
Tuesday 30 December 2014

Happy New Year and a Short Blogging Break.

I’m going to be away from my blog for a short while but normal service should be resumed at the end of January. Thank you to all my loyal blogging friends and to all readers of this blog, I will miss you and will be anxious to catch up with your news when I return. Thanks for being such lovely friends.


  1. Dear Barbara wishing you a very Happy New Year too. Have a wonderful break. Hope you are going somewhere nice and doing exciting things.

    1. Thank you Shashi, I might do one or two exciting things (like book shopping!) but I mostly want to take a break and catch up with some reading. My TBR pile grows larger by the day, and I can’t wait to curl up in a chair and read. Our grandson and Terry’s parents stayed with us over Christmas it was lovely but tiring, so a rest is the number one priority. I hope the New Year brings you lots of opportunities and even more happy times. Barbara xx

  2. Will look forward to seeing you at the end of January or start of February. You have a nice bit of you time and most of all, enjoy the break!! Suzy xo

    1. Thanks Suzy, Happy New Year, see you soon. Barbara xx

  3. And I will nuzzle up to Bunny and His Woodland Friends and think of you sweet Barbara. How I loved opening up my book yesterday!

    Enjoy your time off and come back refreshed! Lovingly, Anita

    1. Thank you so much Anita, a rest is just the thing I need right now. I hope you have a wonderful New Year. Barbara xx

  4. I wish you a Happy New Year and thank you for all your wonderful posts about vintage books throughout the year and sharing your husband's photographs on your posts when the two of you go adventuring. Enjoy your break and see you soon, Barbara.

    1. Thank you Alex, I love to share, especially with such wonderful friends.
      Happy New Year, Barbara

  5. Barbara,
    It is going to seem a long wait till you return.
    Hey! but where ever you go,whatever you do
    I hope pleasure and happiness will be with you.
    Best wishes for a joyous New Year. J & L

    1. Dear Liz and John,
      To send a reply in rhyme, would take me an awfully long time.
      So I won't!
      But, I will wish you both the very happiest of New Years.
      Speak soon, Barbara x

  6. Have a great new year and we'll see you back soon.

    1. Thank you Roger, I hope 2015 brings you nothing but success and sales.
      Best wishes, Barbara

  7. I hope your reading break will be pleasant. We're currently dogsitting my brother and SIL's dogs - yet again - so after the New Year I'll probably need a recharge, too.

    FYI, I am in love with that cute New Year picture that you posted with the bear.

    1. Hi Kristin, my energy levels are always low after Christmas so it felt like the perfect time for a little R I miss walks with our dogs (we no longer have them) so I envy you the dog sitting.
      Happy New Year, Barbara x

  8. Happy New Year my friend and best wishes for all that you hold dear to your heart!

    1. Thank you for your kind wishes Eve. Happy New Year. Barbara x

  9. Beautiful. Happy New Year, Barbara. :)

    1. Thank you so much Linda, you too. Happy New Year xxx

  10. Replies
    1. You too Teressa, I hope 2015 is the best yet! xx

  11. Happy New Year Barbara! Enjoy your time away! Look forward to seeing you again in February!

    1. Thanks Diane. I will enjoy catching up with everyone in February. Happy New Year. xx

  12. Have a great break! Happy New Year!!

    1. I certainly will! Feet up, lots of good books, cups of tea and munching my way through all the left-over Christmas chocolates!
      Happy New Year – see you in February. xxx

  13. Enjoy your time away from the blog!

    Wishing you a very Happy New Year will lots of laughs, good health, and time with loved ones. May 2015 be good to you. :)

    1. Thank you Staphanie, Christmas was pretty busy, so I’m happy to sit with my feet up for a little while.
      I hope the New Year brings you happiness, love and everything else your heart desires. Barbara x

  14. Happy New Year, lovely Barbara!

    I'll see you in 2015 <3 xx

    1. Happy New Year right back at you Yvonne, I will look forward to catching up with you soon. xx

  15. Happy New Year, Barbara! I've just nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger award in case you'd like to participate. More details here:

    1. Dear Marcia, thank you so much for thinking of me! I feel very honoured to be included with so many brilliant bloggers. I’m taking a short break at the moment so I may not participate, but I will include the award on my awards page with a link back to you.
      Happy New Year, see you in February. Barbara x

  16. Have a relaxing time on your break, Barbara. I will try to find something to write about myself in the meantime.

    I love the writing on the last card, it's simple and to the point.

    1. Thanks Anne Marie, I’m being very lazy! Recuperating after a busy few months prior to and over Christmas – it’s wonderful!
      I love the old-fashioned cards so much more than the new ones.
      Happy New Year, Barbara.

  17. Dear Barbara,

    And you, my lovely friend, have a nice, peaceful break from the world of blogging. Here's wishing you a peaceful, positive New Year.

    Gary :)

    1. Thank you Gary, I’m wishing you exactly the same! Please give Penny a hug from me. Barbara

  18. Replies
    1. Very Best wishes for the New Year Nikki-ann. Thanks for calling in, Barbara

  19. Thank you so much for such beautiful wishes Barbara and wishing you and your family a Happy and Healthy New Year .... :)

    1. and a very Happy New Year to you too Kokila xx

  20. Wishing you and yours all the best Barbara. x

    1. Thank you Tracy, I hope the New Year is going well xx

  21. Wishing you all the best for 2015!

    1. Thank you Kelly, Happy New Year, Barbara

  22. Wishing you and yours all the blessings of the new year, Barbara !
    We will see you on your return...
    Have fun, what ever you do !
    Hugs Maria x

    1. Hello Maria, how lovely to hear from you, I've not visited for a while, although I do see you on Facebook from time to time.
      I will be sure to visit you soon.
      Happy New Year, Barbara xx

  23. Barbara- Thank you so much for sending off my lovely giveaway wins so promptly. I love to receive mail and my package from you was such a nice surprise. The Noddy books are delightful. I am so excited to have them in my collection and from such a special friend. : Thanks again!

    1. Hello Stephanie, so glad the books arrived in good time, and you like them. It’s lovely to know they will be going into your collection. Happy New Year, Barbara.

  24. Oops, I thought I dropped in last week but I must have missed this post. Have a healthy, hearty and happy 2015, Barbara and family! xoxo C.

  25. Beautiful BARBARA!

    I just read your comment, and I just wanted to tell you that I am still following YOU. I will be here every time you post, and I will stay connected. It was a very hard decision to make, for it is YOU ALL who have driven me and motivated me throughout the years to press on and find my voice. But the Blogger format is no longer suitable for me, or vice-versa; I have no art to share, to art or craft to share and my home? People would tire of it. I thought about carrying on as usual, but I've been challenged several times to get away from on-line images and to share my own. I can't.

    However, like I said, I am going to keep connected by visiting.

    I too, am sad. Much love, Anita

    1. Dear Anita, you are such a sweetheart! I would love you to visit whenever you can, but I really don't expect you to comment on every one of my posts.
      I really do understand everything you are saying and can empathise with you but the blogging world will be a much sadder place without you, so I hope you might come back to it one day.
      I’m sorry this is a late reply I’ve only just found your comment.
      Much love, Barbara xx

  26. Hope you're having a great blogging break and a happy new year so far!

    1. Thank you Stephanie. Happy New Year, Barbara

  27. I'm wishing you the best of the New Year. May all good things come to you in this year.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx