
Tuesday 26 March 2013

Problems with commenting and word verification

I want to say sorry to anyone who has been struggling to leave comments on my blog. I would also like to thank Michelle, Stephanie and Petty Witter for telling me about the problems. Sometime last year I started using a commenting service called Disqus, I can’t remember why, but there was a good reason at the time. Everything worked beautifully until Disqus decided to ‘update’ the service. I resisted the change for as long as I could but at the end of last week they gave me no choice by imposing the changes themselves.  

Just recently I've noticed a large increase in spam, so with that in mind I've reverted to Blogger comments and turned on word verification. I know many of you hate word verification (as do I), but I've been drowning under all kinds of ‘offers’ I don’t need or want. I promise to remove it just as soon as I can.

PS. Do you like my new signature? The hardest part was putting the images together (thank you Terry). Once that was done it was really very simple. If you fancy having a go Code It Pretty will tell you how.


  1. Thanks for changing the comment format so I can keep commenting on all of your lovely posts! I am sorry that you had a problem, but I am glad I wasn't the only one. It can be so frustrating to have the computer update things when we aren't quite ready. :) I usually resist for as long as possible, too.

    Hope the spam goes away and I am getting much better at figuring out the numbers and letters to type in word vertification! :)

    1. Hi Stephanie, I’m so glad you alerted me to the problem. I was wondering why all my lovely blogging friends had stopped visiting. It was a relief to know it was a problem with comments and not something I had said!
      I can read the word verification words OK. It's the numbers that give me the trouble. Some of them are so small – or maybe it’s just my eye sight!

  2. We've all had the same problem. Ever since I turned off word verification I've had people both telling me about and offering me things which sound at least immoral if not physically impossible. I may have to turn in back on again but I'm resisting. Although apparently, "Resistance is futile." as one of the latest adds informed me.

    1. Hello Roger, well it’s nice to know I’m not alone, but I’m sorry you are suffering too. Some of the things I’ve been offered would make your eyes water! I’ve not seen that add – but I will be looking out for it now. Thanks for calling in.

  3. Hi Barbara

    I feel your pain re the spam stuff.

    I can't see your signature? I'll have a look at the link, my signature is dead boring. I'm off to read your other posts:)

    1. Hi Michelle, maybe the signature just takes a while to load? I hope that's the problem but if not please let me know, and I will take another look at it.
      I still laugh every time I think about your banned book post. You have such a way with words, see I’m laughing again now!

  4. Hi, i do like your new signature. If you look directly underneath my blog header, you will see a page called "Blog Help" And there you should find instructions for how to change your settings so you don't need word verification. I never get spam.

    1. I visit your lovely blog often, but I’ve never clicked on Blog Help, that is about to change. I will be over as soon as I’ve left this comment. The spam issue started in December, prior to that I was never bothered with it. I've no idea what set it off, but I want it to stop! Thanks for calling in.

  5. Sorry to hear about Disqus and spam, Barbara. Sometimes I grow curious to see who or which company visit my blog just for fun(sunglasses, fat free diets, tour agencies ... )No problem on word verification. I do it for other blogs anyway. I LOVE your signature!

  6. Hello Claudine, I think everything is sorted now, but it’s lovely of you to be concerned. I’m glad you mentioned the signature; Michelle was having trouble seeing it, but I hope it was just a glitch. Thanks for commenting I really do appreciate it.

  7. I love your new signature - your March House Books Hare is the best bunny ever.

    I haven't noticed a problem commenting, but I know I have had the same problem, especially on my other blog. I have been getting lots of spam lately as well on both blogs. It seems that people are complaining about spam and hackers a lot more lately. What a shame that their are people out there who do these things and spoil the fun for others.

    1. Thanks Alex, he is pretty special. I was very lucky to be able to buy the original painting. It’s sad to think the spammers don’t have better things to do. They are leaving me alone now so the word verification must be working.

  8. Ohhh, I thought I was just having problems with my computer and that's why I was having trouble trying to comment on your blog! Good to know it's fixed! Oh and I have a lot of blogger friends having a lot of trouble with so much spam lately, I've been getting spammed like crazy too!

    1. Hi Leanne, I’m really sorry you had problems commenting. I’m also sorry you thought the problem was at your end. At least it’s sorted now. I don’t know what the Spammers hope to achieve but I guess they must be getting something out of it.

  9. Ah, the dreaded updating of a service. In my opinion this only ever makes things worse.
    As for word verification - though I have been forced to use it myself I admit to hating it. I know it has been suggested I use 'comment moderation' instead but personally think word verification is the least of the two evils.
    Thanks for the link to Code It Pretty, I'm away over there now.

    1. Yep, I hate it when I hear the word 'updating' it always leads to trouble! It’s difficult to know what to do, you don’t want to put people off from commenting but on the other hand, drowning in spam is not a nice place to be. I hope you enjoy your visit to Code it pretty. Thanks for calling in.

  10. Hi Barbara, I must admit I found Disqus somewhat confusing! Hope your spam is reduced now. I don't use word verification but under my blogger comment settings, I checked the box for Registered Users. I have had very little to almost no spam since. I think your signature with the bunny is just adorable!

    1. Hi Diane, I was just beginning to understand Disqus when it was changed. I was worried about taking it off but am very glad to be rid of it now that’s it's gone. I haven’t found the registered users box, so I must go and investigate that. The spam has just about disappeared now, thank goodness. Thanks for your comment.

  11. I love your new signature. I had problems with Disqus from the moment I tried it. People couldn't get on to comment, etc.
    Sadly, I'm being spammed worse than before too. I don't understand why they think we want their websites blasted on our blogs and why they think we'll click on the links.
    I've notice many have gone back to word verification. Blogger has the worst one because it's hard to read. Wordpress has one where you do a simple math problem, but at least with word verification, the spammers can't get through.

  12. Hello Donna, I had no idea spamming was such a problem until I started my blog. Sorry to hear you are suffering with the same thing. Putting word verification and moderation back on has stopped the problem, but I hate that people have to go through hoops to leave comments. I’ve thought about changing to Wordpress but I wonder if Google search it in the same way they do Blogger, plus I cringe at the thought of starting all over again with lots of new things to learn. Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx