything familiar in the pose?  

 Zoe had difficulty remembering the name of the Eiffel Tower but pointing first at her eye and then her tummy (Eye Full!!) did the trick. 

These two photographs make me smile, I love the way Lilly is copying her daddy with a sad and happy face. 

Is it just me or does anyone else think Lilly looks a little like Audrey Hepburn?  
Lilly on the left Audrey Ruston (Hepburn) on the right

As Zoe gets taller, I get shorter!

From Paris, it was back to London.

Karen and I enjoy a glass of champagne as we walk around a Christmas market alongside the River Thames.

We stayed at a hotel close to the London Eye, but the girls were more impressed with the playground (London Eye in the background)
Steven and Lilly

Zoe having fun

Why are playgrounds made for big people when I'm only little?

London by night

Fortnum and Mason all decked out for Christmas

Back at home and Zoe is very excited to see 'Postman Pat’ pulling up outside. The girls are more used to seeing the postman arriving on a motorbike.

 An Australia Post Postie
(Flickr: Vanessa Pike-Russell via News)

On the move again…this time it’s off to a hotel in Basingstoke to join more of our family.

L to R;  My sister Sue with her husband Brian and daughter Jackie, me with our two grandsons Kip and Tris from our son's first marriage, Terry, Karen, Paula (my niece and Sue's daughter) holding Zoe, Steven, Jean and Fred (my husband's parents), Dave (Paula's husband) and Lilly in the front. 

Our two little granddaughters treated us all to a surprise performance - don't they look adorable in their tutus. 

Lilly on Christmas morning

Zoe with her half-brothers Kip and Tris, the boys returned to England from Australia a few years ago so this was an emotional reunion.

Zoe and Kip getting to know one another again.

Steven taking Nanny for a spin around the dance floor.

With the excitement of Christmas behind us it was time to return home. 
Now I understand why adult colouring books are so popular there is something very therapeutic about getting out the paints and crayons. I loved ‘colouring in’ with the girls and also enjoyed sticker books and magic painting, something I hadn't done since our grandsons were small.  

We were delighted to see this little chap while out walking.

We couldn't be with Zoe on her actual birthday, so we had an unbirthday birthday tea a few days before they returned to Australia. Happy fifth birthday Zoe. 

Love and happy smiles...


  1. I've just got back from town....'Thought'..
    I wonder if anyone nice has posted..AND....
    Whey~Hey!!! Scrolled up and down a few times,
    then went downstairs for a lemon tea, before
    leaving a comment! AND..It could be a long one,
    as the Bishop said to....(No! Forget that) :).

    The photos are once again, brilliant! I love looking
    at photos, even if l don't know who they are.
    At the bottom of the stairs is a box full of photos.
    When my Mum died and went to heaven...! :). She left
    14 photo albums, the old type with only 4 photos per
    page. So..I took ALL the photos out, put them in some
    sort of order, and put them in the shoe box, at the
    bottom of the stairs, they've been there ever since!
    Old B/W..Sepia photos from way back, mostly of my
    Sicilian family, not many on my English Fathers side.
    Even though he had 7 brothers and 3 sisters. Not, a
    close family at all...Unlike we Sicilians!
    So from time to time, l put the box on my lap, whilst
    watching the telly..and slowly, go through my past!
    Do l shed a tear..You Betcha!!!

    I had to chuckle when l saw the pink tutus..I rushed
    into my bedroom and looked in the wardrobe..Just to make
    sure mine was still there...HeHe! I made a fairy outfit
    many moons ago for New Years Eve..Even got a hollow stick
    from a Wendy Hse, covered in tin foil, filled it with
    glitter, stuck a star at the top, then every time l waved would leave a stream of glitter! I won first prize,
    40oz bottle of scotch..hate the l auctioned for
    charity! :0).

    And..Audrey Hepburn..Yes! One of my most 'flavourite' ladies.
    She's lovely! Remember her in 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'. 1961.
    I would had breakfast with her..anywhere..!!!

    GREAT Post Barbara...I'm off for another lemon tea...BUT..I'll
    be back...! :>).

    1. Thanks Willie, I’m glad you enjoy seeing photos – it would be awful if you didn’t because I have gone a bit overboard!

      That Bishop gets everywhere!!

      I feel sad thinking about you shedding a tear over your family photos, but I know exactly what you mean. Looking at old photos is always bitter sweet. Does your daughter like looking at them? I sometimes think we have to get older (sorry) to appreciate our own history. I’ve got some of the family photographs but the albums were shared between me, my sister and brother, so there are big gaps in the chronology. I might have to ‘borrow’ them all one day and get them scanned.

      You do make me laugh Willie – it’s time you shared a photo of you in that fairy outfit! I’m sure you probably have in the past but there must be lots of us that haven’t seen it. Maybe you could include it in an email at some time. If you don’t have a photo, you will have to get dressed up in it again!!! 

      Thanks as always for coming over and leaving a comment, you made my day! Barbara xx

    2. My daughter loves the photos..So they will stay in
      the family one final generation. As my daughter and
      son~in~law never wanted children...She's a chip off
      the 'old' block..Well, she has had a Sicilian upbringing.
      For 14yrs, it was just me and her...But their a career
      couple..Though they do have two Staffy's and three
      pussy~cats. And, l must'nt get rid of or throw anything
      away! Without permission..! So, she'll need a few Pickford lorries to empty my home! :). HeHe! Good luck to her...!!!

      HaHa! NO! I don't have any old photos of me in the fairy
      outfit..Still have the tutu, and the pink tights, and the
      pink wings, just a couple coat hangers, covered pink satin.
      Just need the pink top, then l'm all set...But, who's gonna
      take the photo...I do charge for this sort of thing..! :0).
      Oh! I was chased by some bikers on New Years Eve..Across
      the Market place back to the Greyhound pub. (Dam wings would'nt work)..! They were o.k I invited them in for a beer...! :>).

    3. I’m so glad your daughter is going to hang on to the photos. I always think it sad when albums turn up at auction. I’ve bought some in the past with a vague idea of returning them to their rightful owners, but I never have. Maybe the families don’t want them or perhaps there is nobody left – how sad is that.
      I don’t think your daughter will have to worry about Pickford lorries for a good few years yet, or at least I hope not!!

      Now you have fully explained your outfit I don’t need photos, I can just picture it! How funny but what a shame about the wings. You should try drinking Red Bull, I understand it gives you wings!!! :)

  2. Oh Barbara! HELLO! How fun it is to see your travels and yes, the little miss DOES look like Audrey with those big innocent eyes!!!!! Your travels looks like fun not only for the location but because of the companionship of family. These are the moments that stay. That little bird is beautifully captured as well, and I hope that your spring will be a lovely one to enjoy.

    So good to see you here and thank you also for visiting me on Instagram! Anita

    1. Hello Anita, I love visiting you on Instagram and missed it while I was away.

      Thank you for the springtime wishes, I hope you are keeping warm and dry and no more problems with your roof. Barbara xx

  3. Lovely blog, as always and your friend Willie always makes me smile! The photos are lovely. xx

    1. Thank you sister, Willie makes me smile too. xxx

  4. Barbara! Those photos are incredible! Just stunning! What a fantastic trip! And such adorable family photos! Happy Smiles!

    1. Thanks Diane, we did have a great time and count ourselves very lucky, xx

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment :) What a lovely family you have! Looked like a lot of wonderful celebrating too!


    1. Hello Betty, I enjoyed your blog and thank you for coming over to visit mine. Thanks also for your kind words; we do have a lovely family! Barbara

  6. Delightful pictures, all of them. So nice the grandsons were there as well. This will be a Christmas everyone will remember with fondness for a long time!

    1. Hi Darlene, it was lovely to have the boys there, especially for Steven as he hadn’t seen his sons for more than three years. It was also nice for Terry’s parents to be with everyone – you have to make the most of all these opportunities, as you know. Barbara

  7. Hi human, Barbara,

    Wow and totally pawesome pawst, my lovely human friend. What an amazing time and trip for all concerned. This comes across, very well, in your wonderful photos. What an adventure and thank you very much for this.

    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses,

    Penny xx

    1. Hello Penny,

      I’m so pleased you enjoyed the photos, although I feel I should have included some four-legged friends just for you!

      Enjoy your walkies today and don’t forget to take Gary with you.

      Xxxxx’s to you both.

  8. Loved seeing all of these photos. Such great shots! Must have been a busy, but wonderful time. You all got to see so much together and the memories are so important. Lots of family time too- so it was a special trip all around. :)

    1. Thanks Stephanie, it was a fun time, and you are right about the memories. We need to start saving now so that we can get together again in a couple of years.

  9. What beautiful pictures (I especially love the first Paris shot). Looks like you had such a wonderful time. Do you ever make those printed photo books (for example Shutterfly)? I love making them for myself and as gifts. Your collection would make such a lovely book.

    1. Hello Marcia, that is a very good idea – I’m going to go and take a look at Shutterfly after I leave this reply. I’ve never tried making one, but I would love to give it a go.

    2. Some more lovely photos Barbara. I agree that your granddaughter, Lily, does have a look of Audrey Hepburn. It's those big, beautiful eyes. :)

  10. How wonderful. I can imagine the difficulty you must have had in picking these. What beautiful deep eyes Lilly has, so pretty.

  11. Looks like fun was had by all! Adult colouring books are definitely therapeutic and I'd definitely recommend one or two :)

    1. Hi Nikki-ann, I’m going to invest in a couple of those colouring books and some pretty coloured pencils. I’m not sure I could ever recapture my youth, but I certainly intend to spend a little more time revisiting my childhood! :)

  12. Hello my dear friend,from the tropical NORTH of Australia,a very long way from where your utterly adorable family reside.What an absolute treat for me to see your photos and especially the one of Fortnum and Mason's Christmas window which is TRULY magical to me!!! Just so much like a fairytale picture in my old books!! Oh Barbara,what a fabulous holiday was had by all,from what your wonderful photos show so well!! Sorry it has taken so long to respond to your post.My dad turned 86 on the 2nd and I was very busy making him a rather special birthday card which actually involved an intricate 'doodle' I made of the word DAD and then cut out and COLOURED,just like items I did when at art school 40 years ago!! It was then attached to the front of the card,the completed item of which,was like a book with the 'pages' each having verses of a poem I wrote for him, and including comment about its lateness rather than being early as your celebrations for little Zoe were!! He phoned me when it arrived and said the happiness he felt when he received it was hard to express.I felt my efforts well worth it!I agree that colouring is a relaxing and joyful past-time,and I have even added to my own collection of adult colouring books in the past few weeks. I got my very first adult colouring book back in 1974,so very long before this recent mad craze was even being thought of!!I always have kept colouring books here in case of visiting children who may feel bored!
    I am so enamoured with the various backgrounds in these photos.You have managed to capture very special moments which will now be precious moments for all of you for all time!! I just love the picture of Zoe at the window with the English Christmas tree.I can remember waiting for the postman when I was a little lass of about the same age,but of course back THEN here in Oz,they rode PUSHBIKES, not having the luxury of a motor scooter at all!!
    I also have to say that your amazing moment in time,in which you managed to capture the stunning little bird would make a truly gorgeous greeting card! Perfection in a picture!!
    I know that you are missing all of your visitors immensely,but while you can look through your many photos, they will still be there with you,closer than you would think!!! It is so nice to have you back,and I will be sure to stay tuned to all your posts and add some news of my own too,if you'd like this!! Love and miles of smiles from afar, Jules xox

    1. Hello, my lovely friend! Thank you so much for your visit and sweet comment. Please wish your dad the happiest of happy 86th birthdays from me. How nice to make something so personal for him, I fully understand why he was delighted.

      I hadn’t done any colouring since our grandsons were small boys (they will be 24 and 22 this year) and had forgotten how much I enjoyed it – it is so very therapeutic.

      I can’t take any credit for the photographs they were all taken by Terry or Karen. I was far too busy having fun! Zoe and Lilly decorated the Christmas tree (the one you mention where Zoe is looking out of the window) the day after they arrived from Australia, they took it in turns to put the fairy on the top!

      I am always delighted to add your news to the blog so please send it along at any time. xxx


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx