
Tuesday 20 November 2012

Botany Bay comes to Somerset!

Added value; found in books -

Two Salvation Army certificates of merit awarded to Pamela Howard of the Rockdale Corps 

together with this pretty presentation bookplate. 

Found in Dancer in Danger by Lorna Hill 1st edition 1960 signed by the author.

I assumed Rockdale was a small village in the UK, so imagine my surprise on finding it’s in a place called Brighton-le-Sands on the shores of Botany Bay, Australia.

Brighton Le-Sands - Botany Bay a few kilometres south of the Sydney central business district.

This was a real "Beam me up, Scotty" moment!  From a grey November day in the UK to the shores of Botany Bay – I love my job!

Dancer in danger is now sold, thank you for looking.


  1. I loved to find these kinds of things in old books. And it is amazing how books travel. I wonder where the owner of the certificate is now.

  2. You find the most fascinating things! Thanks for sharing these : ) ~ Jess

  3. Great finds Barbara.

    Now I think you should send them back where they belong - I'll look after them for you!!

  4. annette Clark (nettie)21 November 2012 at 01:17

    oh wow you know more about Australia than i do...loved visiting your nostalgic post...Yes we do live in a little bit of heaven her in Tasmania...Have you ever been here????
    thanks again for reminding me to be thankful for where i live...i feel a post coming on "about where i live" XXX

  5. barbaraannefisher21 November 2012 at 06:58

    Hi Alex, I wondered that. It would be fascinating to find out. If you are reading this Pamela, please leave a comment!

  6. barbaraannefisher21 November 2012 at 07:00

    Hi Jess, no problem, I loved sharing them!

  7. barbaraannefisher21 November 2012 at 07:06

    Hi Annette, thanks for your lovely comment. I don’t really know very much at all about Australia, but the internet is a wonderful place to find information. I’ve been to Australia a couple of times (we have family in Adelaide) but have never made it to Tasmania. It is on our list of ‘must see’ places so maybe one day.

  8. barbaraannefisher21 November 2012 at 07:11

    Hi Michelle, thank you for starting my day with a giggle.

    They are sitting in the book patiently waiting for a new owner – so you know what you have to do!!

  9. barbaraannefisher21 November 2012 at 07:11

    Thanks Joleene, I loved your comment.

  10. I think its lovely that you 'celebrate' these items and give them a place of honour on your blog. So many interesting things must be thrown away all the time by people who don't give them a second glance. Another Lorna Hill ballet book!! You really do have the best job in the world!

  11. Wow great finds, I once found family pictures in a video I bought on ebay about a year after I bought it, I managed to get the owner and return them and had no idea how they had ended up in the video case.


  12. Wow. Fascinating treasures. Wouldn't it be great if the original owner happened upon this post so we could learn more? Thank you for sharing.

  13. I love to see the items you have found in books! It is always such fun and I never know what you will discover. I think it is wonderful that this book had such a journey!

  14. barbaraannefisher22 November 2012 at 09:48

    Hi Sharon, it’s like finding a little piece of treasure when something like this turns up. I would love to be able to return everything to the rightful owner but that’s not always possible, so I leave them in the book in the hope that a new owner will love them. This is a gorgeous book in lovely condition, signed by the author and with added extras. It doesn't get much better than that!

  15. barbaraannefisher22 November 2012 at 09:54

    Hi Lainy, it was lovely of you to return them to the owners. Family photos are always so precious it must be horrible to lose them. I wish I could return all the things I find, but it’s very difficult as the books come from so many different sources. I always hope someone reading this blog might recognise them and make contact. It’s not happened yet but you never know.

  16. barbaraannefisher22 November 2012 at 09:58

    Hi Stephanie, it is fun finding things it adds a little excitement to my day, and I love being able to share them.

  17. What treasures to find, little pieces of history, and thank you for sharing them here and telling us about the place. I think I would have assumed it was in the UK too.

  18. barbaraannefisher23 November 2012 at 15:11

    Thanks Lindsay, it certainly sounds like a place in the UK (well it did to me) but not so. Thanks for your comment.

  19. God's way of acknowledging you. A certificate of merit that you deserve my friend for having such a lovely post about Botany Bay.

  20. omg! What a find! These have to be my favorite so far. I didn't know Botany Bay was in Australia either.

  21. barbaraannefisher27 November 2012 at 09:34

    Thank you Eve, what a lovely thing to say! Thanks for calling in and for being my friend.

  22. barbaraannefisher27 November 2012 at 09:35

    Hi Donna, that makes me feel a bit better! My geography was never any good, but all this research is helping no end.

  23. I've had to comment on here as I wonder if you have noticed this, Barbara?

    I am re-re-reading my Lorna Hill Ballet series and just noticed that in Swan Feather, it says that Mariella was married to Ian. According to my memory, she married Robin Campbell. I did notice it before, when I last read and forgot until reading it again. Knitpicking, I know.

    1. Hi, thanks for calling in.
      I’ve wanted to re-read the Ballet series for a while, and your comment has reminded me that I really must get on and do so. It’s been such a long time since I last read any of them that I honestly can’t remember if I noticed or not. I certainly can’t remember thinking about it, so I would say not.
      I wonder if anyone else reading your comment has noticed.

  24. such a good information you have share with us.

    1. Thanks Luke, glad you found it of interest. Barbara


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx