
Saturday 23 March 2013

Newly Catalogued: From the Alps to Toyland

Lots of lovely books and ephemeral items have come in over the last few weeks.

Heidi, Heidi Grows Up and Heidi's Children

When Heidi is sent to live in the Swiss mountains with her elderly Grandfather, the people in the village feel sorry for her. But Heidi soon discovers a secret: Grandfather isn't nearly as cross as he looks. Heidi was another of my childhood favourites. I can remember reading the first line and wishing I could travel to the mountains with Heidi – "From the old and pleasantly situated town of Maienfeld a path leads through green, shady meadows to the foot of the mountains which look down from their majestic heights upon the valley below."

Now for some fun! The Happy Little Choo-Choo with animated pages

Written by Laura Harris animated by Julian Wehr and published by Wm. Penn in1944.
Pull the tabs to oil the wheels, change the points and move a cow from the track! Colour and two-tone illustrations plus moving pages make this a very special book.  

Three pretty flower fairy books by Cicely Mary Barker, c1960s/70s

It may seem odd to include a Christmas story at this time of year but Pookie the little white rabbit with wings is popular all year round. These are all hardbacks written and illustrated by Ivy Wallace and published between 1955 and 1959.

A Set of six miniature Mrs Books by Lawson Wood. Mrs. Bear, Mrs. Purr, Mrs. Nibble, Mrs. Waddle, Mrs. Polly and Mrs. Cackle. Undated c1919. 

Rupert and the Wonderful Boots written and illustrated by Mary Tourtel, 1st edition 1946. Join Rupert as he flies over villages and castles and into many adventures with the Brigands and the Evil Ogre.

Scarce early Beano Annual featuring Biffo the Bear, Jack flash, Pansy Potter, Have a Go Jo, Lord Snooty, Skinny Flint and Iron Fish. The Beano Book 1953 cartoons by Dudley D Watkins and other artists.

Other newly listed items include a nice collection of Noddy books, a couple of very pretty pop-up birthday cards and a picture strip book called Noddy's Penny Wheel Car.

Enid Blyton has been in the news again recently. It seems that some of the good people of Beaconsfield in Buckinghamshire are trying to oppose the installation of a plaque on the spot where her home once stood. Further they are trying to block a festival in her honour, on the grounds that her work is 'racist and offensive'. Whatever the rights and wrongs of this I stand by the fact that I loved Enid Blyton books when I was a child, and I love them still. Her books were written in very different (more innocent?) times, they encouraged numerous reluctant readers, including me, to pick up a book and start reading.

A pretty picture strip book published by Sampson Low in 1952. Twenty eight pages, printed in four colours throughout, artist uncredited. 2 stories - 36 frames each, the second story is titled Noddy in trouble.

Last but certainly not least two beautiful vintage 'pop-up' birthday cards. 

Did you read Heidi when you were small?  Or maybe Rupert Bear or the Beano annual were more your kind of thing?

All the books featured here are now sold, thank you for looking.

Update July 2016: March House books closed on my retirement in 2015, but I do still blog here at March of Time Books and always appreciate your visit. 


  1. Dear Barbara such a beautiful post, Noddy is my favorite and Heidi is adorable too;)

    1. Hello there Aunt Mary, glad you liked the post, thanks so much for calling in and leaving a comment.

  2. A beautiful collection as always Barbara. The bit about Beaconsfield not wanting to celebrate the memory of Enid Blyton surprised me. She's a hugely popular author even now, and if we were going to dismiss our authors for their lack of modern awareness I doubt we'd have many remembered at all!

    1. Hi Jill, I couldn't agree more! I don’t understand why we always have to judge yesterday by today's standards – it just doesn't work like that. Oh I can find myself getting all hot under the collar, must be time for a slice of cake and a ginger bear! Thanks for calling in.

  3. Hi Barbara - I so enjoyed hearing from you again - you have no idea how much I've missed you as well! Your comment cheered me up no end! This is such a wonderful bumper post - you have so many of my favourite books here - Pookie has always been one of my extra special childhood memories (I've mentioned this already I think when you featured Pookie books before) - I remember all of these but the only one of the three I still have is Pookie and the Gypsies - although it made me feel sad as a child - I hated it when his wings shrivelled up (a bit like Dumbo!)

    1. Hello Sharon, it’s so good to have you
      back! I’ve missed our ‘bookish connection’ and your friendly smile in my comment's box.
      I do remember us talking about Pookie and I rather hoped you would call in and see these. Poor old Pookie it’s a good job he has Belinda to take care of him, and the stories do have happy endings.
      I might have said this already, but it’s really good to 'see' you.

  4. rusticvintagecountry23 March 2013 at 17:07

    They are all so lovely but Pookie is a new one on me and I'm going to have to check it out. Suzy x

  5. barbaraannefisher23 March 2013 at 17:43

    Hi Suzy, half the fun of this blog is sharing something new. Thanks’ so much for your comment.

  6. Hello, Barbara....LOVE The flower fairies soo very much! Thank you for kind visits I am going to have a browse at your website....With the kindest thoughts....Maria x

    1. Hello Maria, thanks so much for calling in and leaving such a nice comment. I hope you enjoy browsing around the website.

  7. I have both Heidi and Heidi Grows Up, but I had no idea that there was a third book!! I have to get it!!

    1. Hi Terresa, lovely to meet you! It’s a shame my copy of Heidi’s children is already sold, but you should be able to find one at Thanks for calling in Barbara

  8. A lovely selection of childrens books in this post, Barbara :) I remember the Heidi books from when I was little (I still have two of those I think), and my daughter liked Noddy when she was younger.
    Love those Flower Fairy books, so sweet :)

    1. Hi Hilde, Heidi and Noddy seem to be known and loved by most people, so I’m really glad I included those. I only ‘discovered’ the flower fairies as an adult, but they are now some of my favourite books. Thanks so much for your comment.

  9. I absolutely love this post! What a fun reminder- I adored Heidi! The Flower Fairies looks amazing. I always enjoy the books you showcase here : ) ~ Jess

  10. barbaraannefisher24 March 2013 at 07:52

    Thanks Jess, I try to pick books that will be familiar with as many people as possible. Glad you liked them.

  11. Hi, Barbara. I used to love the Beano when I was younger. Just like comfort food, I'm actively considering buying one now. My daughter looked at me as if an alien had invaded the house when I mentioned it. I think I'll do it from sheer spite. Dennis the Menace was my hero.

    1. Hi Roger, I wondered if you might pop in. My posts tend to be a bit ‘girly’ so I thought I should include something for the boys – mind you, I loved the Beano when I was young – so I’m not sure what that says about me!
      I think your daughter would much rather you splash out on something pretty (for her), but you should spoil yourself now and again! (Please don’t tell her I said that!)

  12. I seem to recall having a Heidi book when I was a kid... I'm not sure where it is now though.

    My little nephew would love The Happy Little Choo Choo as he's a big fan of Thomas the Tank Engine and all things train!

    Mum has a collection of very well read Rupert annuals and I'm sure we've got some Noddy books here too.

  13. barbaraannefisher24 March 2013 at 16:25

    Hello Nikki-ann, It sounds as though you have lots of lovely books in your house, Rupert and Noddy are both great! The happy little choo choo is amazing but the paper tabs are very fragile, so I’m not sure how well it would stand up to being played with. It’s a shame, but many of the older books are not really built for little hands. It makes me wonder if they have all spent their lives on the highest shelf in the house so that little ones can’t play with them.

  14. Posted by Diane C
    I've never heard of Pookie! How adorable! Thanks for all the great information!
    Hi Diane, I've been having lots of problems with my comments (now sorted - I hope!) but your comment was lost so am posting it like this.
    Thanks very much for your comment,sorry it took a while to show on this post. Barbara

  15. Your newly cataloged books look fantastic! I seriously must read a Pookie book soon. The name is just too cute and the bunny looks adorable. I remember seeing Pookie on your blog before and now I am even more curious. I had no idea there were so many Heidi books! :) I will have to read more about her.

    Those fairy books look fabulous, too!

  16. Hello Stephanie, I’m really sorry commenting was so difficult for a while there, welcome back! I thought there were just two Heidi books so the third one was a surprise. Pookie is adorable, and the illustrations are very pretty. Thanks again for persevering on the comments.

  17. Hi Barbara

    Well, of course I just love your Noddy cards, first time I have ever seen them.

    All your books are so lovely. I do have some Heidi books and recognise a couple I have from your pictures but for some reason I never really took to Heidi, I read the first one and didn't read the rest. I really like the dust jackets on the Heidi books though.

    The Mrs Books - I've never seen before, I love little books. You have a lovely treasurey of books Barbara:)

    1. Hi Michelle, I found the Noddy cards at an antique's market. The lady selling them bought them from new, put them away in a cupboard and forgot all about them.

      I love Heidi. I read them when I was quite young, and reading them now transports me back across the years.

      I hadn’t seen the Mrs. Books before, it’s amazing they survived when you realise they have paper covers.
      Thanks for taking the time to comment, Barbara.

  18. Your post ~ the book covers of flower fairies and Rupert and Heidi, just makes me smile and smile. What a great catalogue you have here, Barbara!

    1. Thank you Claudine, smiling is good! Your comments always make me smile.

  19. Oh now, these are way too cute! I used to read the Heidi books all the time and loved them so much. I've not seen the fairy series but the covers are adorable, and who wouldn't want a book where the bunny is named Pooky? cute, cute, post.

  20. Thank you for your sweet comment Donna.

  21. Lovely post took me back to my childhood, wonderful authors and stories.

    1. Thanks so much, I'm glad you enjoyed the post. Barbara


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx