
Sunday 21 May 2017

Smelling the flowers just quietly

Hello lovely blogging friends and readers of my blog!  

I’m about to take a short blogging break but didn’t want to disappear without saying adiós, adieu, addio, adeus, arrivederci, auf Wiedersehen, au revoir, shalom, sayonara, 再见, goodbye.

I need a little time to sit quietly and smell the flowers;
Ferdinand the Bull Disney Postcard

Time to daydream;
German postcard, boy, girl, river, ducks,

Maybe try a new hobby;
Postcard, artwork, monkey, primate,

Visit out of the way places;
Vintage greeting card - cottage and blossoms

Read lots (and lots) of books, so I can tell you about some of them when I return from my blogging break;

Collection children's vintage books

Just before I go, I must tell you about a nice thing that happened to me last week. The lovely Yvonne over at Melancholy and Menace asked for ideas for a tagline to suit her (creepy) vintage book shop. I’m afraid I got carried away with the whole thing and ended up thinking of rather more than one idea, which may explain why I won! Yvonne is working on a new logo so be sure to visit her blog from time to time to see the changes.

My prize was the choice of any book from the Melancholy and Menace (Reading in the Dark) bookshop. Don’t you think that’s a lovely prize? I do. 

See you all soon .....
Image found on Pinterest


The images used at the beginning of  this post are all cards or postcards from my vintage collection;

Ferdinand postcard published by Valentine & Sons For Walt Disney Productions, 1938. The title of this post is part of a quote from Ferdinand the Bull, the full quote is “And for all I know he is sitting there still, under his favorite cork tree, smelling the flowers just quietly” ― Munro Leaf, The Story of Ferdinand.

The second postcard was printed in Germany, no other publishing details. The image is signed, but it’s very difficult to make out. It looks like ‘Resden’. The lovely Valerie over at Bastelmania has just suggested the name could be Dresden (the town) rather than Resden, and I think she could be right.  I still can’t make out the first word so if anyone knows or has an idea, please leave a comment.  Willie is sure the name is William Dresden, so more research required.

The next postcard was sent to Elizabeth from Gran in 1961.  It was printed in Switzerland by A. Kiener.

The pretty cottage is from a greeting card sent from ‘all at Royal Road, Teddington’. It was printed in Britain in the 1930s.


  1. Have a great bloggy break, are you going anywhere nice?

    Julie xxxxxxxxx

    1. Thanks Julie, we’re planning a few days out … but you never know … watch this space. :)
      Chores first and then lots of R&R we are both looking forward to it.

  2. I wish you a restful blog break, have fun!. The German card has the word 'Dresden', a town in the East of Germany on the left, I can't read the word before it. Thanks for sharing the lovely, vintage images. Hugs, Valerie

    1. Hello Valerie, I think you could be right – how clever of you. I thought it was the signature of the artist and didn’t even consider it might be a place. I’ve just looked at it through a magnifying glass but still can’t make out the first word, but you’ve certainly given me something to think about, thank you.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Nikki, I will do my best. :)

  4. Congratulations on the win!
    Enjoy your break and we'll catch you when you return.

    1. Thanks Alex, I hope to get a little more time to visit my favourite blogs (like yours)

  5. Enjoy your down time. And revel in the books and the flowers.

    1. I certainly will, thanks for your good wishes.

  6. Why was I not surprised to see Ferdinand the Bull? I had a Ferdinand planter made of china that I grew African violets in when I was a child. Hmm.. something to start me treasure hunting? Have a lovely break! You always cheer me with your posts. Sending you a big hug!

    1. It might start me treasure hunting too. I would love a Ferdinand planter with or without an African violet. Actually, I would be sure to put one in it in honour of you!
      I’m so pleased my post's cheer you up just as your comments do me. :)

  7. Enjoy your break! I love the Ferdinand quote and picture. Sending hugs.XO

    1. Thanks Darlene and a big hug back to you.

  8. Of course, have a pleasant blogging break! Take your time and enjoy quietness and smell of the flowers, visiting new places and reading new books...

    But we all will be happy to meet your again in our blogger community with your narrative what you did in the meantime ...

    But first of all, enjoy your time off and enjoy yourself during this time off! Have a great time!

    1. Thank you so much, I’m not going to be doing anything very exciting, but I’m sure I will have a tale or two to share on my return.

  9. Where ever, when ever I hope you have a good time and sunny weather too. J

  10. I love all these illustrations, Barbara. Enjoy your time. :)

    1. Thank you Linda, I’m looking forward to catching up with lots of things that have been put on hold.

  11. HeHe! Jeeeeese! :). What is it with the English!
    Taking breaks and smelling things! Goodness! My
    you..l can't talk, l think it's the Italians that
    have the most holidays through the year! As every
    day is a saints day, so, it's a day off for the more
    important ones!
    I seem to remember you had a break at this time last
    year Barbara, as it was Chelsea Flower Show, perhaps
    your going to~day, the Queens there to~day, 'smelling'
    the flowers! I love to watch it, l'm no gardener, l try
    not to miss a program!

    Lovely pic of Ferdinand the Bull...Mind you, think it's
    time he got his nails cut...HeHe! Bless!
    And, the picture of Picasso, the artist, born: 25 October
    1881, Málaga, Spain....Died:8 April 1973, Mougins, France.
    Full Name....
    Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María
    de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y
    (so there).

    So...better wish you a nice break Barbara, enjoy sniffing
    the flowers, careful you don't get stung by a, 'bee'
    careful where you stick yer nose...HeHe! "Nuff Said".

    And...It's 'not. Goodbye...Just 'Adieu'...! :0).

    1. Part 2....
      Having had time to look and study..
      I think the first name is William...
      William Dresden..! At least the first
      few letters...look like w, i, l,l, i..
      Unfortunately the name does'nt really
      relate to anyone on line...! But, the
      last name is Dresden...Whether the German
      City or just a surname! :).
      Back to the drawing board Holmes...!!!

    2. I’m just doing to nick a few of those Italian holidays and blame them for my blogging break then! The English are a hard-working bunch I will have you know. Ok that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but I felt the need to defend my fellow countrymen and women.

      I think you could be right about our holiday last year, although it might have been a bit later – towards the end of May perhaps. I will have to go back through my old blog posts to find out! The Queen forgot to invite me this year, so I’m going to give Chelsea a miss.

      Those are not nails on Ferdinand that’s his fingers and toes! Keep up Willie.

      Thank you for the holiday wishes. I will be sure to watch out for those bees – my nose is quite large enough already!

      So long, farewell
      Auf Wiedersehen, goodnight
      I hate to go and leave this pretty sight
      So long, farewell
      Auf Wiedersehen, adieu
      Adieu, adieu
      To you and you and you :)


    4. Thank you for spending time on that Watson, you are the best!
      Dresden sounds like an odd surname but I’ve just been looking on, and it tells me there are 35,309 historical documents under the name Dresden stored on their website. I can’t look at any of them because I don’t have membership, but it’s interesting none the less.
      Wilhelm Dresden sounds very German – how interesting, more research required.
      Don’t you just love the Internet? I do. Adieu, adieu, adieu.

    5. I was also wondering along the same lines as Willie - I thought it could be Willi, or Lilli, or Mimi. It could also be a place name, somewhere or other near Dresden.

      Is there anything on the back of the card to give further clues? it also looks as if the bottom left corner may be folded down slightly.

    6. Hello Sue,
      It’s an unused card sadly so there is no date or any other written clue. It has Serie 239 and Printed in German, but that’s all. The bottom left corner is torn away so I’m unsure if there should be another letter. I really appreciate you giving it some thought Sue, thank you!

  12. Nice to take time to smell and relax!

    1. It certainly is Nasreen, and the sun is shining so it couldn’t be better.

  13. My dear and faithful friend, I am glad you will be taking a break because after all these years of blogging, I have found that taking a break is essential. How can anyone create unless one lives and experiences the daily, quiet moments? Enjoy, and I will be thinking of you...

    1. You are absolutely right Anita. I’ve always got so many ideas for blog posts swirling around in my brain, but sometimes I just need to step away and – smell the flowers.
      I hope the sun is shining on you dear friend.

  14. Oh, I love all these beautiful peaceful images. Enjoy a wonderful blogging break, Barbara. You deserve it and we'll see you on the flip side as they say in the record business. (I had to add those last few words to make up for all the strange definitions of 'flip side' others have come up with). Enjoy!

    1. Thank you Marcia! I had no idea there were so many definitions for flip side, where on earth did they all come from? :)

  15. I hope you don't get dragged off to a bullfight, like poor old Ferdinand! Although he coped with it very well, if my memory serves me correctly. Have a lovely break.

    1. No chance of that Sue! It’s not my kind of thing at all. I would be more likely to try to save the bull than fight it! :)

  16. What better way to use your postcards than this?

    Hoping you get to smell plenty of flowers and perhaps try a new hobby or two. Whatever your break from the blogosphere brings, enjoy

    1. Aw thanks Tracy, you say the nicest things.

  17. Have a splendid break. I, too, collect vintage postcards and it's always fun to see someone else's collection!

    1. Hello Jeanie, I’m a bit of a collectorholic especially when it comes to paper items. I love books, but postcards are just so portable.

  18. What a lovely idea! Enjoy those flowers and the quiet time with them.

  19. Enjoy!!! It sounds perfect 🌜💮🐝😉

  20. Sounds wonderful. Enjoy.
    We'll leave the light on for you.

    1. Please do, I’m afraid of the dark. :)

  21. Enjoy your blog break! Thanks for leaving us with all those post cards. I love the cottage. :) Ferdinand smelling the flowers is great too.

    Congrats on winning the contest.

    Happy reading and relaxing!

    1. Thanks Stephanie, I’m already taking life easy, and it’s wonderful! Right where did I put my book? :)

  22. Just to confirm...and without boring anyone...
    The name at the bottom of that card is...
    William Dresden..!
    Though the top link on line is a William Dresden,
    pianist..! Nowt else! :(.
    The next link is William Restaurant, in Dresden!
    So more searching and clicking needed Holmes! :).

    1. OK, Watson I’m on it! I must say I’m very impressed with your powers of deduction.

  23. I forgot to thank you for the book help that you left me on my blog. Thanks so much. I can't wait to check them out!

    1. No problem Stephanie, I hope you find what you're looking for.

  24. Many thanks for sharing these wonderful images.
    Have a wonderful blogging break.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I'm enjoying the sunshine and taking life easy for a while.

  25. I so appreciate it when bloggers let their readers know when and why they won't be around for a while. I shall miss you, but I wish you a wonderful time doing all those things. Good time of year to smell the flowers!

    1. The flowers are wonderful this year, and the sun is shining so I picked the perfect time. Thanks for calling in.

  26. Hope the sun is shining and your nose is in a good book.

    1. Yes to both of those Sandra, and jolly nice it is too! :)

  27. Hi Barbara,

    Here I be, fashionably late. Well done on the prize. Savour that peaceful break as you gently daydream whilst taking in the scent of wondrous flowers.


    1. It’s always lovely to see you Gary, and you are not a bit late. Barbara

  28. Hello Barbara ... just popped over for "a visit". Just wanted to say I hope you enjoy your bloggy break ... we all need to take time to smell the flowers now & again. Take good care. Sending love xxxx

    1. Thanks Julie, it’s nice to have the time to sit in the garden in the sunshine and yes, to smell the flowers. I will be over to visit your blog in a few days. Love Barbara xx

  29. Dearest Barbara hope you have a lovely blogging break. Will be looking forward to all the new things you will have to share. Take care and have a beautiful time. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Debbie, I’m really having fun on my blogging break, lots of days out in the sunshine. I will share photos when I return to blogging. Thanks for your sweet comment. Barbara x

  30. Have a great blogging break! I have been enjoying myself as well! That's why I am always late coming around! LOL! I love your images you used for today's post!! Congrats on your win!! Yvonne is a sweetheart! Big Hugs!

  31. That's a great tagline, Barbara. Well done and congrats on your win. Enjoy your break. Smell lots of flowers, read lots of books, get to a hobby that makes you curious and relaxed!

    1. Hello Claudine, yes to the flowers, books and relaxing, but I’m still working on the hobby! Thanks for coming over and leaving such a nice comment, I really appreciate it. xx

  32. Dear Barbara have a wonderful and relaxing time. I look forward to reading all the exciting things you will have done when you get back from your blogging holiday. Take care

    1. Thanks Shashi, I’m sure I will provide an update soon. I hope your husband is on the mend. Love Barbara

  33. Hi Barbara!

    Have an awesome time away!

  34. Enjoy your time. When I saw the picture of Ferdinand a little gasp escaped. I'm almost sure that's an illustration from the book I had.

    1. Hi Bish, it’s actually a postcard, but the illustration could easily have appeared in a book. I’ve just been looking at all the different Disney books on ABEbooks and fell in love with one featuring Ferdinand the bull cut-outs but at US$ 1500.00, it will have to be love from a distance! :-)

  35. I hope you have a fabulous break! I won't be too far behind you, but for now, on with business.

    1. Thanks so much Crystal! I hope you enjoy your break as much as I am.

  36. Barbara! You will be greatly missed, but I do love the sound of all the wonderfully peaceful hobbies you'll be taking up. Thank you for the perfect new tagline and also for mentioning my little old shop in your post. I hope to see you around on Instagram from time to time and look forward to your return. Enjoy your time off, lovely lady xx

    1. That is so sweet of you, thank you. I’m just about back to blogging now so I will be over to see you soon. xx

  37. I hope you had a lovely break Barbara and I hope the weather has been good down your neck of the woods too.

    1. We’ve been so lucky with the weather Shashi, wall to wall sunshine while we were away and lots of sunny days since.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx