
Tuesday 12 December 2017

Advent Calendar Day 12: Angel

If you like vintage Advent Calendars, you might enjoy this one from the 1950s. 

Behind one of the doors is an angel which ties in perfectly with the prompt for today. Can you see her?

I don’t think she is all that easy to find so I’ve added an extra picture.

I'm linking with Julie over at Julie's Scrapbook.  


  1. What a pretty Advent Calendar. The old-fashioned ones have unfortunately gone out of fashion here, pity, the new ones are not half as nice. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

    1. They are out of fashion here too - if they don't have chocolates in nobody wants them, which is a real shame. Have a lovely day. xx

  2. I can see the Angel...Is That her laying on
    the roof, asleep..with a bottle of gin in one
    hand..and a glass in the other...! ??? :).

    Did you know the best voted Christmas cracker
    joke for this year...?
    "Why was Teresa May sacked as the Nativity
    Manager" ???
    "Because she could'nt hold a 'stable' government"

    And, talking of jokes...
    I think Barbara is a real angel...
    Yes, she does harp on things, doesn't she?

    How do angels greet each other?
    They say, "Halo.!"

    An angel in heaven was welcoming a new angel.
    "How did you make it here?" he asked.
    And the new angel responded, "Flu..."

    Why did the angel lose her job?
    She had Harp failure.


    1. Willie you found her, how clever of you! Hehe

      Day 14 of my Advent Calendar is about Christmas cracker jokes, but I’ve quoted the ones from last year in the hope that most people will have forgotten them.

      Harp No surely not but you are quite right about me being an angel! :0) x

  3. Oh, I can't see her, but what I do see, I LOVE! That little cottage looks like the houses where I live!!!!!

    1. I've added another picture Anita because she is very tiny and hard to see. Now that you mention the cottages I can see they do look like the ones in your photographs, how lovely.

  4. As a child I can remember advent calendars having little pictures behind the door, now they seem so 'cheap' and not as exciting! I remember wishing that I would get the star and not the parcel or the donkey and not the beach ball when I opened the door :)

    1. I had forgotten all about the disappointment of finding a beach ball! I didn’t mind a parcel or the donkey, but a beach ball was just wrong!

  5. How wonderful! Today's advent calendars just seem to be some kind of consumable treat behind the doors.

    1. They do Nikki and I’m afraid I don’t like them, although I suppose that is because I’m behind the times.

  6. Oh this reminds me of advent calendars that my grandma's friend always sent my brother and I at Christmas. Yes I did spot the angel. Just such a lovely post. Hugs!

    1. I remember them too Debbie so it was a thrill when I found this one at a flea market. Barbara x

  7. So exciting, opening up each little door.

    1. You are quite right - I was like a child opening up these little doors! xx

  8. I've never seen this type of Advent calendar before. I'm used to the ones that are three dimensional and filled with goodies every year. I really LIKE this one, because it is SO vintage and unique. It's also perfect for this daily prompt.

    1. They were all like this when I was growing up but by the time my son was born chocolate advent calendars were the norm. I still prefer the more traditional ones without the goodies, because that is how I remember them.

  9. We used to love our Advent calendars...there was always the challenge to open the big door early to sneak a peek without anyone realising!

    1. I had forgotten that Aril, but you are quite right and I did it too. Shush don’t tell anyone! Smile x

  10. What a lovely Advent Calendar! I have some old ones i display some years -chiming in with everyone else- lately Advent calendars have not been memorable... Maybe that will change back again in a few years? Thank you for another lovely post, Barbara. I hope you are enjoying this as much as we are!

    1. Hello Colleen, I know what you mean about today’s advent calendars, but I did find some lovely ones this year in a little shop close to Salisbury cathedral. They were the ‘old fashioned’ kind with not a chocolate in sight. I must admit I didn’t buy any of them, but now I wish I had.

      I really am enjoying it, mostly because I love getting and replying to comments. x

  11. I love these old advent calendars. This one is wonderful. I spotted the angel right away!

    1. Well done Darlene, not everyone has spotted her, so I thought I would make it easier by adding an extra picture. x

  12. I love traditional Advent Calendars, to the extent that I collect them! If I see a "proper" one without chocolates etc. I sometimes purchase the calendar if I like the picture. Your one is so sweet.

    Julie xxxxxx

    1. I was just saying to Colleen (above), I found some beautiful 'old fashioned' ones in Salisbury this year, but I didn't buy any. This one came from a flea market, and I'm pretty certain it was published in the 50s or 60s, I can't tell you how thrilled I was to find

  13. This is a beautiful calendar, so much detail! It (and your comments) reminds me that I have one tucked away from years ago. It was a gift from a Scandinavian fair. There are pull tabs on the bottom and you can make some of the parts move. I'll have to dig it out and take a look.

    1. That sounds lovely Marcia and possibly the start of a blog post? If not this year, maybe next? I for one would love to see it.

  14. I can't see the angel behind the door, but I just love the picture. It absolutely glows.

    1. It does have a really warm glow almost as if there is a light behind it - which there isn't. The colours are vibrant and there are lots of little touches of glitter, which also reflect the light.

  15. Simply stunning! I love!! Thanks Barbara! Big Hugs!

  16. I saw your little angel -- even without! The picture is just glorious. What a magnificent illustrator.

    1. Well done Jeanie, she is quite tiny, so I thought it would be nice to add a bigger picture for anyone who was struggling to see her.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx