
Tuesday 6 August 2013

No Words Required - Beautiful Book Covers

How lucky am I? These are just some of the beautiful books I've catalogued in the last couple of weeks. The oldest – Billie Bouncers Half Holidays was published in 1934 and the newest – Cowboy Dreams in 1999. The Teddy Tar Books, Twilight Tales and Mickey Mouse were all published in the 1950s. Beautiful books - vintage or new they need no words!  I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I've enjoyed cataloguing them.

These and many others are available to view or purchase at March House Books.

Cowboy dreams, A Holiday with Henriette, Once Upon a time, Twilight Tales, Naughty Amelia Jane, Enid Blyton's Brer Rabbit Book, A surprise for Teddy Tar, Teddy Tar and the Big Family  Teddy Tar goes to sea, Teddy Tar meets the black bears, Goldilocks and the three bears, Mick the disobedient puppy and Billie Bouncer's Half Holidays are now sold, thank you for your interest.


  1. These are gorgeous Barbara! It's lovely to read how much you enjoy working with them too.

    1. Thanks Lindsay! I am really lucky because books are my passion as well as my livelihood!

  2. Oh Barbara! My favorite is the TWILIGHT TALES! And Mick the Disobedient Puppy is just my style! teehehehehehhee - they are all scrumptuous and would make an evening of reading a fun return to the innocent days. How lovely is your taste and collection! HAPPY DAY! Anita

    1. Dear Anita, you have wonderful taste! The cover of Twilight tales is incredibly pretty and Mike the disobedient puppy is gorgeous. I have had a happy day, thank you. I hope you have too! Barbara x

  3. Hello Barbara! These covers are wonderful!!! My favorites: Billie Bouncer's Half Holidays (I didn't know it, it made me remember Humpty Dumpty...), Adventures of the Wishing Chair and Twilight Tales. Animals, fairies, elves...all of them are so nice but I definitely love vintage illustrations of children, they seem so "formal" now...fantastic!
    So cute your hare spying between the books haha.

    1. Hello Silvina, I’m so pleased with the March House Hare I just had to get him in somewhere! :) Billie Bouncer does look like Humpty Dumpty – I thought the exact same thing. I know what you mean about the children, they are always in their ‘Sunday best’.

  4. Oh that 'Cowboy Dreams' is just a real treat amongst so many yummy ones. Glad you had fun cataloguing them, Barbara. I sure did have a grand time looking through them!

    1. Hello Claudine, Cowboy Dreams is on the way to a little boy in Australia his daddy used to be a rodeo rider. How perfect is that? Thank you for coming to visit today. x

    2. This is just the sweetest kind of book delivery a seller can imagine. Hope the little boy loves 'Cowboy Dreams!' Thanks for popping over and telling me about your current reads, Barbara. I'll check out 'When God Was A Rabbit' and 'The Forgotten Garden.' Straightaway, the latter's title has me. :) Happy reading!

  5. I've got that exact same Brer Rabbit book! I was my favourite book. My brother & I would have my Dad tongue twisted as he read it to us at bedtime. Then I would read the stories myself, time and time again. :)

    1. What lovely memories, thank you for sharing them with us. xx

  6. It's so true no words are required, your blog is a collection of books showing their glossary, Writer and the illustrator's talents to the highest standard. I really enjoyed it.
    The bluebell fairy
    and I agree a nicer post,
    we've yet to see.
    Well done Bab's.

    1. Hello Agman, a collection of books showing their glossary is such a perfect way of putting it. I'm going to remember that and try to use it in a future post! I always look forward to your comments; you have such a way with words.

  7. That is such a visual delight, I love them all. xx

    1. Thanks Suzy, I thought you would like them.

  8. I love them all. They are indeed beautiful covers. But if I had to choose only one favorite, it would be that 'Once Upon a Time' cover. They all look so happy and content.

    1. Hi Donna, did you notice the leprechaun dressed in yellow is smoking a pipe? It’s such a happy, bright illustration, but I don’t think a publisher would use it today. It’s such a shame.

  9. Such wonderful book covers. I really liked Cowboy Dreams. No wonder it sold so quickly.

    1. Hi Darlene, I was sad to say good-bye to Cowboy Dreams, but it’s on the way to a new home and a little boy who is going to love it.

  10. What a gorgeous collection of treasures!

    The Twilight Tales and Amelia Jane covers are my favourites xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, I keep changing my mind about my favourites! I think I will settle on them all being favourites!

  11. Oh my goodness, The Wishing Chair and Amelia Jane, two of my favourite childhood books.

    1. It’s amazing just how popular both of those were and still are. Thanks for calling in.

  12. All covers are lovely , I loved the cover of" Once upon a time most ."Great job Barbara :)

  13. These look absolutely beautiful. I can tell you have been having fun with these! Naughty Amelia Jane and Twilight Tales both call to me. :) But honestly- they are all such beautiful covers I have examined them three times each!

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Stephanie, that’s exactly how I felt when I was cataloguing them. I almost want to hug them – they are all so gorgeous

  14. Gorgeous treasures! Love the artwork on Twilight Tales!

  15. What a wonderful collection of books, those are real treasures. The covers are all gorgeous :)

    1. Hi Hilde, I thought you would like them. (o;

  16. Loved these Barbara - but as you already know this is right up my alley! I had a quick look at the annuals section on your website (how many memories did that spark!!) Have you ever had a copy of the 'Treasure Book of Princess Marigold'? I'm thinking of doing a post on Princess Marigold next and your post made me wonder about that book again! (It was an annual from Treasure magazine)

    1. I love looking at annuals they are just so colourful and (as you say) full of memories. I’ve never had a copy of the Princess Marigold book, but I see there are a couple on Amazon and ABE books. I’ve just been reading your lovely post about Princess Marigold. I was a teenager when the magazines were first published so rather missed out on those. It was all boys and Beatles during those years!!!

  17. Looking at the cover, I'm sure I had that exact copy of Brér Rabbit when I was little, but I can't quite remember! I also just asked my mum and she vaguely remembers it as well, but again, not for certain. I think I'm going to have to do some further research!

    Thanks for sharing these, Barbara - they're lovely!

    1. Hi Sophie,
      Perhaps it’s in the loft? My heart drops when I arrive at a house to buy books and am told they are in the loft. I have a dread of spiders and dark places, so I’m never keen on getting them down. I used to oblige the owners by clambering up and fetching them, but I plead advanced old age now and say I will pass on the books!!


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx