
Sunday 29 October 2017

Have you ever found a four-leaf clover?

It was a wise old woman who gave this charm to me. It works the best on Halloween - or so said she! 

"Find a four-leaf clover, Wear it in your shoe, right foot left foot. Either one will do. 

It will lead you into luck before the day is through.

"So find a four-leaf clover, and put it to the test. It might work anytime - But Halloween is best! 

May Justus

From Hey-How for Halloween!

Have you ever found a four-leaf clover? I can’t say I have although my dad often did. He always kept one in his wallet and when I passed my driving test, he found one for me and after that, he gave me another each time I renewed my licence. I’ve still got them and if that’s not lucky, I don’t know what is.

I started driving in 1966 when the cost of a licence was 10/- (ten shillings in old British money).  By 1968, it rose to 15/- and in 1974 to £1.00. Today it costs £34.00 quite a hike I think you will agree especially when you realise 10/- in 1966 is worth just £8.89 now.

I’m really glad I kept these bits and pieces in a box.

1966 driving licence issued in my maiden name. 

1968 driving licence, this was the year the old orange paper-covered licences changed to swanky red ones. 

Certificate of motor insurance and Ministry of Transport test certificate for my 1957 Austin A35.

This is my first car bought for the princely sum of £20.00! My brother paid the money upfront, and I paid him back a pound a week. My dad was always threatening to "take a hammer to it" but only in jest. He and my brother kept it on the road for me. Whenever water started seeping up through the floor (which it often did), they welded another piece of metal over the holes!

Something else you may have noticed is this note written by my son when he was a small boy. I cried happy tears when he gave it to me and again when I found it the other day. These are some of the most precious kisses I ever received.

The poem at the beginning of this post is called Luck for Halloween. It's part of an anthology of poetry selected by Lee Bennett Hopkins and published by Harcourt Brace in 1974. The illustrations are by Janet McCaffery.  

You can probably guess who this is

but if not this is how you are more used to seeing them; 


The warmer weather has arrived in Australia, and our little granddaughters are making the most of it.

This quote from Rita Rudner made me smile so I thought I would share it;

Halloween was confusing. All my life my parents said, "Never take candy from strangers." And then they dressed me up and said, "Go beg for it." I didn't know what to do! I'd knock on people's doors and go, "Trick or treat." "No thank you."  Rita Rudner

Happy Halloween everyone.


  1. In my life I have found two four leaf clovers. One when I was a bout eight or nine in the local park, when I was sitting alone. The I found September last year in Bristol whilst walking with son and daughter-in-law along with one pence piece which my son pressed into a large book he has. I wanted my son to keep that four leaf clover for a good luck charm........

    Julie xxxxxx

    1. That’s lovely Julie. My dad was sure it would keep me safe after I learnt to drive, and he was right (so far!). xx

  2. What a delightful post! I found a four leaf clover at camp once- but don't recall finding any more. How magical and special that your dad gave you one when you got your license and renewed it. I really enjoyed this post and the memories you shared. :)

    Also- thanks for sharing a bit of Australia with us. :) Looks like they are having fun!

    1. Hello Stephanie, I hope that four-leaf clover is still bringing you luck.
      It’s nice having blogging friends to share memories with, thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings!

  3. How lovely that dad gave you the clover, cannot remember him giving me any! I have never heard the little poem before - lovely xx

    1. Hello Sue, I'm not sure I would have remembered had I not found them in one of my boxes. As soon as I found them, it all came back to me. It’s funny how a small thing can spark such vivid memories. I always carried one in the back of my driving licence, and that is where they still are, perfectly pressed and preserved. I also remembered dad used to find them under the pear tree in the farm yard (just in front of the office). I don’t know why they grew there, but they did. xx

  4. What a fun post today! I have often found 4 leaved clovers, I have some pressed in my old dictionary. Perhaps I should think about putting one into my shoe. I still have my old red license, although it isn't valid anymore and I have a newer German one. Costs have soared a lot here, too. Nice that you had such a great family who supported you, that's priceless. Have a great, new week, hugs, Valerie

    1. Well done on finding the clovers, I’ve found plenty with three leaves but never one with four. You must be a very lucky person, but maybe you should just pop one into your shoe over Halloween. :-)

      I was the youngest of three children, spoilt by my parents and by my big brother and sister. I have so many lovely memories and for that I feel truly blessed.
      Have a lovely week, Hugs Barbara

  5. What a collection of four leaf clovers from your Dad, Barbara!I admit I find them all the time. Did your Did teach you the trick? So simple! Just expect to see one in a patch of clover...I found my first one on my own when I was 7. Next one I find goes in my shoe! You were already lucky to have such a wonderful Dad. I LOVE that you still have all the four leaf clovers he gave you! Thank you for a fun post. Sending you a ((HUG)).

    1. I didn’t know that Colleen, but I believe it and I’m going to try it next time I see a patch of clover. I’m sure you will be fine without one in your shoe but better to be safe than sorry, especially at Halloween. :)
      My dad was very special and I still miss him. special.
      Thank you for reading the post and for the hug, I appreciate both very much. Have a wonderful week and be sure to watch out for those ghoulies and ghosties.

  6. Well...I passed my driving test three weeks after
    my 17th birthday...I'd driven all sorts before hand,
    vans, tractors, busses..but never a car, so my Dad
    said l should book some driving lessons for a car,
    which l did..which cost a total of £6..HeHe! £6...
    After the third lesson, a cancellation came through,
    so off l went to Dorchester..It was a stage show from
    start to finish! :).
    The examiner first off, asked me to read a number off
    a black car, in the distance..way it right,
    turned out it was his car! He told me off for beckoning
    an old lady across a zebra crossing..well..there were
    no zebras..! He hit his trilby on the windscreen on the
    emergency stop! And for 'riding' the clutch..which l did,
    and still do..when we got back to the centre, he said he'd
    pass me even before the Highway Code questions...He asked
    me five questions and l got one right...HaHa! He asked me
    'who has the right of way on a roundabout'...And l said
    'the biggest vehicle'..! :).
    Still...I'd save £500 in the bank, and l'd seen a yellow
    Zephyr 4 mk3 for sale..column change gears, bench seats..
    Had to have it...Had to be mine...And it was...!
    And this is what they looked like.....

    What a mean passion wagon that was...HeHe! Can l say that...
    My motors after that got bigger and better...! :0).

    And, yes, Halloween on Tuesday, not sure weather to put hot
    or cold water in the buckets this year for the kids...! :).
    Bless their ugly faces..! I remember saying in last years
    post about the pizza, with one slice poisoned..and ALL the
    slices were taken...Great Fun..! :).
    Four leaf clover...Yep! found loads, used to eat them most
    of the time...!
    And...A young school girl in 2013, Olivia Wrenn found a rare
    five-leaf clover during a walk in Somerset...

    The girls look lovely Barbara..But, l think Lilly has a bit of
    a wait, if she's waiting for the tide to come in...! Perhaps
    she should be closer to the water..! Surfs Up..! :).

    1. That is some car Willie, it makes mine look very tame! I took my test(s) in Aldershot, failed two and passed on the third go. Perhaps I should have taken my test in Dorchester – Zebras or no Zebras!

      Warm water would be best Willie – perhaps with a few apples bobbing around – kids love to catch those apples. You better start making the pumpkin pies tomorrow you must have something to give them when they knock at your door – which I’m sure they will.

      Don’t you just love the way Lilly stands on that board, all she needs is a drop of water, and she would be away.

      Thanks for another entertaining comment, you always make me smile!

  7. I only found a couple and I used to look all the time. Cute poem, seems I remember something about putting a penny in your shoe, maybe an adaptation?

    1. Hello Sharon, I wonder if you are remembering the wedding rhyme; wear something old, something new, something borrowed something blue and a penny in your shoe?

  8. Enjoy your spring.
    Thirty-four pounds is a lot.
    Never found a four leaf clover either.

    1. We’ve obviously been looking in the wrong places Alex!

  9. What wonderful memories, Barbara. It simply warmed my heart.

    1. That is a lovely thing to say, thank you Sandra.

  10. I have found multiple four-leafed clovers. Growing up there was a patch of clover near an oak tree where they could ALWAYS be found. Perhaps because it was so easy I haven't kept any of them.
    Love your smiling grandchildren.

    1. It would be good to think you found more than enough to ensure you are always lucky. I hope so anyway.

  11. That is a cool looking Halloween book. But even better is all those bits and bobs you kept. What nice box of memories. I think I've only ever found 1 four leaf clover, and not sure if that makes me unlucky, but I think I've been lucky enough. :) The girls are cute since I've never seen their photos before since I am more or less new to your blog. happy Halloween. hugs-Erika

    1. Hi Erika, I’m so sorry I always just assume everyone has seen pictures of the girls before. I’ve been sharing their pictures almost from the day they were born. Zoe the eldest will be seven in January, and Lilly is five. We have a long-distance relationship with them as they live in Australia while we are in England. We usually see them about once every two years, but the Internet makes it so much easier to stay in touch.
      I’m sure you are very lucky with or without four-leaf clovers. Thanks for coming over, Barbara

  12. The 4-leaf clovers look as if they were picked yesterday! Love the design of the old driving licence and as for your first car - wow! I remember we had an Austin A40 when I was a little girl - I loved that car ...

    Hallowe'en is not such a big deal here in Germany, although getting more popular. But this year it may be over-shadowed with the 500 years anniversary of the Reformation - we get a public holiday on Tuesday. And a big seller for Playmobil is the Martin Luther figure - strange but true! Here he is:

    1. Hello Sue, they are remarkably well preserved although very brittle and likely to fall apart if I handle them too much. I’ve found flowers pressed between the pages of books that are still as bright as they must have been on the day they were put there. The problem with flowers is they usually leave a stain on the paper, but the clovers haven’t done that at all.

      We go to classic car shows without even realising we are often as old as the cars on show!

      I’ve just been reading about all the special events to mark the Reformation, will you be doing anything on Tuesday? I’ve always associated Playmobil with Star Wars so was amused to see the Martin Luther figure – but why not. It's a good way to introduce youngsters to history.

    2. I expect Martin Luther may get involved in clashes with Jedi warriors (or even be enlisted to help) in many a household. When my son was young the pirates, Romans, Star Wars figures etc. etc in the Playmobil all had adventures together ...

      There's an event organised by the local church of music, drama etc. in various historic locations around the town on Tuesday. I expect we'll see or hear something of it.

    3. I love that Sue, and I’m sure you are right! :)

  13. Hello dearest Barbara! What a wonderful collection of memories; what I notice is the quality of the items, such as the driver's license...a booklet! Nowadays, everything is either issued on-line or it doesn't have the quality and personal feel. And your first car! WHAT A GREAT PHOTO! Wishing you a lovely holiday as we enter into the holiday season!

    1. I know Anita everything was so well made back then, but I dread thinking how much it all cost!
      Happy Halloween to you sweet friend, I hope you have fun whatever you do.

  14. I've never found a four leafed clover, although I've never stopped looking. :-)

    1. Hello Misha, Colleen (see comments) suggests there is a trick to finding them – just expect to see one in a patch of clover, and you will. Good luck, I hope you find one.

  15. Hi Barbara, a delightful read again, thank you. I renewed my driver's license a few years back, made me think about my age.....the photo is in black and white! Think I shall give Halloween a miss this year...well, I'm fresh out of treats and cannot remember the tricks anyway....Ho Hum!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it. I guess I will have to renew my licence soon, although that might be the time to give up driving. :)

  16. What a great post. No, I never found a four leaf clover, but I did always carry a lucky rabbit's foot on a chain with my house key (I was a latchkey kid). Your grandchildren sure a growing up fast, and so cute. Perhaps it's time for another visit to Australia?
    Happy Halloween!

    1. Hello Alex, I had one of those as well, but I don’t think I ever had a key on it! Mum was usually at home when I got back from school and later from work. If she happened to be out I only had to listen for the sound of the tractor, and I could go off and find my dad. That is the beauty of growing up on a farm.
      The flights are booked – now it is simply a question of waiting a few months. So exciting….
      Happy Halloween, have a fun time.

  17. What a great post! I've never found a 4-leaf clover, but I have a friend who found 5 of them, and he keeps them in plastic within the pages of his red bible. I thought they looked so cool. The beach sure looks inviting! Hugs...RO

    1. Hello RO, your friend sounds very lucky. We will be enjoying that beach next year and can hardly wait!

  18. I am SO late visiting. I had Halloween visitors for over six hours tonight. The most ever. I gave out pencils again this year, like I did two years ago. Last year it was glow sticks, but they are more expensive and I only had enough to last about an hour. Tonight it was 96 pencils.

    I've found lots of 4 leaf clovers, but never put one in my shoe, or heard that rhyme.

    Actually, we don't get books to keep our licenses in. Ours look a bit like credit cards and even have a strip on the back. Same size as a credit card, too. Our licenses are issued for four years and we renew them on or around our birthday. However, if we move to a different state, we have to apply for a new driver's license within 30 days and some states make you take both a written and driving test. As an aside, I bought a new bra the other day. Exact same size and brand I always get. The cost jumped from $9.97 (USD) to $12.49 (USD) in about a year. Seems everything costs more than they did yesterday.

    1. Hello Elizabeth, it must be lovely to have so many people calling. We used to get a dozen or more children knocking each year, but the numbers have dwindled. I still make sure I have a few goodies for those that do knock. The numbers of children living in the village get less each year, which probably explains it.
      We get the plastic cards now as well. I think it’s a shame as the little books were lovely but no doubt very costly to produce. I don’t think I would ever move state if I had to take a written and/or driving test, I would be afraid I might fail. It must be getting near time for me to hang up my car keys! :-)

  19. Thank you so much for this great post. I've never actually found a 4 leaf clover...still looking!

    I wish I had kept all my licenses.

    1. Colleen (see previous comments) says you have to expect to see one in a patch of clover, and you will.
      Keep looking and one just might turn up.

  20. What a fun post, chock-full of so many interesting things! I've never heard that poem before, and I like it. I enjoyed seeing your old licenses and four-leaf clovers. The licenses look like little passport books. I've always had a plain photo ID card for a license. And that car, wow, it looks right out of a movie set. My first car was a dark green 1968 Mustang. I can remember wanting to paint it bright yellow. :) I have a couple of childhood notes from my son, too, so precious to think back so long ago when we were the center of their small worlds. As always, your granddaughters are beautiful (so much prettier than those scary masks!). Happy Halloween, Barbara!

    1. Thank you Marcia, I worry about my ramblings so it’s reassuring to know you enjoy this post.  We don’t get those nice little books anymore so I’m glad I hung onto them. These days we just have plastic cards probably much like everyone else.
      I’ve just been looking at a 1968 Mustang online – what a great car! You would have left me in your dust had you drawn up alongside me at traffic lights!
      I’m a little late to wish you a Happy Halloween, but I hope you had a fun time.

  21. The downside of taking a month off is missing your posts. So glad I'm back and able to read this one about Halloween and the nostalgia of the 60s.

    I have one four-leafed clover--a treasure I discovered in a flea market one Sunday morning. How someone could part with their lucky charm I don't know, but it's on my mantel and I treasure it.

    I loved the picture of your first car! And the sweet note from your son. You can't have enough good memories like that. They fill you up with joy. We need a lot of joy these days.

    1. That is such a lovely thing to say, thank you!

      I don’t understand why anyone would part with a lucky clover, but it’s lucky you found it and I hope it brings you lots of luck.

      We certainly do need joy these days. Life is terribly hard for so many people.

  22. I love all the treasures you have saved. They are definitely part of your story. I have a box like that too -- with little notes from the kids when they were small and all sorts of things that most people would look at and not understand but I would know their stories! I loved this post dearly.

    Thanks so much for your wonderful comments and visits. Things are doing OK. Radiation vacation extended another few days for more healing but it will pass. Thanks for being there!

    1. Hello Jeanie,
      Thank you for saying you enjoyed my post. It’s funny how a few scraps of paper can mean so much – but they really do. It is such a joy to be able to look back at these things and remember happy times.
      I’m sending love and prayers your way Jeanie, keep getting better. xx

  23. I have never found a four leaf clover before.
    I love this post!! Those are amazing treasures you have kept. I'm glad the 4 leaf clover worked for you, when renewing your license! I can't believe how much it went up in price! Love your car too! Your granddaughters are too cute! Big Hugs!

    1. I’m so pleased you enjoyed the post. I felt it was rather rambling – but then I do tend to ramble these days.
      Naturally, I agree with you about our granddaughters. :-)
      Hugs Barbara

  24. I can't say I've ever found a four-leaf-clover despite my younger self's determination to do so.

    What a great box full of memories. My box has a photograph of the registration plate from the car my dad drove when I was a teenager. In fact its given me an idea for another blog post.

    1. That’s excellent Tracey! I love the way we all get ideas from one another, and I will look forward to seeing your post.
      Sorry you didn't find a four-leaf clover but maybe you will now. :-)

  25. Another lovely post from beginning to end!
    I can remember searching for a 4-leaf clover but never finding one ...
    Lovely photographs of Lilly and Zoe.

    Have a great weekend

    All the best Jan

    1. You say the nicest things, thank you Jan. Have a lovely weekend, Barbara

  26. Aren't you glad you saved those items. Especially that note from your son! I love things like that. I saved some special things too and even brought them with me to Spain. I think I found a four leaf clover once and pressed it in my Bible. Not sure what happened to it.

    1. I certainly am Darlene. I hope your four-leaf clover turns up one day, much like mine did.

  27. Loving the note from your son.
    Hope you have a glorious weekend, Barbara.

  28. Dear Barbara what lovely memories to look back on especially the sweet note by your son is adorable. When i learnt driving the cost was £12 per lesson and at that time it seemed phenomenal price. You wont believe it i almost gave up because i flunked 3 times😄 Many of my friends said they were not surprised as i had got the toughest test centre in London. So the day i passed i was not expecting to pass and it came as a total surprise to me. Anyway its good i did not give up otherwise all the money i spent would have been in vein.

    1. Hello Shashi, the note from Steven is very precious, and I’m so glad I still have it. I can’t remember how much lessons were when I was learning to drive, but as I was earning just over three pounds a week, I would have found them expensive. Don’t worry about flunking three times – I flunked twice and the test centre I went to was in Aldershot not in the centre of London. I think you were incredibly brave to drive in London! :)


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx