Friday 8 June 2012

Flower Faires of the trees

The Song of the blackthorn fairy by Cicely Mary Barker

The wind is cold, the Spring seems long a-waking;
The woods are brown and bare; 
Yet this is March; soon April will be making 
all things most sweet and fair.
See, even now, in hedge and thicket tangled,
one brave and cheering sight;
The leafless branches of the Blackthorn, 
spangled with starry blossoms white.


The almond blossom fairy by Cicely Mary Barker

Joy! the winter's nearly gone!
Soon will spring come dancing on;
And, before her, here dance I,
Pink like sunrise in the sky.
Other lovely things will follow;
Soon will cuckoo come, and swallow;
Birds will sing and buds will burst,
But the Almond is the first!

Almond blossom 

I wasn't going to do another Flower Fairy post for a while, but then I noticed a Blackthorn tree (or is it a shrub?) in flower and couldn't resist sharing it with you. The almond blossom photograph is from Pinterest

If you are interested in Flower Fairy Books by Cicely Mary Barker there are several other posts;

Fairy Tales and Fairy Cakes


  1. A lovely post that has made me smile, thank you. The almond blossom is beautiful, I love blossom.

  2. Andreaheltsleybooks8 June 2012 at 18:30

    This is a great post, awesome flowers:) I am your newest follower, impressive site!

  3. barbaraannefisher8 June 2012 at 19:16

    Hello Lindsay, that's such a nice thing to say, thank you. You made me smile too.

  4. barbaraannefisher8 June 2012 at 19:17

    Hello Andrea, thanks so much for following! I'm glad you called in and liked what you found. I'm coming over to visit you now. Barbara.

  5. Ooh I do love these! I'm so glad you decided to do another Flower Fairies post. Just wish summer would really decide to start and all this nasty rain would go away!

  6. What beautiful, innocent fairy pictures. A pleasure to see.

  7. Darlene Foster9 June 2012 at 03:13

    I love the fairy pictures and the flowers are gorgeous. Where did you get the idea for the name March House Books, Barbara?

  8. barbaraannefisher10 June 2012 at 08:10

    Oh Sharon, how right you are! Our garden is in dire need of some care and attention, but walking on the lawn is impossible – it’s more like sinking on the lawn! Maybe the sun will shine soon ….
    Glad you liked the flowers and fairies.

  9. barbaraannefisher10 June 2012 at 08:12

    Thanks Roger, glad you like them.

  10. barbaraannefisher10 June 2012 at 09:48

    Thank you! I toyed with all kinds of names connected with Alice in Wonderland and Little Women (two of my favourite books while growing up). I tried all kinds of combinations, but nothing felt ‘right’ so for a while I traded under my own name. Then we started house hunting and happened upon a property called ‘March House’. I’ve always felt we were ‘meant’ to live there, and we did very happily for 12 years. We downsized some years ago, but the name of the business is here to stay.

  11. The Desert Rocks10 June 2012 at 19:39

    Love the Blackthorn fairy. Maybe because of the pale green blending with the white. One of my favorite combinations. If you like fairies you might like my poem published at it's a fairy magazine. My poem is about the war fairy.

  12. Hi there!
    Thank you for following me at Dragonscale Clippings.
    Just wanted to let you know that I've moved my blog to: -
    Hope to see you there soon!
    Much love

  13. barbaraannefisher11 June 2012 at 16:15

    I do too; she is just so pretty. I’m going over to now (new to me – so looking forward to finding out more).

  14. barbaraannefisher11 June 2012 at 16:18

    Hi Freya, I’ve just been to visit your lovely new blog – thanks for calling in. Barbara.

  15. I love these wonderful photos! And the Stephen King book is awesome :)

  16. These fairies are beautiful and so are the flowers! I loved reading the poems and then seeing the art work and the real live blossoms. :) Thanks for sharing!

  17. omg, I love this. Well, ok, I love flower fairies anyway, but how very sweet.

  18. barbaraannefisher12 June 2012 at 07:14

    Glad you like the photos. I’ve not read a Stephen King in ages – but I’m certainly going to give this one ago.
    If anyone reading this is curious the new Stephen King is called 11.22.63 - see review at

  19. barbaraannefisher12 June 2012 at 07:16

    Hi Jess, you are very welcome. I love doing these posts, but I worry that others might get fed up with seeing flower fairies – so it’s nice to know you enjoyed them.

  20. barbaraannefisher12 June 2012 at 07:18

    That’s great Donna, so glad you like them.

  21. The Desert Rocks12 June 2012 at 19:21

    I'm sorry Barb I meant to write

  22. barbaraannefisher12 June 2012 at 21:22

    Sorry Eve I can't find your poem - maybe I need to put the title into the search. I've tried war fairy poem without success.

  23. I never tire of seeing flowers or fairies! Both make me smile. I love the poems that went with this post. Beautiful! This brightened my day. :)

  24. The almond blossoms are so very pretty, Barbara. I don't know too many flowers, but these look sweet, dainty and graceful!

  25. Darlene Foster13 June 2012 at 03:37

    What a wonderful story Barbara. I love the name and now that I know where it came from, I love it even more. I have a vintage book store in my latest novel and I called it The March Hare Book Store. I imagine you being the proprietor.

  26. barbaraannefisher13 June 2012 at 09:05

    That’s reassuring, thank you Stephanie. I never tire of them either, but I don’t want to bore everyone else to tears!

  27. barbaraannefisher13 June 2012 at 09:13

    Hi Claudine, we have a cherry tree in our garden it’s really pretty, but I can never get a good ‘photo of it. When it flowers next year, I will try again using the almond blossom one as a ‘template’. Pinterest is my newest love and inspiration!

  28. barbaraannefisher13 June 2012 at 18:57

    Darlene, how lovely! I am very flattered, but I do hope the proprietor of The March Hare Book store is a nice person. I would love to read it – what is it called?

  29. I love the flower fairies, Barbara. Beautiful.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx