
Tuesday 19 December 2017

Advent Calendar Day 19: Stocking or Christmas Sack

I had to smile at this;
Image: Etsy

The seller obviously has a sense of humour describing the sack thus;  A funny Christmas sack for everyone who has ever tried to recreate the elaborate gift-wrapping you see on Pinterest. Even if your efforts are a bit shoddy in comparison, this modern rustic sack should make up for it.  A really nice touch on Christmas morning, to spread some laughter as you unwrap your presents.

I'm more a sheet of wrapping paper and some sticky tape kind of about you?  Have you ever tried any of these ideas from Pinterest?

Remember there are only six more sleeps until Christmas. Time to get on with wrapping those presents. 😉

I'm linking with Julie over at Julie's Scrapbook. More from my Advent Calendar tomorrow.


  1. Love that sack. I once wrapped presents in patchwork fabric, have to admit it was for a birthday. I had forgotten to buy the paper and I was seeing the recipient that day. It was loved by the recipient, she had just taken up patchwork so found the wrapping useful, and oh she loved the contents too.

    Think I will try and seek out a car stamp and try making the last wrapping sometime

    Julie xxxxxxxxx

    1. That was such a good idea Julie! The wrapping turned out to be almost as much of a present as the present!
      I was thinking the same thing about the car stamps. I really like those little parcels.

  2. Stocking! Stocking! With a leg in it! "Willie"..!!! :).
    HeHe! "Ding~Dong~Merrily~On....".

    I wrapped my own prezzies yesterday...don't know what
    they are till Christmas morning..!
    I told my daughter l needed a new 'pink' umbrella, if
    she could find one on her travels...a 3ft parcel arrived
    yesterday...which rattled...! I opened it, and out came
    a pink umbrella...a 'child's' pink umbrella...just about
    covers my head...she'd found it on line...I need a 'BIG'
    umbrella...Why? Cos l got a 'BIG' 'ead...! :0). HeHe!

    More Christmas jokes....
    What did Adam say the day before Christmas?
    "It's Christmas, Eve"..

    What does Santa do with fat elves?
    He sends them to an Elf Farm..

    What did Cinderella say when her photos
    didn’t arrive on time?
    One day my prints will come..

    What’s a dog’s favourite carol?
    Bark, the herald angels sing..

    What do you give a dog for Christmas?
    A mobile bone..

    1. Your pink umbrella reminded me of a friend of mine. She asked her partner for a ladies garden fork, something nice and light which she could manage. He went out and duly came back with a fork – for a child, only about a foot-high – she was not amused! :)

      I’m loving all the Christmas jokes, thanks Willie.

  3. Oh, Barbara, like you, my favorite is the brown paper with the little car and bottle brush tree! What a great idea! Yeah, Pinterest ideas often fail, even in the hands of an artist like myself! I prefer brown paper wrapping and twine. I think it's lovely!

    1. I do agree with you Anita, brown paper and twine are the nicest of all.

  4. Hmm, Christmas wrapping is not my thing, I mostly just tie a bow round stuff. And this year I donated the money I would have spent on presents and postage to a good cause. Have a fun day, hugs, Valerie

    1. That certainly makes good sense Valerie! If we all did it, there would be a nice sum of money for good causes rather than the tills. Hugs Barbara

  5. Yes, give me that big sack and we'll just call it a day.

    1. I will get it in the post right away Alex!

  6. I try to make my gifts look as pretty as possible but there's only so much time! And some things just are impossible to wrap well! I love that big sack! I need that! And the stamps -- I saw that on Elizabeth's blog too and just fell in love with it! My clock allows me only so much Martha-mode!

    1. Hi Jeanie,
      There is only so much time – and there is not much of it left! Well not before Christmas anyway.
      I saw the stamps on Elizabeth’s blog too, the picture I used came from Pinterest, but Elizabeth found them elsewhere (see her comment).
      I had to think about Martha-mode because I’ve never heard that expression before. Could it be you are referring to Martha Stewart? I’ve never seen her on TV, but I remember reading about her somewhere.

  7. I used to make the most awesome wrapped presents, where every seam was hidden and the ends matched up perfectly. Gone are those days, though. Now I wrap in red rosin paper I remove from my craft table, stamp a few images, then sew the bag together. People expect the sewing, since I've done this for several years.

    One year, I wrapped everything in something that could be used, like tea towels, napkins, etc. I no longer look at wrapping paper as something to wrap gifts, but to use in my altered book art.

    BTW, the images I shared yesterday with the gifts Jeanie was talking about came straight from an Anthropologie magazine.

    I'm going to be so sorry when Advent is over. I'm really loving visiting everyday and seeing what is next on the list!

    1. Thank you so much Elizabeth, I’m enjoying your posts too.
      I smiled when I noticed we were using similar images, but I’m afraid I just ‘borrowed’ mine from Pinterest.
      I love your idea of wrapping things in something useful. I will be looking out for inexpensive tea towels and scarves. xx

  8. I have used Christmas tea towels as gift wrap _ i had many and they were only used for a few days a year. People really liked useable gift wrap. The sweater gift wrp is interesting- a scarf would be quicker and easier! Some good ideas- even the sack of badly wrapped gifts is a plan...

    1. Christmas tea towels would be lovely. I’m definitely going to try it next year.
      I really like the sack, but I wish it came in smaller sizes. It would be fun to wrap individual presents in something like that.

  9. I am a woeful wrapper. I try and make up for it by buying really nice cards and paper.

    1. I’m not very skilled either, but I try to do it with love in the hope it will make up for some of the shortcomings. :)

  10. Think I'll buy the sack!

    1. I think that sounds like a very good idea, and I might join you! xx

  11. I'm not the best Christmas Present Wrapper!
    Lovely to see these ideas.

    Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas Season.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan. Have a wonderful Christmas and the best New Year. xx

  12. I finished mine today...I am a dreadful wrapper!

    1. I'm sure the recipients will appreciate your efforts. Barbara xx

  13. Such beautiful gift wrappings! Once in a while I try to make a fancy one, but mostly mine are taped paper or gift bags. I should be wrapping right now!

    1. If we all had more time I’m sure we would all make a better job of it but there is just so much to do at this time of the year. I do try to make an extra effort for a birthday, anniversary or other special occasion. Now get back to that wrapping! :) x

  14. One year I sewed gift bags for everyone and delivered their gifts in them. They were well received. Now I use gift bags. I like that they can be reused. I love the big Santa sack!

    1. Your home-made gift bags sound lovely Darlene, but it is certainly quicker and easier to buy them from a shop! There is never enough time these days is there? x

  15. Hi Barbara,

    Thought it about time I actually commented on one of your ADVENTures.

    I just love all those gift wrappings. I give wrapping a good go. That would be when I can find the starting point on the sellotape!

    Gary 😀

    1. Hi Gary,
      That sellotape is a real pain at times isn’t it?
      Thanks for j me on this adventure!
      Have a lovely Christmas

  16. Oh I love the handmade rose garland!
    I've wrapped gifts in dishtowels before.
    Fun post...again.
    Thanks, Barbara.

  17. I;m definitely more of the 'dragged through a hedge backwards' school of wrapping! These ideas are great! My Step-Mother's presents are wrapped in a silver foil biscuit wrapper this year!x

    1. I think that is a really original idea Kezzie. I’m sure your step-mum will love her present; however it’s wrapped.

  18. These are such gorgeous wrapping ideas! Love them all! I like the old sweater one! But, I have to admit, I'm a simple wrapper! LOL!
    Have a Merry Christmas Barbara! Wishing you and your loved ones, all the best! Big Hugs!

    1. Your comment really made me laugh, and I’m a simple wrapper too! xx


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx