
Friday 23 March 2012

A very good week!

A quick rundown of events;

Mother’s day on Sunday included a visit to Terry’s parents, lunch out and a book fair. Mum-in-law loved her gifts and card; the lunch was excellent, and the book fair exceeded expectations. I bought lots of lovely stock to keep me busy for the next few weeks. We don’t see our son on Mother’s day because he lives in  Australia, but we had a long chat on the ‘phone on Saturday, and our daughter in law keeps us up to date by email and Facebook.

Monday was a gorgeous spring day, chilly but with beautiful sunshine and a deep blue-sky, so a quick walk around the magnificent grounds at Stourhead was a must. Stourhead is just half an hour from where we live and being members of the National Trust we can visit as often as we like.

Tuesday saw us making a return trip to Bristol to purchase more stock from a family we visited last year. I wrote about that first visit here. Terry had only just come out of hospital on that occasion and as the books are housed on the top floor (the servants' quarters - as they once were) of a four-story town house, we had to leave a lot behind. We promised to return at a later date and on Tuesday; we fulfilled that promise.    

Wednesday – blogging, Tweeting, Tribber, Pinterest, oh yes and listing some of the lovely new stock.

Thursday included lunch with a friend in Wimborne Minster. Wimborne is a lovely town, and the perfect place to meet. Felicity retired on Tuesday so this was a celebratory lunch. We have been friends for almost forty years, and although we only see each other once or maybe twice a year we always pick up the conversation exactly where we left off! We had lunch in a pretty Italian restaurant – pasta (of course), a nice glass of white wine, profiteroles and a delicious cappuccino – perfect. It was just a couple of hours out of a busy day but thoroughly enjoyable. 

On Thursday evening, I noticed this Tweet from Zoe at Playing by the book RT @Tesco Magazine here's the Kids' Book Clubs round-up of top 10 book blogs big excitement when I found my blog on the list!

Tesco Kids’ Book Club

Thank you Zoe and Tesco a perfect ending to a perfect day! There are some amazing blogs on the list. I’m familiar with some but others are new to me. I plan to spend the weekend getting to know them all.    

Now it’s Friday, and I must knuckle down and list some of the new stock. Never a hardship, but it does take me ages because I find myself reading at least part of every single book.

One corner of my office with books waiting to be listed.

I hope you’ve all had a wonderful week, thanks for taking the time to call in.  


  1. Sounds like a perfect week Barbara! And Happy Mother's Day!

  2. barbaraannefisher23 March 2012 at 14:33

    It was! Thanks for your good wishes.

  3. Sounds like you had a lovely week Barbara. You are so, so lucky to live close to Stourhead and to be able to visit as often as you like. I'd love to be able to take my time wandering around the estate.

    Looking forward to seeing some of the new books you have acquired!

  4. barbaraannefisher24 March 2012 at 10:48

    Hello Sharen,
    It’s a beautiful place to while away a few hours. I keep intending to join one of the estate walks that venture beyond the gardens. I have walked in the woods but not very far. Maybe I will do it this year.
    I will be featuring some of the new things, not sure what yet as I’m a bit spoilt for choice!

  5. Michelle Yardley24 March 2012 at 12:07

    Congratulations on making the top ten book blogs at Tesco.

    What a great week you have had. The books, the scenery, lunch, more books and blog fame. Now back to work Barbara.

    Looking forward to seeing you list those books, I bet you got some good ones.


  6. Michelle Yardley24 March 2012 at 12:09

    Congratulations on making the top ten book blogs at Tesco.

    What a great week you have had. The books, the scenery, lunch, more books and blog fame. Now back to work Barbara.

    Looking forward to seeing you list those books, I bet you got some good ones.


  7. sounds like aproductive and satifying week to me. Always nice to get together with old friends which is what I didi went I went back to my home town a week ago. Your new collection looks great and I am sure we will be hearing more about some of them. Have agreat weekend. The sun is shining here.

  8. I see I should have edited before I hit post. Sorry about that. (In too much of a rush to get out in the sun)

  9. barbaraannefisher24 March 2012 at 21:46

    Hello Darlene, I enjoyed reading about your trip back home and about your 7x7 awards, congratulations! I’m glad the sun is shining for you; we’ve just enjoyed a beautiful spring day with two or three more to come. I hope you have a great weekend too.

  10. barbaraannefisher24 March 2012 at 21:48

    You should see the number of mistakes I make! I hope you managed to enjoy the sunshine. Thank you for calling in.

  11. barbaraannefisher24 March 2012 at 21:51

    Hi Michelle, it has been a lovely week. Do I really have to go back to work? Oh, OK then! I will be listing the books over the next couple of weeks and adding some of the nicer ones to the blog. Thanks for your good wishes.

  12. Sounds like a wonderful time lately. Plus getting some good stock of books must have made your day. Your pictures are beautiful.

  13. barbaraannefisher25 March 2012 at 22:21

    Hello Donna, some good stock and one or two nice things for my collection too. I’m glad you are enjoying the pictures. Thank you for taking the time to comment, I appreciate it very much.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx