
Monday 17 April 2017

A trip to the theatre and the Easter bunny spotted in Australia

Hello all, I hope you are enjoying the Easter weekend as much as we are. We had a lovely chat with our granddaughters in Australia on Saturday morning. They were eagerly awaiting a visit from the Easter bunny and very excited to tell us all about it. Towards the end of the conversation Zoe (the eldest of the two) started to tell us about a visit to the dentist. “Nanny” she asked “did you teach daddy to ‘spit out’ after he cleans his teeth?” I replied that yes, I did, and she then said the dentist said you shouldn’t do that, and although she had told daddy, he was still doing it!  I'm sure she thought it was time for me to take daddy to task, but I don’t think he would appreciate a lecture from his mum.  [Steve, if you should happen to read this, you have been told.]  ðŸ˜Š

I promise to stop going on about Easter, but I thought you might like to see this lovely picture of the Easter Bunny as painted by Lilly (the younger of the two girls) which arrived in the post on Saturday.

The Easter Bunny painted by Lilly age 4
The Easter Bunny as painted by Lilly age 4, a good likeness I think you will agree.

This is Lilly on Easter Sunday afternoon. I can’t be sure she is holding the Easter bunny, but it’s possible – right?

... and there was you thinking eggs came from chickens. 

Enough about Easter...

One evening last week, Terry and I went along to see a new play by Barney Norris. Echo’s End is a not-quite-love story set on Salisbury Plain during the First World War.

John and Anna (played by Tom Byrne and Katie Moore) are childhood friends, living in a farming community in the Wiltshire countryside. Their parents expect them to marry but although John loves Anna, Anna doesn’t love him back. With his advances rejected John enlists, and Anna finds comfort in the arms of an injured New Zealand soldier based in one of the camps on Salisbury Plain. Jack (Oliver Hembrough) is a different breed of man, unsentimental and mature.  While Anna's father Arnold (David Beames) barters with Jack for food that was once easily obtained, Anna is slowly falling in love.

This is a story without a happy ending, tender, dramatic, beautifully designed and well worth seeing if you get the chance.

I’ve always wondered if my grandfather or any of my uncles did any of their basic training on Salisbury Plain. They all served in France during WW1 and several of them didn’t come back, which made this story all the more poignant for me. 

Award-winning author and playwright Barney Norris
was born in Chichester in 1987 and grew up in Sussex,
London and Salisbury. A graduate of the universities of
Oxford and Royal Holloway, his poetry, stories and other
writings have been published in various magazines. His
first non-fiction book Bodies Gone: The Theatre of Peter Gill
was published by Seren in 2014. His debut novel
Five Rivers Met on a Wooded Plain, became a Guardian,
Daily Mail and Evening Standard Book of the Year.
His second novel will be published in January 2018.
His debut full-length play Visitors won the Critics Circle
Award for Most Promising Playwright. He was also
shortlisted for the prestigious Evening Standard
Theatre Awards for Most Promising Playwright,
the Writers Guild of Great Britain 2014 award for
Best Play and the Best New Play Award at the
Off West End Theatre Awards 2014.

Did the Easter bunny visit you? Can you remember the last stage production you saw? Did you enjoy it or is the theatre not your thing?


  1. That's a beautiful picture of your granddaughter with the bunny.

    1. Thanks Alex, her mummy is a photographer specialising in studio portraits of families and children hence the gorgeous dress. I’m sure Lilly must feel like a princess while wearing it.

  2. Such a lovely post, Barbara. Lilly is beautiful and delightful!

    1. Well I think so Linda, but then I wouldn't I. :)

  3. Lilly and the Bunny are both adorable! What a beautiful photo... Thanks for the explanation above, such talent in your family!! Have a lovely week Barbara!

    1. Hi Diane, I should have explained about Lilly’s mum in the post but it only just occurred to me. Do you do that when you write blog posts? I always think of something interesting to say after the post is done. :)

  4. Love the picture of the Easter bunny as drawn by your granddaughter, and she is a beautiful little girl. And now I know that the rabbit does lay the eggs, thanks. The play and story sound good, glad you enjoyed it. I haven't been to the cinema or a theatre for years, it's just too expensive these days. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

    1. Hello Valerie, Lilly loves to paint and draw while Zoe is very much into gymnastics and is very good at it – if I might say so.
      I know exactly what you mean about the expense, we used to love going up to London to shows, but it is out of our price range these days. The theatre at Salisbury is very good though, and we try to go a couple of times a year. Enjoy the rest of the week. x

  5. Love the painted picture of the Easter Bunny

    Julie xxxxxxxxx


    1. Thanks Julie we love getting ‘artworks’ in the post and always proudly display them around the house, as a blogger I can also share them worldwide. :) xxx

  6. I love Lilly's use of color in her artwork!!!
    Lilly is just beautiful and so is the photo that she is in.
    I never had any doubts that Easter Eggs were laid by Easter Bunnies :)

    1. Hello Jan, I didn’t have any doubts either – or I won’t have if my granddaughters should ask me. :)
      Thank you for your kind words about Lilly and her artwork, we think she and her paintings are gorgeous, but then we are very proud grandparents.
      Have a lovely week.

  7. Oh, I think I would have loved that play. Must look and see if it is coming to The Anvil. I loved all of the Easter photos of Lilly and to see that the bunny is doing so well. Xxxx

    1. I think you would too Sue. It wasn’t exciting just a nice gentle story with beautiful scenery and excellent acting. I loved all the photos too, Karen said Zoe was very tired on Sunday and didn’t want her photo taken – which is fair enough. xxx

  8. Dear Barbara - such lovely photo off Lily with the bunny...I think she appears to be a budding artist as well. Hope you had a super Easter too. Echo's End sounds wonderful...will be looking for either the book or the movie. Have a great week. Hugs!

    1. Hello Debbie, thank you for your kind words about Lilly. We are really proud of her and of her big sister and their brothers. We are blessed indeed when it comes to grandchildren. Echo’s End is a very sweet story and certainly worth a watch/read. Hugs Barbara

  9. HaHa! Do you really want to know if the
    Easter bunny visited me...Well...Yes he
    did, yesterday for lunch, and to~day for
    a bone picking session..! :). Yum! Yum!

    The photo of Lilly is wonderful..Reminds
    me of my daughter, she had a rabbit at that
    age...AND! NO! I did'nt eat it..before you
    go off on one! She also had two hamsters, one
    of which escape and got behind the fire...we
    thought that was that..three weeks later out
    it came, worse for wear, but recovered!

    Last play l saw was a couple years ago, at the
    Tivoli in Wimborne.....'An Inspector Calls'.
    Brilliant! Went on the three nights it was on.
    The film from 1954, with Alastair Sim is a
    classic to..!

    Actually! Going back to the bunny thing, the
    top painting by Lilly is great..that's how my
    rabbit finished up looking after l'd finished
    with it to~day..!!! :0).

    1. Me go off on one? As if!

      Is it even legal to talk about the Easter bunny and bunny bones in the same sentence? I think not. You wait until my granddaughters are a bit bigger I will set them on you.

      Your daughter’s hamster did well to survive three weeks without food or water; he/she must have had a strong constitution.

      I’ve often looked at the outside of the Tivoli theatre but have not seen any shows there. A friend and I are going to the Octagon in Yeovil in May, another evening with Psychic Sally. It should be good.

      Thanks for leaving a comment Willie, I always look forward to reading them. Night, Barbara

    2. Tivoli is a great place...Check it out
      on line..l'm still involved with the place,
      and, loads going on there...! I've often been
      asked to preform there, on stage! "Friends

      Just thinking...don't think l'll still be here
      when your granddaughters are grown up, unless
      l live as long as mio nonno...106...!

    3. Morning Willie, thank you for sending the link to the Tivoli, there are some good shows on over the summer. I can see I’m going to have to start saving my pennies.

      106 is a grand age! I was sad to read Emma Morano died a few days ago. She was 117 and according to the press she put her longevity down to eggs. I’m quite partial to an egg sandwich!

  10. What a beautiful little girl you have there, Barbara. You are right to be one proud grandma. And that bunny (real and drawn) is lovely.

    1. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for leaving such a sweet comment.

  11. Lilly and the bunny! Bunny and eggs! Such a lovely Easter blog, Barbara. Easter here was lovely- so many flowering trees and spring flowers in bloom. Perfect! I have not seen a stage play for ages. I hope Willie will tell us about his evening with Psychic Sally in May...


    1. Hello Colleen, I don’t think Willie is going to see Psychic Sally, but I am, so I will let you know how it goes. Actually, I’ve seen her before but my friend Mary hasn’t so the two of us are going together. Springtime in your part of the world sounds lovely as it is here. Lilly’s mummy takes gorgeous photos, and I find it hard to resist sharing them. Thanks for calling in Colleen, I hope you are well.

  12. You may return to Easter all you wish, because I love this post. Not only does your granddaughter draw and paint better than me, she is adorable in her lovely Easter dress holding the bunny. And I had to laugh when you let us know the Easter bunny left those eggs (grin)!

    1. That is such a lovely thing to say, thank you. I’m glad you were amused by the bunny and the eggs – I couldn’t resist! :)

  13. How wonderful to chat with your lovely granddaughters on Easter. I love the theatre and the play you attended sounds like my kind of play. I remember going to see Blood Brothers in London a few years ago. It was so good and I have never forgotten it.

    1. We so enjoy chatting with the girls they always make us laugh. Some of their questions are hilarious, and we find ourselves scratching our heads trying to come up with an answer. I’ve not seen Blood Brothers, but I think my sister has. It's on my ‘must see’ list, but the list is very long so I’m not sure when or if we will get to see it.

  14. Lovely Easter post, so glad Lilly was feeling up to a photo shoot in her beautiful dress. Sounds like both of your granddaughters are very talented. I love going to the theater and this play looks wonderful. The last time I went was over a year ago to see Irving Berlin's White Christmas--a fun show!

    1. Hello Marcia, I’ve seen the 1954 film version of White Christmas but not the show. I can imagine how much fun it was. Lilly and Zoe are very lucky as they get to wear the dresses their mum uses for her photo shoots. The problem is they never want to take them off. :)

  15. How gorgeous to see Lilly's drawing - so cute and colourful. I love how you included it in your post.
    Thanks for your summation about the film, it sounds most touching and evoking a whole range of emotions. To see it on stage would have been marvellous.
    Enjoy your week Barbara :D)

    1. Hello Sue, I was running short of ideas for this week’s post so Lilly’s artwork and photo were heaven-sent. I’m really pleased you enjoyed seeing them.
      I do enjoy a good play. The ending was sad, but it made it more realistic. Thanks for calling in.

  16. That is a glorious heart-melting picture of your grand-daughter and the bunny.
    It is too long since I have been to the theatre. Way too long.

    1. You must rectify that if you can, it’s a lovely relaxing way to spend an evening.

  17. That picture of Lilly just melts the heart.
    And Zoe's picture is the best bunny painting ever.
    Loved the trip to the dentist story:)

    1. Hi Sandra, kiddies really do say the funniest things. When Zoe came out of school the other evening she told her mum about a little girl with a funny name. Karen asked her what the name was and Zoe replied Little S*** (I will let you fill in the blanks). Karen was astounded to hear those words coming out of Zoe’s mouth and asked her to tell her more. It transpired the little girls mummy always says “come on Little S*** when she collects the girl from school. :)

    2. Oh my. A funny name indeed:)

  18. Oops, I got my girl's confused didn't I? Lily did a great job of painting the Easter Bunny:)

  19. Hello Barbara dearest! Your darling Lilly, what a perfect picture in her violet colored dress with the bunny! And the painting, so sweet and perfect. We saw our share of Easter Bunnies in our own garden. One of them came later in the evening and stretched out his long, springy body, eyes closed to slits, as if to say, "I AM DONE DEPOSITING EGGS!"

    And what a lovely story you share here to consider viewing. Spring has started and we are ready for story time! Enjoy your week dear friend.

    1. That is so funny Anita the poor little bunny was obviously exhausted! Lilly loves that dress and would wear it all the time if she had half a chance. Zoe didn’t want to have her photo taken on Easter Sunday, there was serious Easter egg eating to be done. Have a lovely week dear friend. xx

  20. Such a beautiful picture of your granddaughter Lily. And I love the painting, definitely a most colorful Easter bunny.

    The play sounds like an interesting love story. Some of the men in my dad's family served in WWI. Now I wonder if they trained on Salisbury Plain, too. No one ever really talks about their war experiences.

    Spring has finally arrived here in NYC, and I hope you are enjoying your spring in England. I always remember it as being so lovely.

    1. Hello Alex

      We are enjoying a lovely spring. It's a bit chilly but bright and sunny and very pretty.

      I’m sure there must be a way to find out if any of our family members trained on Salisbury Plain, but I’m afraid I don’t know how to go about it. One of these days I intend to get down to some serious family research, I did start a while ago, but it takes up hours of time, and I never seem to have enough.

      Thank you for your kind words about Lilly and her painting.

  21. Oh, it's so cute this photo of Lilly in her princess dress holding the Easter bunny. My heart just melted :)
    I'm glad to know that Terry is doing well and it's great go to the theater and socialize. This play sounds very good. Thank you so much for sharing these great moments with us. Hugs


    1. My heart melted too, but then I always feel that way when I see pictures of Lilly and Zoe.
      Thank you for thinking of Terry, he is very much on the mend now. Barbara x

  22. The Easter pictures are so beautiful. What a dress! What a bunny! My daughter's favorite holiday is Easter and she would do anything to have her own bunny, but I'm not sure I'm up for the challenge as well already have two cats.

    The last play I saw was Mary Poppins at my other daughter's middle school. It was excellent.

    O is for Owl Worship

    1. I would love to see Mary Poppins on stage. I've seen the film many times and always enjoy it.

      What a dress indeed, I’m sure Lilly must feel like a princess when she wears it. Zoe and Lilly started out with two bunnies, but they quickly turned into several more! The babies are very cute, but their arrival was somewhat unexpected! They were sure they had two females, but that was obviously not the case.

  23. I haven't seen a stage show in a while. I am trying to recall the last one- it might have been Catch Me if you Can, but I am not sure. I did enjoy it though.

    The show you saw sounds like one that will stay with the viewer long after the show is over.

    Looks like your granddaughters had quite the Happy Easter! I love the drawing and the photo. :) Hope you had a lovely Easter too!

    1. Hi Stephanie, I always enjoy stage shows, but they are expensive so it has to be something special to persuade me to go.
      We had a lovely Easter thank you, hope you did too. x

  24. Happy Easter my friend !
    i really enjoyed the conversation of your grand angle with you ,How adorable .
    she is so pretty and magnificent child as i can see her with bunny !

    eggs come from bunny on Easter so true.

    i loved this movie through your review ,sounds beautiful just like it's ending though i prefer movies with happy endings but story is so compelling specially one sided love story so i will watch it soon .

    1. Thank you and a very happy belated Easter to you.

      You are quite right Lilly is my grand angle as is her sister Zoe, I like that title and will use it in the future. :)

  25. Hello Barbara
    I was sure I had commented on this post, but can't see my comment!

    So I will try again and hope it comes through ok.

    I love the photograph of Lilly ... so beautiful and the rabbit she has drawn is magical.

    All the best Jan

    1. Hello Jan, you commented on the previous post, and they are both about Easter so maybe that is why you thought you had commented on this one. Thank you for coming back and leaving another comment.
      Hugs Barbara

  26. What an adorable little girl! And bunny. Nothing beats family, eh?

  27. Lily is so beautiful! I love that picture!!! And, I love Lily's art piece! Adorable!! Thank you for the review! I hope you had a great Easter! Big Hugs!

    1. Thank you, as a very proud grandma, I agree with you of course.
      Easter was lovely, hope you had a good time. Barbara x

  28. I need happy endings or at least a hope of them. Life can be too challenging without them.

    1. I was wishing and hoping for a happy ending, but it was not to be.

  29. Such a beautiful post, Barbara. Lilly is wonderful and delightful!..

  30. Such a dazzling post, Barbara. Lilly is wonderful and delightful!...

    1. Thank you so much, and thank you for coming over for a visit. I've just spent a very happy half hour on your amazing website.

  31. Sounds like a beautiful play but such a sad ending

    1. It was sad but also memorable, and I’m glad we went to see it.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx