
Monday 4 September 2017

Basking in a happy glow

It was my birthday last weekend, and I’m still basking in a happy glow. This is why;

An African violet from a friend and books from hubby, I love birthdays!  

The perfume from this bouquet is incredible and the message that accompanied it made me cry: Dear Mum, wishing you a day as sunny as your smile,  as warm as your heart... and as wonderful as you are. 
The above photograph was taken at Disneyland Paris the last time we were together, which will be two years in December.  The two little princesses are my granddaughters Zoe and Lilly with a Disney Princess (Aurora) in the centre. Sending hugs and thanks to my son, his lovely wife and children.    

Mum, nanny, sister, wife, aunt and friend.

I love all my cards, but this one from a friend made me smile. Thanks Pat, the next Group Therapy is on me!  (Birthday Card Berni Parker Designs)

My sister and her husband gave me a weekend bag full of products from Champneys Health Spa. How spoilt am I?  This recipe for a superfood summer salad was also in the bag. I’ve not tried it, but I thought I would share the recipe in case any of you would like to give it a go. I’m going to try it as soon as I find Pink Himalayan sea salt (I didn’t know there was such a thing!)      

My birthday was on Saturday but as Terry was working we delayed the celebrations until Sunday when we were up bright and early and on our way to the Giant Shepton flea market at the Bath & West showground.

Victory Cut-Out Book/Teddy Bear Frolics and The Hedgehog's Waistcoat
Victory Cut-Out Book/Teddy Bear Frolics and The Hedgehog's Waistcoat

I didn’t buy a lot, but I’m delighted with the things I found especially these vintage books. My favourite is The Victory Cut-Out Book published by Dean & Son c1945. 

The Victory Cut-Out Book Dean & Son c1945

The Victory Cut-Out Book Dean & Son c1945

The Victory Cut-Out Book Dean & Son c1945

The Victory Cut-Out Book Dean & Son c1945
It’s remarkable to think this has remained untouched and complete for more than seventy years. 

Leaving the flea market we carried on to Gurney Slade, where we enjoyed a fabulous Sunday roast at The Mendip Inn and from there it was on to Pensford.

We’ve often passed Pensford on our way to Bristol and always thought it looked interesting. As luck would have it, there was a Regatta taking place so we couldn’t have chosen a better time to visit. 

It was fun to watch the duck racing and the children paddling in the river all in the shadow of a now-defunct viaduct. Opened in 1873 the viaduct carried the Bristol & North Somerset Railway over the valley of the River Chew. It closed on the 15th July 1968 after flooding weakened the structure. It appears that flooding is or certainly was an issue for Pensford as the Church of St Thomas a Becket was also badly damaged in the flood of ‘68. The nave is now a private residence (which we only realised when we tried to open what we thought was the church door!) but the Tower which has stood in the centre of the village for seven hundred years is still in use. Just before heading home we took a walk through Culvery Wood, situated on the western edge of the village overlooking the valley. The sun shone all day, and we felt very blessed.

Birthday card ArtPress/Sam Toft 2014 (Thanks Rae)

Thank you to everyone who took the time to send cards, to ring, email, Facebook, Tweet, and wish me a Happy Birthday in numerous other ways.  I appreciate it more than you can know.


  1. Belated Happy birthday. Looks like you had the most wonderful time, and lots of wonderful cards and presents

    Julie xxxxx

    1. Thanks Julie, I was very spoilt this year (and I loved it!)

  2. Part two....So sorry Barbara, l've tried to
    grovel in my e~mail...Forgetting your Burfday!

    I've read through your post, off to make a lemon right back...! :).
    10mins later...
    Where to start..At the beginning l suppose...'Queue
    for a Song'...Lovely flowers, cards, books...books,
    those things haunt me! But it ALL looks lovely..And,
    lovely wishes from Australia..made me cry to..! Bless!x

    Goodness! :). Not more cut outs...Big Ben...Well, that
    thing won't be making a noise for some 4yrs..Repairing
    the bell, l think..that seems to have a 'ring' to it! :).

    HeHe! Tell you what made me chuckle...The Mendip Inn.....
    Been in there a few times...No! Remember Christine Keller,
    Profumo Affair...We used to say, she had a pub in Somerset,
    which pub was that then....? The Mendip Inn...!!! :).
    (can l get away with that one).

    Again...For the umpteenth time belated...Happy Burfday.....! :0).


    1. No grovelling required, I didn’t tell you so how were you supposed to know? I loved the email, especially the little cat with the cake and candle, thank you.
      I keep re-reading the message from Karen & Steve and grandchildren I was (am) so touched by it – I love them all to bits.
      I had to think about the Christine Keller comment Willie (I’m slow like that), but I’ve got it now, thanks to Terry – gosh I had a sheltered upbringing!
      Why on earth is it going to take four years to fix Big Ben? It can’t have taken that long to build it in the first place – don’t tell me health and safety gone mad, again!
      Thank you for the birthday wishes, you can get up off your knees now. :-)

    2. Found a bit of info n Big Ben....

      Be nice if they turned Big Ben into a cuckoo clock!
      Imagine...All the bird s***...! :).

    3. Interesting thanks Willie. I was going to say I must remember to watch ‘Sound Waves: The Symphony of Physics’, but then I noticed it’s not on until March when we will be away. Still it is bound to be repeated or we might be able to find it on catch up.

  3. A very, very happy belated birthday to you.
    You look to have been suitably indulged and pampered. Long may it continue (a birthday month sounds like a good idea).

    1. Now you're talking. I could get used to being pampered – bring on National Birthday Month.

  4. Hi Barbara, glad you were able to have such a wonderful birthday, and hope you will continue to enjoy all your presents, flowers and cards -and of course that wonderful pile of books. Your day out sounds fantastic, and the Victory book you found is almost a wonder! Happy belated birthday from me, too! Hugs, Valerie

    1. Thanks Valerie, it really was a lovely day helped by such nice weather. I’ve finished one of the books and on to the second, Terry keeps telling me to slow down and make them last – but it won’t happen! Thanks for your kind birthday wishes. Hugs.

  5. Dearest and most darling friend, I WISH YOU HAPPINESS as you embark on a new chapter of your wonderful life. I just came from a blog where the message was so lovely. Go visit The Dutchess and her post, "IIIIIT'S MONDAY. Listen to the music, read her sparse words.

    I wish you all the LOVE in your life that you can possibly bear. It overflows in us all.

    1. Thank you so much Anita, I really appreciate your friendship. I will pop over and see The Dutchess just as soon as I reply to the comments. I hope school is going well, love to you sweet friend.

  6. Love the cutout! What a fabulous day you had and with lovely pictures and cards as reminders. All the best wishes for many, many more.

    1. Hi Bish, I’m thrilled with the cut out book, there can’t be many of them around it’s nearly an antique (like me!) Thank you for the birthday wishes. I’ve just read and enjoyed your latest post. Your dad really does sound like a wonderful man.

  7. Belated Happy Birthday, Barbara! It looks like you had a lovely one.
    I'm so glad:)

    1. I really did! Thanks for the good wishes.

  8. Happy Birthday to you, dear Barbara, albeit belated! And it looks like you had a splendid time, I loved seeing your photos!

    1. Thanks Linda! I like getting birthday greetings after my birthday; it makes the happy glow last longer.

  9. Happy belated birthday to another August baby! The flower arrangements look so lovely, and who wouldn't love getting books for their birthday? Very cool! I've found vintage cookbooks from the 60's, but never books like you manage to find. I need to keep my eyes more open. That roast looks pretty yummy! Hugs...RO


    1. Hello RO, the roast was delicious, and it was followed by a large Eaton Mess, making me a very happy bunny! Flea markets and boot fairs are the places to look for vintage books – and auctions of course. Actually, auctions are usually best, but you often have to buy a box of books just for the one you want. Good hunting.

  10. Dear Barbara you fully deserved to have a wonderful birthday. I am so glad you were able get out and enjoy the sunshine. You always stumble onto some great finds. The cutout book is so lovely. Love the cheerful colours of the pages too. The picture of the Sunday roast is making my mouth water.😀

    1. That is so kind of you thank you Shashi. The Sunday roast made our mouths water too and the pud which followed was delicious!

  11. What a wonderful birthday for beautiful, beloved Barbara! I hope this will be a very happy year for you and that you find many treasures for your birth year book collection. Lovely photos as always! Sending you a BIG (((HUG)))

    1. Oh my goodness Colleen I don’t know what to say. Thank you sounds inadequate but thank you very, very much. Finding treasure is always fun, but having loving people around you is even better. I hope you have lots of love in your life sweet friend.

  12. First of all, a very big (belated) happy birthday wish to you -- looks like you celebrated in style with wonderful gifts, beautiful photos and a grand time and good day.

    Love the Victory Cut Out book. What a fab find! And Pink Himalayan Sea Salt (to my taste and I do use it sometimes) doesn't taste much different than any other sea salt. It's crystals you grind versus more of a sprinkle but I'm not sure I could tell the difference unless I was tasting a lot of different ones at once, so I say go for it with any sea salt or maybe even Kosher salt and just salt to taste. It won't make or break what looks like a good recipe! Thanks for sharing it!

    1. Thank you Jeanie, it was the perfect birthday, and I’m still feeling the love.

      I wondered if I could use ‘ordinary’ sea salt, thank you for clearing that up for me. I found the pink Himalayan kind online but hadn’t got around ordering it so now I will go ahead without it.

      Thanks for the tip, have a lovely rest of the week.

  13. You had one splendid birthday! I loved those cards, especially the one with the panda under the umbrella. Made me smile. Happy Belated Birthday, Barbara.

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes. The panda made me smile too!

  14. What a wonderful birthday - it makes getting older well worth the effort!

  15. Happy birthday! The flowers are lovely, it's a great gift. You got so many cards, that's fab. It seems you had a wonderful time too. Fab! xx

    1. I did, thank you Anca and thank you for the birthday wishes too!

  16. Happy to see you had such a wonderful birthday, Barbara! That cut-out book is fabulous and I love the greeting and Disney card from your family, too--so very special. Add my birthday wishes to the pile and I hope you'll have many happy returns of the day! xo

    1. Thank you so much Marcia, one can never have enough birthday greetings.  I thought you would appreciate the cut-out book. There can’t be very many of them left so I will have to take good care of it.

  17. Replies
    1. Thank you. Enjoy the rest of the week, Barbara

  18. Happy Birthday dear Barbara! There is Pink Himalayan salt and sea salt but not Pink Himalayan Sea salt as far as I know.

    1. Not to worry I’ve been told I can use ordinary sea salt so that is what I shall do. Thanks for the birthday wishes!

  19. Happy belated birthday, Barbara!

    1. Thanks Nasreen! I hope you are having a good week.

  20. A belated Happy Birthday! It sounds like you had a wonderful time :)

    1. I did Nikki-ann, thanks for your good wishes.

  21. What a fantastic post, filled with so many nice things and photo's to look at.
    Belated happy birthday wishes for last weekend. Long may you bask in an extended happy glow, you deserve it.

    My good wishes

    All the best Jan

    1. I’m so pleased you enjoyed the post Jan. I must say I enjoyed putting it together it was fun to relive a happy day!

  22. That Disney picture is so sweet. I just love it.

  23. What a perfect day! Happy Belated Birthday Barbara!
    Big Hugs!

    1. Thank you so much & hugs back to you too!

  24. Oh my goodness, what a glorious birthday you must have had. I'm only sorry to have missed passing on my best wishes so will do so now if that's ok.

    I saw the Liza Perrat book on your pile. You must let me know what you think of it.

    1. Hi Tracy, thanks for your good wishes they are much appreciated!

      I absolutely adored The silent Kookaburra (Liz Perrat), and read it in record time. I was initially attracted to it because of the setting, 1970s Australia, The story is told from the viewpoint of eleven-year-old Tanya Randall. Tanya has been experiencing a difficult time, bullied about her weight and her looks. She longs for a sister or brother to play with but when her mother Eleanor has multiple miscarriages, the problems escalate. Eventually, her mother becomes pregnant and a new baby girl joins the family, but it’s not long before things start to unravel. In the midst of all this Tanya is befriended by the mysterious Uncle Blackie, and at this point you just know things are only going to get worse. It is an emotional, beautifully written book.

    2. I'm so glad you enjoyed it Barbara. A big fan of Liza's books ... I actually read/reviewed this on my blog.

    3. So you did and I commented on your post and then added the book to my Pinterest boards but in the meantime forgot where I read about it! :)

  25. Glad you had such a wonderful birthday. Such beautiful flowers and cards. Love the picture from Disney too. Can't believe it has already been two years! :)

  26. I am not sure if my comment went through with my name- but I just posted the last response. :)

    1. Thank you Stephanie, it is hard to believe but then the years do seem to pass quickly now, probably because we are all so busy.

  27. Dear human, Barbara,

    And a very, very belated happy birthday wish to you, my amazingly delightful human friend.

    What a wondrous time you had on your birthday. I always love your photos. I recall watching a duck race on the stream that runs nearby here in this town of Leek. It was such a fowl race but everybody had a good time.

    Pawsitive wishes and belated birthday kisses,

    Penny xx 🐶

    1. Dear Penny,
      I’m delighted – indeed honoured to receive pawsitive wishes & birthday kisses from an Internet superstar, thank you!
      Fowl races are the best aren’t they Penny, but I bet you longed to chase those ducks!
      Thanks again, love to you and your human dad. xx

  28. I think everyone looks better when they are happy; you give off a glow - or at least that is what my mum would say! ... My dad says he likes to bask in my glow.

  29. Happy belated birthday my dear! Sounds like you had a lovely week of celebration!

    1. Thanks Diane, I was spoilt rotten - and I liked it! :)

  30. Only just found your lovely post - Google let me down on this one as they usually notify me! Your day out looks lovely and Sun - how lucky were you! xxxxx

    1. I'm glad we celebrated a day late as we had the perfect weather. I wonder what's up with Google; hopefully it was just a glitch. xx

  31. Super Birthday celebrations for you - so wonderful! Cheers and happy wishes :D) xx

  32. Hi Barbara, do you still have the victory cut out book by dean and sons?

    1. Hi there, I do have it but as you probably know March House Books closed on my retirement a few years ago. The Victory Cut out book is just one of the books I kept for the pleasure of looking at it from time to time. Is there something I can help you with? Best wishes Barbara


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx