
Friday 12 December 2014

Guest Post: Gingerbread Castle By Donna Yates

Hello friends of Barbara.

I’m honored that Barbara has asked me to make an appearance on her blog since hers is one of my favorites.

My name is Donna but I use DM Yates as my professional name. I am an author and a poet and how I love to write!

I was a quiet shy child who spent my summers at the library. Nothing made me happier than traveling to other places through the written words of a story. One day my mother surprised me with ‘A Child’s Garden of Verses’ by Robert Louis Stevenson. My favorite poem was ‘The Swing’ and I still love it. It was because of this book that I decided to give to the world my stories and poems.

Donna and her twin brother Don 

My twin brother once told me I began my writing career as soon as a teacher put a pencil in my hand and I learned how to read. I do know I spent my life writing stories and poems but I didn't decide to make a career of it until my later years.

I believe that within each story lies a treasure to be discovered by the reader and that makes me want to write even more. I veer towards fantasy and I write in fantasy/new age/spiritual/romance genres.

Last year I wrote and illustrated my first children’s holiday rhyme book for ages 7 to 9 years old called ‘Gingerbread Castle.’ It’s the story of a special castle in dreamland where children can play games, eat treats, ride a train and slide down an enormous slide back to their beds. I wanted a sweet story about a place any child would want to visit with huge teddy bears, gingerbread men, and a reading room where an owl reads from books.

You see, I love gingerbread because when it’s so cold outside and snowy, gingerbread warms you with all its spices and it’s often colorfully decorated so I just had to write a story about a castle made of gingerbread.

Excerpt: Before you can blink, to Dreamland you’ll go
Can you believe it? You’re sledding in snow.
The red sleigh is pulled by two jaunty reindeer
steered by Jimmy the Elf who’s full of good cheer.

I want to thank you so much for taking time to get to know me and I especially want to thank my dear friend Barbara for this wonderful opportunity.

Donna’s website:
Donna’s facebook page:
Donna on twitter: @merridm

Wishing love, honor, and respect to all of you.

Thank you so much Donna. The photograph of you with your brother is adorable!


  1. Oh how LOVELY to meet you, and another like-minded friend! Yes, there is something that we feel very early on about who we are and what we can become. The first time I heard the French language, I was intrigued. I was very small, but lo and behold, I am now a French teacher and I love to try my hand at poetry. The trick is staying adventurous as a child to stretch your muscles and learn.

    What a joy to meet you! Happy holidays! Anita

    1. Happy Holidays Anita, thank you for leaving a comment for Donna. Hugs Barbara x

  2. Barbara, thank you for this wonderful opportunity to guest on your amazing blog.

    1. Dear Donna, it is an absolute pleasure, thank you so much, Barbara.

  3. I love the featured verse from the book. It sounds so sweet!! My favorite poem from RLS' 'A Child's Garden of Verses' is The Swing.

    1. Hi Teressa, I love A child's garden of verses but my favourite is From a railway carriage. Thanks for leaving a comment, Barbara.

  4. I love the story, but i love that baby picture even more! so cute!

  5. A sweet story for this time of year! :) I read it to my class last year and they gave Donna feedback on the book when she was editing it. So wonderful to see Gingerbread Castle here today! Wishing Donna the best of luck. I love the picture of her and her brother when they were little.

    1. Stephanie, without your class' help, 'Gingerbread Castle' would not be the magical book it is today. Children know what they like to read and see in a book. I thank you and your class for all of your help.

  6. I agree, you and your brother looked adorable in that picture, Donna! A gingerbread castle sounds absolutely warm and inviting. Always nice to learn more about our mutual friends, Barbara. Have a good weekend ahead! xoxo C.

    1. Thank you Claudine, you too. xxx

    2. Thank you, Claudine. Gingerbread is warm and inviting, isn't it? My brother and I were a handful for my poor mother.

  7. sweet story and cute picture :) have a wonderful pre-christmas week.

  8. What a wonderful post. Its been lovely meeting you Donna, many thanks for sharing that excerpt with us.

    1. Thank you, Tracy. It's always so nice to make new friends.

  9. Always a pleasure to meet the gang? and wonder how it all well. Agman.

  10. Always great to meet another author. Your book sounds delightful and I wish you all the best Donna!

  11. Good morning dearest Barbara! Thank you so much for coming to visit my snow for us yet, but it doesn't matter because the joy of the holidays is INSIDE our home and hearts. May you have constant peace and joy as you celebrate yet another holiday! BLESSINGS! Anita

    1. Hello Anita, your lovely post sent me to bed with a smile on my face and joy in my heart. Thank you! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season. With love, Barbara x

  12. Thanks Barbara for such a wonderful guest post .. :)
    Donna is adorable as a bay and even without the distinctive clothes, its as clear as sun which one is she ... She has the same face ! I mean I was able to recognise her in the pic ..!
    And yes the Gingerbread book certainly looks inviting :) specially with the Owl reading books to kids ! Lovable and warm :)

    1. Dear Kokila, I know exactly what you mean - Donna hasn't changed a bit!
      Thanks for your visit, Barbara.

  13. Thank you for introducing Donna it is lovely to meet an author of a delightful book..

    1. Hello Shashi, you are most welcome. I’ve seen a copy of Donna’s book and it really is delightful.

  14. Best of luck with your Christmas book, Donna. Cute cover!

  15. What a charming and delightful book! Best of luck Donna!

  16. Hi Donna,

    What a magical book. The cover transports me back to my childhood. And to "Dreamland" I shall go. Thank you, Donna. Thank you, Barbara.


    1. Hi Gary, you are very welcome, thanks for calling in, Barbara


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx