
Tuesday 30 July 2013

Found In Books ...

I love finding hidden things within the pages of books. Book tokens, certificates, birthday cards, newspaper cuttings, letters and blurred photographs turn up with astonishing regularity. Unsurprisingly bookmarks are another common find;

My favourite from this collection is the green one produced by the Countryside Commission; Follow the country code – enjoy the countryside and respect its life and work. Guard against all risk of fire. Fasten all gates. Keep your dogs under close control. Keep to public paths across farmland. Use gates and stiles to cross fences, hedges and walls.

I'm also rather keen on the one with the picture of a monkey, produced in 1978 and given away at School Book Fairs. The third-down on the left was produced for the London Planetarium and Madame Tussaud's. The design, complete with spaceman and Superman flying over the buildings, was created by Peter Smith in 1988. The woven one with the blue tassel is pretty and has nice words - what you are and what you do make you very special and a wonderful friend. The pink and black one with splotches was a design for Tate Modern. There is also one advertising the Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis and another for Garfield by Jim Davis.

Detail - London Planetarium and Madame Tussaud's

The eagle eyed among you will have spotted the new March House Hare Bookmarks. I'm really pleased with the way these turned out. did the printing, and they did a great job.

Next time you place an order with March House Books there will be a hare on the outside and on the inside too!  Speaking of which this email from a customer made me smile -

Barbara, thank you for sending the books so well wrapped up – they arrived today with the local postman on his electric bike! He was intrigued by your logo! He thought I had a rabbit and was ordering something for it!!

I wonder how many other postmen have been confused by the logo. Maybe I should start selling pet food along with vintage books. I've considered selling retro British sweets and/or greetings cards but hadn't thought about pet accessories. Maybe I should – what do you think?

Detail - Tate Modern

Previous 'found in books' posts here bookmarks and inscriptions


  1. I do so love your bookmark, I may now have to order a book just to get one! I've found all sorts of things in books, which is wonderful, even down to an old £1 and 10 shilling note. I also bought a book which has samples of Scottish tartans...hmmm, a future post perhaps. xx

    1. I’ve never found money or samples of any kind. A post about your finds would be great.
      I will send you some bookmarks in the post. Barbara x

  2. The bookmarks look fantastic Barbara - who did the logo? It's really beautiful. Perhaps mugs with the logo on, for coffee while reading one of your lovely books?

    1. Hi Jane, I looked all over for someone to do the drawing and then (would you believe) found a lady selling her own artwork on eBay. She does bespoke drawings as well as more standard things. I sent her a (very badly drawn) idea of what I would like and a couple of weeks later my lovely new hare turned up. I thought about getting coasters or something of that kind to send out with books at Christmas time but had not given a thought to mugs. I will now though! Thanks for calling in and leaving a comment, I appreciate it. Barbara

  3. The March House Hare bookmarks are simply adorable! :-)

    1. Thank you so many Nancy, I’m really pleased you like them. I also want to thank you for your kind tweets earlier today. I was overwhelmed by the nice things you said. Barbara x

  4. I really love the new book mark and it's got my mind working overtime...I can picture the March hare on notebooks, tea towels, cards, gift tags, pens, key-rings, mouse mats and wrapping paper. I could carry on but don't want to take up too much space!! Really lovely Blog post as always, Barbara x

    1. Hello Marilyn, I feel a whole range of merchandise coming on! I love all your ideas, especially the wrapping paper, cards, notebooks, tea towels and gift tags. Maybe I could offer a gift-wrapping service. What do you think? I have no idea how to go about doing any of this, but I suppose it must be possible. I will have to put my thinking cap on. Thank you for your lovely comment. Barbara x

    2. PS. please feel free to take up as much space as you need. x

  5. I absolutely love this post, such a great idea which I may have to steal :o I'm forever finding unusual things in books.

    I came across this site a month or two ago - This gentleman has actually published a book of odd things found between book pages.

    Ha ha - you could definitely sell pet foods by the way : )

    Have a lovely day Barbara.

    Do you have any fabulous birthday plans for next month?

    1. Hi Yvonne, I love the way we get ideas from other bloggers. It happens to me all the time. I see something and think I must try that! A post about your finds would be wonderful.

      I've visited forgottenbookmarks in the past – it’s great, but I had no idea there was a book. I must go and pay another visit. He finds the most amazing things and loads of them.

      Pet food wrapped in March House Hare wrapping paper perhaps?

      We are having a couple of meals out with friends to celebrate my birthday. One of them is at the Chesil rectory in Winchester. We’ve not been before so we are really looking forward to it. How about you? Have you anything planned for October? xx

    2. Oh wow - a wrapping paper with your March House Hare on it sounds really cute actually : )

      Your birthday plans sound lovely, my partner and I love dining out, especially to new places we haven't tried before.

      I haven't made any birthday plans, but a meal somewhere will probbaly do the trick.

      Here's a link to that book by the way :
      Forgotten Bookmarks

      Have a lovely day xx

    3. Thanks Yvonne, I'm looking forward to catching up with some of those posts.
      I will look forward to hearing more about your birthday nearer the time. Will you do a post about it? xx

  6. I noticed the March Hare bookmark right away! I was wondering if you found it in a book! :) I love the new bookmarks. Just beautiful!

    I love seeing what you find in your books. It has made me even more interested in the things I find inside book (though usually I just find bookmarks). Fun to see the different styles!

    1. Thanks Stephanie, I think the new March Hare is a hit! I like finding inscriptions almost as much as forgotten bookmarks. I think I might start collating them into a scrap book – some of the messages are just so poignant.

  7. Oh I'm terribly late today! Hello there, March Hare! Aren't you a pretty boy! And I enjoyed reading what that green bookmark said about preserving the wildlife and countryside! How I yearn to go to England one day to see all the lush beauty! Hello Barbara!! Anita

    1. Oh my fur and whiskers – you do know how to flatter a chap!
      The country code was taught in school when I was a little girl, but I don’t think it’s on the curriculum any more. England would love to have you! Barbara xxx

  8. I love book marks and have a wonderful collection. These are all wonderful but I love your delightful bookmark the best!

    1. Thank you Darlene, Just make sure you don’t leave any of those lovely bookmarks in any books you lend or give away!

    2. Unless it is intentional of course. I do like to give bookmarks away as well as get them.

    3. Ah yes, it is perfectly OK to leave promotional ones inside! :0)

  9. Replies
    1. Hello Earthenmagic, thank you for leaving me another (o: I really appreciate it.

  10. Wonderful site again great content,
    let me confess to having been shaking out books for many many years and have a collection of very old photo's, diary's and quite a few poems without names, little love notes, and a collection of book marks from bone to silver,and chrome. my favourite piece is a silver bookmark with a butterfly top in small coloured stones (Paste), when you first look at it,it's designed to look like a fairy and it seems to fade back to being a butterfly. It makes you want to believe, I love it.As I do your site.
    I make a point of buying the books with the items in, maybe that's my concious. Excuse me I'm rabbiting on a bit.Oh what a wonderful world it would be,if everything is beloved as it ought to be, bye bye.

  11. I forgot to mention the treasure of treasure the inscriptions, I am at times such a dork, be well

    1. Thank you Agman, you say the nicest things and please rabbit on as much and as often as you like!
      I would love to see your collection, especially the butterfly/fairy bookmark and the love notes. Maybe you could blog about them?
      I used to remove ‘finds’ from books before I sold them but for the last six months or so I’ve left them for the next owner. They give me so much pleasure, and I know other people feel the same. I also love inscriptions and am always excited to find one. Barbara

    2. I have a wee problem with bloging the love notes, I some how seem to think they are not mine? and if you like my Butterfly, then I'm sure you'd like my creamy green Lizard book mark I picked up in the Sudan, the endearment engrained into it is so red faced personal( not Smutty)it's made from some type of soap stone. as I often say I'm a bit of a dork and can't seem to get a good picture with my camera as I do feel they would make a interesting blog, I'll give it another go. agman

    3. That’s a difficult one Agman, love notes are quite personal, so I’m not sure. I don’t think you would have a problem with copyright, unless they have been published or are signed by the author, but morally I’m not so sure. I blog about book inscriptions but maybe not everyone agrees with that? You just have to do what you are comfortable with. Your bookmarks certainly sound interesting. Barbara.

    4. copyrights are no problem for me, this is just a little bit difficult. Let me just say I have a personal affinity towards the writers of these notes, as I have always been one, it was my chosen method of communication, (which I recorded by the way, in my diary's) for expressing myself to the lady of that time. Whilst I know time moves on, it still gives me a strange feeling to think some stranger maybe reading my notes, one day openly, nite nite

    5. You have so many interesting stories to tell it’s not necessary to blog about the notes. Keep them and enjoy them. Not everything is meant for sharing. xx

  12. Many of my books are passed on to me by my sister. She works 3 weeks of each month in London and then returns to California for a week. I love opening a book she has given me and finding tidbits of her travels - a Tube pass, a museum receipt, a piece of paper from whichever hotel she is in. I know the origin, but it would be fun to create a story around bits and pieces found in second books.

    1. It must be lovely not knowing what book your sister is going to pass on to you and the ‘added extras’ must make it more fun.
      It’s funny you should mention creating a story out of these bits and pieces. I’m reading The bookman’s tale by Charlie Lovett, and that is exactly what it’s about – and very good it is too!

  13. I have to admit that it was your bookmarks which jumped out at me from the collection of bookmarks! They're beautiful!

    Mind you, at least now I know where all my bookmarks are...hiding at the end of my books!

    1. Thanks Nikki-ann, I hoped they would stand out.
      I think we are all the same when it comes to bookmarks – first you see them, then you don’t!

  14. What a beautiful collection of bookmarks, I liked all of them :)

  15. Thanks Aunt Mary, glad you like them.

  16. Wah ... Barbara, your hare bookmark is so classy & pretty! That London Planetarium & Madame Tussaud's one is breathtaking, too. A beautiful collection.

    1. Thank you Claudine, your kind words mean a lot.

  17. Wow that's some collection. I can't actually remember the last time I found something in a book or indeed left something inside a book.

    1. Hi Tracy, I have to say it doesn’t happen as often as it did. I think people are more aware now, especially as there are one or two websites dedicated to these kinds of finds.

  18. Lovely post, Barbara! Hidden things and inscriptions make us imagine those old stories...I enjoy it a lot, although I buy few books comparing with you. Sometimes the inscription is what decides me to buy the book, even when it's a bit expensive.
    Your bookmarks are so cute, congratulations!

    1. Thank you Silvina! I often buy books in really poor condition simply because of the inscription. I know I will never be able to sell them, but I don’t mind because I just enjoy them so much. xx

  19. What fun finding things that others have left books! Sometimes our library puts out a huge display in a glass cabinet of all the "spare" bookmarks & you are welcome to retrieve any that might be yours! I wonder what they do with the rest? What do you do with yours? Ha ha rabbit food might be a bit weighty & annoying but the complementing cards paper etc would be a brilliant idea & the British sweets with all their quirky names..what fun! x0x0x

    1. Hello Catherine I think you might be right about the rabbit food; it would certainly be difficult to pack!!
      I used to take everything out of books and pile it up around the office, but it occurred to me other people might also like to own them. So now I put everything back from whence it came, unless it happens to be a squashed spider or something equally unpleasant! I think of these things as added-extras, I’m not sure what my customers think! xx

  20. lol, loved the letter. Maybe the postman will become a customer. I enjoy seeing the things you find inside books.

    1. Now that’s a thought! All customers are very welcome no matter what their occupation. Thanks for your comment Donna. x

  21. ~ Hello lovely Barbara...
    I am one of 'those' peeps who fall in love with the smell of books and from then on my love affair begins.....With firstly popping in a book mark of a photograph or a post card...I also mark with a pencil little sayings that I love and quotes (naughty) but i do! ~ i never part ways with my books so i guess this is fine? I can see the attraction with kindles but just not for me! LOVE your book marks,Barbara too and the lovely letter from your 'happy' customer! ~ Happy weekend toy you! i do hope you are having a Sunday full of loveliness! Hugs maria x

    1. Dear Maria, it is absolutely fine! Part of the enjoyment of old books (for me) is finding things left behind by previous owners – poems and quotes are just as enjoyable as bookmarks and inscriptions. Some people really object to finding anything other than what was originally printed on the paper, and that’s fine too. To each his own as my mum used to say! With love, Barbara xx

  22. Good morning dearest Barbara! HOW NICE to see your beautiful smile on my comments page this morning! Enjoy a rich weekend full of the things YOU LOVE! Me? Poetry, books, and pictures of white horses.....

    1. Thank you Anita, you say the nicest things! After visiting your blog, I too LOVE poetry, books and pictures of white horses. Your posts are all beautiful, but your newest one is my favourite of all. xxxx

  23. Love you new bookmark Barbara - it really does stand out! They are very collectible aren't they! I used to belong to a library in Cape Town that had a lovely idea - where the desk was to return books they had a big pin board. If anyone found a bookmark that had been forgotten in a book they would pin it onto the board. The owner could then collect a 'lost' bookmark they spotted theirs and the rest made quite a fascinating display of different designs!

    1. Thank you Sharon, you can probably tell I’m rather pleased with it! I would love to visit the library in Cape Town on a weekly basis. I can imagine how fascinating it would be to see all the different bookmarks. It makes me smile to think that people might start leaving bookmarks just so that they can see them on the board!

    2. Hi Barbara - Not sure if you ever visit this blog The little doors made me think of the first of your posts that I discovered :)

    3. Thank you Sharon, I've just pinned some of those little doors to my 'tiny doors' board and followed the lovely faerie factory. I had forgotten my tiny doors post, I must go and read it again! xx

  24. What a wonderful "bonus" when you find bookmarks from other people in old books! That is such a personal and special forgotten item.
    Also, your new bookmark is just lovely!

    1. Thank you Jamie, I am really pleased with the new March House Hare! I love finding 'added extras' in books, and it's nice to share them.

  25. Love this. I enjoy the tickets and the shopping lists I find. I think I wrote about them once. They really transport me into a past reader's mind.

    1. Hello Eve, I love finding 'added extras' in books I also enjoy reading about them, so I must try to find your post. Thanks for calling in. Barbara.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx