
Thursday 18 December 2014

And the Winners are...

Thank you to everyone who took the time to comment or enter the Christmas Giveaway.

Little Noddy will soon be on the way to Stephanie from The Secret Files of Fairday Morrow.

The Magic Spectacles will soon be watching over Teressa at Window on the World.

Pussy Cat & her kittens will soon be purring for Anne Marie at Beetles, Bikes & Books.

Bunny and his Woodland Friends can't wait to visit Anita at the delightful Castles Crowns and Cottages.

A Bright Red Lorry is on the road to Tracy at 

Fiona from World of Blyton will soon be enjoying these two early readers

Fun and games to be had by Yvonne at Winter Moon.

The sweet little ducklings are making their way to Sue at The Secret Agency 

My thanks to everyone who took the time to enter, Tweet, Facebook and Google+. 

Congratulations to the winners I will be contacting you all later today.  For those of you who were unlucky this time I’m sure to do another giveaway next year.


  1. Quacking with happiness! Many thanks, Barbara, you generous lady!

    1. I love that reply Sue! Your gift will be on the way in the morning. Barbara x

  2. Well done to all of the winners, lovely gifts for them to receive! Suzy x

  3. Hooray! I love those books, thank you so much, you've added a little sparkle to my day x

    1. Hi Yvonne, sparkle is just the best - especially at this time of the year. Happy Christmas Barbara x

  4. Congrats! All the Winners... so glad for you :) Books are THE Best gift to receive and that too from a dear and generous friend is like cherry on the cake :) Yum :)

  5. PS . I forgot to mention about the packing... ENCHANTING :)

    1. Dear Kokila, you are such a sweet person - thank you! I hope you will be lucky the next time I have a giveaway. Barbara x

  6. Such a lovely early Christmas present, many thanks.

    1. You are very welcome Tracy. Have a wonderful Christmas, Barbara x

  7. My friend, I am SO THRILLED. I just came home but I had seen your comment earlier off my tablet when I was on my lunch break at work. I wanted to come visit you from home where it is warm with love and where I can properly THANK YOU! I am so excited about this!!! I will email you right now with my address. Congratulations to all the others!!! Anita

    1. Thank you Anita, and thank you for your lovely email. I'm going to send your gift with love this morning. Barbara x

  8. Oh my goodness! I can't believe I won! I am SO excited! You are so kind to have put this amazing giveaway together. Thanks so much. :) I will email you my address now!

    1. Your excitement just made my morning Stephanie, thank you so much. If this is how Santa feels I know why he does it! Your gift will be on the way today. Thank you for sending your address. Happy holidays, Barbara x

  9. I went to your "contact me" tab and sent you a message there with my address. :)

    Thanks again!

  10. Thank you so much Barbara!! Can't wait to get my Magic Spectacles!! 8-o

    1. Thanks Teressa. I'm sure you will enjoy it as it such a sweet little book. Barbara.x

  11. Dear Barbara,

    Congratulations to all the lucky winners - books are always the best gifts.
    Happy week before Christmas

    1. Thank you so much Carolyn. I hope your Christmas preparations are going well. Lots of love Barbara x

  12. Congratulations to all who've won! I imagine they will all be waiting by their mailboxes in the next week. I'll be looking forward to next year's giveaway. Nice run this year, Barbara! xoxo Claudine

    1. I do hope so Claudine, I’ve really enjoyed sending them, and it’s nice to think the gifts might spread a little Christmas sparkle! Have a super day xx

  13. Congratulations to the winners--some of who have blogs I follow! Hooray!

  14. Oh wow, I can't remember the last time I actually won anything!

    1. Maybe this will be the first of many! Best wishes, Barbara

  15. Congratulations to all the lucky winners! Barbara you have given such lovely treasures to cherish I am sure

  16. Barbara! Hello dear friend! How I wish we could magically click our heels right now and find each other at either your home or mine; it is perfect weather here (rain instead of snow) for TEA!

    Thank you for coming by to wish us well! I wish you the same, with loving moments that will start a new tradition and relive the memories. Happy Christmas my friend, and I shall always enjoy the year round sharing here in your blog. I look forward to seeing Bunny in my mail soon!!!

    HUGS! Anita

    1. How silly, I should have put bunny in my suitcase rather than in the post. We could be sipping tea right now! xx :-)

  17. Congratulations to the winners :) :) Lovely post Barbara :)

    1. Thank you Nagini, I had a lot of fun with this one - it's nice to feel like Mother Christmas!

  18. Dearest Barbara! HOW LOVELY to come to my computer today to see you have visited! Your guests are now on their way home, but I am sure all had a merry time. We so enjoyed our week off from work and now, we are having another week of vacation. Now to ring in the new year and hope for a safe and productive new year.

    My husband gave me the sweetest vintage book from 1935, an American publication. "JACKIE RABBIT." It is so darling. I am anxious to get my book from you as well!

    Many thanks for the friendship and the warmth I feel every time you visit me, and when I visit you here. Your share with the world is a look into the books of our youth that I never ever want to forget.

    PEACE TO YOU in 2015 my friend! Anita

    1. Hello Anita, thank you for your sweet message on my blog today and for emailing to let me know bunny arrived.
      Jackie Rabbit sounds adorable, what a lovely husband!
      Wishing you both a Very Happy New Year. Barbara xx

  19. Congratulations to the winners.

    1. Hi Donna, I think everyone enjoyed their gifts. Thanks for calling in, sorry to hear you have been unwell but glad you are on the mend now.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx