
Tuesday 13 November 2012

Dear Maudie, Are you deceased or diseased?

Postcards from my collection;

Set of six "Oilette" postcards Sent to Miss Maudie Anscombe, Lynton Lodge, Hove, Sussex, UK. The cards were all posted during December 1904 and January 1905.  Oilette is a trade name used by Raphael Tuck to describe cards reproduced from original paintings.
Once on board the lugger, and the girl is mine. Illustration by G. E. Shepheard
Posted December 1st, 1904.

Message reads; Dear Maudie, I know this set will suit you. Went to see your Darling Lewis Waller in His Majesty's servant yesterday. Love Charlie

*** Lewis Waller played the part of Geoffrey Mohun in His Majesty's servant written By Sarah Barnwell Elliott and performed at the Aquarium Theatre (later the Imperial Theatre) Westminster, London. There is a photograph of Lewis Waller playing the part of Geoffrey Mohun here

Sarah Barnwell Elliott, novelist, short-story writer, and advocate of women's rights, born in Savannah Georgia, the daughter of Stephen Elliott, a bishop of the Episcopal Church, who was a leader in the founding of the University of the South at Sewanee. More here 

The Lass that loves a sailor.
Posted December 8th, 1904.

Dear Maudie, Did it feel grand, then at being able to crow over ones learned relation? Don't say you did not! I hope your pink dress is finished and that your green dress suits you and that your friends like your blue dress and that your yellow dress is not too thin for the cold weather and that your purple dress will be ready in time for the ball. I hope you appreciate my delicate cynicism! Much love, Charlie

The course of true love never did run smooth.
Posted December 14th, 1904

Dear Maudie, Your irregularity is simply disgraceful!!! I'm in the eighth heaven of delight. Bert has a cold; Aunt May has a cold; Vera has a cold; Metcalf has a cold; the driver of the G.M.C has a cold, and I have not! Metcalf and I are busy thinking out grand Xmas decorations so you'd better dodge along soon and help us. Much love, Charlie.

Two is Company.
Posted January 1st, 1905.

Dear Maudie, Below is own interesting programme on Wednesday last - 2.15pm arrived Waterloo. 2.25 Coliseum - House full. 2.30 Prince of Wales House Full (this continues with a list of other theatres also displaying house full signs). 3.00 stop for refreshments. 4.00 attended evensong at St. Paul's. 4.35 left St. Paul's at beginning of sermon. 4.40 tea at A.B.C shop 5.30 arrived at Drury Lane theatre, outside. 7.00 Drury Lane, inside. Remainder of day is oblivion owing to exhaustion. Only just recovered. Much love, Charlie.

The old, old story.
Posted January 11th, 1905.

Dear Maudie, Are you deceased or diseased? Please relive my anxiety at once, as it is preying on my mind. Shan't tell you any news, as I don't wish to waste my time on a corpse. Much love, Charlie.

The harvest moon.
Posted on January 21st, 1905.

Dear Maudie, Thanks for relieving my anxiety. I have had a ferocious cold this week - hence the lateness. You had better come and say farewell to the Clarke's as they are departing Tues or Wed. Lamentations going on all around. Much love, Charlie.

I love this set of cards, not just for the illustrations but for the wonderful messages.  If you missed the previous set of cards sent to Maudie you can see them here.


  1. Oh, Barbara, I can see why you love these postcards. The illustrations are so perfect for the handwritten sentiments and the sentiments are a wonderful look at a fragment of the past. Raphael Tuck always did such good stuff. And I would be curious about what happened to Miss Maudie Anscombe, too. Thanks for sharing these with us.

  2. Hi Barbara

    I usually see things on your blog that I've never come across before - those cards are adorable.

    I love the messages, especially the one about Maudie being deceased or diseased and the phrases and words used back in the day that we don't tend to use anymore - 'Did it feel grand' can't imagine young people today using those words.

    Thanks Barbara for sharing the postcards and messages.

  3. Just so adorable. How I wish I could illustrate like this. I love that the writer calls her Maudie. How enduring.

  4. These really are quite remarkable and its wonderful that you have them as a set - I'd love to know what happened to Maudie and Charlie - its such an intriguing 'story'. It also struck me how 'modern' some of the drawings look, especially the first one. Take her mop cap off and it would be hard to guess that it is 1904.

    I also had to smile at Vintagecobweb's comment - here in Ireland everyone (young and old) uses 'grand' as a figure of speech all the time!

  5. Oh, I just love these! The messages are fascinating- and I love that Charlie doesn't want to waste his time on a corpse-lol! You never see anything as unique as these anymore! Fun post- thanks for sharing : ) ~ Jess

  6. What a fun post, the cards are adorable. I love the illustrations, they are so cute and unique.

  7. Great cards. the artist definitely had a sense of humour ahead of his time..

  8. barbaraannefisher15 November 2012 at 07:25

    Thanks Alex, I enjoyed sharing them.

  9. barbaraannefisher15 November 2012 at 07:29

    Hi Michelle,
    It’s the same for me when I visit your blog, there is always something new for me to discover.

    Some of my elderly relatives still say things like ‘it was grand', or ‘we had a grand old time', but I can’t imagine my grandsons saying it!

  10. barbaraannefisher15 November 2012 at 07:34

    Hello Donna, wouldn't it be wonderful to be that talented. Maudie certainly sounds more appealing than Maud.

  11. barbaraannefisher15 November 2012 at 08:54

    Hello Hilde, glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for calling in.

  12. barbaraannefisher15 November 2012 at 09:02

    Hi Sharon, yes I was lucky to get the set. I spotted them (along with some others) at an auction a few years ago. It was love at first sight, and I knew I would be bidding.

    I would like to know more about Maudie and Charlie too. Another piece of research to add to my ‘retirement' projects!

    Its grand to know that grand is still in full time use in Ireland – it’s a grand word!

  13. barbaraannefisher15 November 2012 at 09:04

    Hi Jess, I had to laugh when I read that sentiment, Charlie obviously had a ‘grand’ sense of humour. Thanks for your comment.

  14. barbaraannefisher15 November 2012 at 09:05

    Hi Roger, well it certainly made me laugh. Thanks for calling in.

  15. 'don't wish to waste my time on a corpse' ~ that was so funny! I adore these postcards and their messages. The title of 'The lass who loves a sailor' cracks me up. Thanks for sharing these with us, Barbara!

  16. barbaraannefisher15 November 2012 at 22:06

    Hello Claudine, I had a feeling you would like them! I really enjoyed sharing them. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment.

  17. I like your blog! It's very original, thanks for following mine, I've been following yours for a while. But now I'm following you on Pinterest too :)

  18. barbaraannefisher17 November 2012 at 07:16

    Thank you Rhomy, I like your blog too. I’m going to call into Pinterest now and see if I can find your boards.

  19. That Charlie had a sense of humor. Adorable and historical. I loved them.

  20. I love how the cards tell a story. What fun! Interesting artwork. :)

  21. barbaraannefisher18 November 2012 at 09:48

    Hello Eve, they are a lot of fun, glad you liked them.

  22. barbaraannefisher18 November 2012 at 09:51

    Hi Stephanie, The artwork was what appealed to me first, and the messages were the icing on the cake. Thanks for calling in.

  23. Just loved these, brightened a gloomy Saturday!

  24. barbaraannefisher27 November 2012 at 07:07

    Thanks Angie, these wet and windy days certainly need something to cheer them up, so I'm glad if this helped.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx