
Sunday 21 December 2014

Jolly St. Nick

A dear, good old fellow is Jolly St. Nick;
Girls and boys, every one, think he is a brick;
On the night before Christmas he comes with his sleigh,
Which carries of presents a splendid array.

When he comes to a house-top, his reindeer he stops,
then down through the chimney he easily drops;
It's strange he can do it, he's not at all slim,
but at climbing no monkey or cat can beat him.

He knows where the stockings are hung in a row,
he fills them with treasures, and doesn't work slow;
For Mary and Bessie, for Tommie and Jack,
There are candy and toys in his wonderful pack.

Up the chimney he hurries, and jumps in his sleigh;
In an instant his deer are again on their way,
while their bells jingle gaily and fill him with mirth;
and this way the jolly Saint travels the earth.

Poem from the night before Christmas and other Christmas poems published by Barse & Hopkins, New York c1907 with illustrations by Hugo von Hofsten.

I love the picture of the children and mama and papa all sleeping in the same room and the one of St. Nick taking toys from his sack. I'm not sure a pipe-smoking Santa would be very popular now, but it's important to remember the book was published over a hundred years ago.

The night before Christmas and other Christmas poems has been part of my collection for a very long time. It's in poor condition with missing plates and damage to the binding, but it was given to me by a dear friend and is very precious to me.

Do you have a forever book?  The one book that is long past its best but is still too precious to part with?


Our two little granddaughters are so excited about Christmas and can't wait for Santa's visit. We won’t be able to share the excitement with them this year, but we are all determined to get together next Christmas and in the meantime our son and daughter in law keep us well supplied with photographs. These are some of our recent favourites;  

Zoe in classic ballet pose 

and Little Lilly having fun. 

Zoe, Lilly and Santa.
A dear, good old fellow is Jolly St. Nick!

Christmas wishes and love from Barbara, Terry and all the family xxx 


  1. I love that first illustration, too. I'm thinking the author must have been inspired by Clement C. Moore's classic poem. And your granddaughters are adorable--great pictures--Happy Holidays!

    1. Hello Marcia, I thought exactly the same thing, so I’m glad you sort of confirmed it. Have a wonderful Christmas. Barbara.

  2. I have an old copy of The Night Before Christmas. I've always liked that poem so much. And your granddaughters are just lovely. What wonderful photos. I hope you and your family have a very Happy Christmas and a healthy, happy New Year. My Kiddos are home on Tuesday for Christmas and I can't wait.

    1. Hello Alex, The night before Christmas is one of my favourite poems too. Thank you for your kind words about Zoe and Lilly, we think they are beautiful, but then we would! It sounds as though you are going to have a wonderful Christmas with your family, we have my husband’s parents coming to stay and possible visits from our two grandsons (as yet unconfirmed, but we are keeping our toes and fingers crossed!) Have a very Merry Christmas and a super 2015.

  3. What fabulous pics of your two granddaughters. It must be hard not to be with them at this time of year.

    I'm sure you'll still have a great Christmas though.

    Best wishes


    1. Hello Jean, we do miss the girls, but we will be seeing at least one of our grandsons (possibly both) this year, so we are very lucky.
      Have a wonderful Christmas.
      Barbara x

  4. Lovely photos of your granddaughters! Merry Christmas Barbara. Suzy x

    1. Thanks Suzy, have a lovely Christmas Barbara xx

  5. Your granddaughters are beautiful, Barbara!! My forever book is a very dogeared copy of Little Women.

    1. Hello Teressa, Dog-eared but well loved are my favourite kind. Happy Holidays, Barbara x

  6. Oh my gosh, your granddaughter's are precious. I used to love taking photos of my niece and nephew when they were little. My niece loved to model and dress up for photos in pretty scarves and my jewelry. Magical times they were. I miss it desperately.

    1. Thank you Kristin we think so too, but then we are proud grandparents, so we are bound to! Zoe & Lilly’s mum is a photographer, so they are pretty much used to being in front of the camera. Maybe your niece will have a family of her own one of these days, and then you could do it all again. Thanks for calling, Barbara.


    This was a precious little poem that for some reason, struck a chord in me today...I don't know what it is, but something GOOD has happened to me in the last several years, but especially, this one. I feel younger...I feel as if in a good way, I am adding wisdom (I hope!)but at the same time, youth to my reaction to traditions like Christmas. Not having children or grandchildren (yours are sooooo cute!), the holidays was never child-centered. But this post struck me, reminding me not only of my childhood, but truly of others. When you start to think more about the other person, something good has got to be happening to you mind.

    I see that sweet illustration with his sack of toys as he is holding a toy horse....THAT TOY HORSE is for ME! I don't know how many Christmases past and I wanted one, and never got one! (pssst...I think my husband got me a small wooden antique!!!)

    What a delightful post. Wishing you a fabulous beginning of a new week my friend! Anita

    1. Dear Anita, thank you so much for your lovely comment.

      If I had a toy horse like the one Santa is holding it would be in the post to you – TODAY but the best I can do is to wish that one is already under your tree.

      Sending my love and best wishes for a wonderful Christmas and a Very Happy New Year.

      Barbara xx

  8. What adorable illustrations. This indeed is a book to treasure. I have a battered copy of Little Women given to me by a favourite aunt who passed away many years ago which is very precious. Your granddaughters are adorable. All the best for a Happy Christmas to both of you.

    1. Hello Darlene, Little Women is such a popular book and the more battered it is the more people love it! Have a wonderful Christmas. Barbara x

  9. I love everything about Christmas Barbara! Sweet illustrations and adorable granddaughters! Have a lovely Christmas!

    1. Thank you Diane you too! See you next year, Barbara x

  10. Thank you for the lovely poem and illustrations, Barbara. I like that first picture very much, too. The children appear to be sound asleep and warm in the same room as their parents. I have many books from childhood I can't bear to part with even though they are falling to pieces. Happy holidays to you, Terry, the children and all your grandchildren! (Wonder what Lily, Zoe and Santa were chatting about?) xoxo Claudine

    1. Dear Claudine,
      I would love to know what the girls were saying to Santa probably telling him about all their favourite toys!
      Thank you for your friendship and all your lovely comments.
      Have a wonderful Christmas and the very best New Year.
      Barbara xxx

  11. I just love all these beautiful illustrations. So many lovely childhood memories here for me. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you! I wish you all the best..always..

    1. Thank you Linda. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a perfect New Year! Love Barbara x

  12. Hello Barbara these illustrations bring such wonderful memories back. The excitement and anticipation we would look forward to on Christmas eve. I know we did not have the same amount of presents that children get now a days usually for me it was just that one lonely little present from my parents but it still held all the wonder and excitement of Christmas. There used to be other presents under the tree but I knew what they were because I used to get small gifts wrap them for my friends and put it under the tree. When they came home I used to love handing it out to them.
    I can imagine the how excited your grand children must be. Hope you all will have a wonderful Christmas reunion next year. Have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

    1. Hello Shashi, I’m so pleased there were some memories for you here. My sister, brother and I were very lucky because we always got a few presents each but probably not as many as children do today. I don’t know about you, but I get just as much (if not more) pleasure from giving presents now. Our son and daughter in law are going to skype us on Christmas morning (Christmas Eve here) so that we can watch our granddaughters unwrapping some of their presents. Have a very Happy Christmas and the best New Year. Barbara x

  13. Oh I did forgot to tell you one of my favourite books was bed time stories which had some lovely Christmas illustrations, but as I did mention some time ago that I lost all my books when I came to this country.

    1. I would love to know which book it was. Do you remember the title or anything about it?

    2. All I can remember is it had red hard back cover. Sorry can't remember anything else.

    3. Not to worry Shashi, I was just hoping I might recognise it if I ever saw it.
      Happy New Year.

  14. The pictures of your granddaughters really capture the magic of childhood and Christmas! I think my most treasured book - and I have so many that are treasured - is my dad's copy of The Wind in the Willows. The chapter "Dulce Domum" is just the thing to read at this time of year.


    1. Hello Sue, I agree The Wind in the Willows is a perfect Christmas read – actually it’s a perfect any time of the year read!
      Happy Holidays, Barbara.

  15. "A Book for forever" so well named, I just loved it.
    Down through our history, our pipe smoking Santa has traveled through time, spreading the word with the hint of a rime. go get-em Santa. Merry Christmas to you all, Agman

    1. Hello Agman,

      Thank you for your Christmas ditty
      Wish that I were half so witty.

      Have a wonderful Christmas and a Very Happy New Year.


  16. Replies
    1. Please don't be sorry Agman I didn't notice until you mentioned it.

  17. Wonderful family photos, Barbara, and really lovely sentiment. You made me feel good, as always. Wishing you every happiness for the Christmas season and continued success in 2015. Love Marilyn xx

  18. Thank you so much Marilyn! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Barbara xx

  19. I love, love the illustrations in Jolly St Nick,with all the beds and bedspreads, and even a hat!

    Just to let you know I've received the books today. Not opened as I wanted to give Vanessa the parcel, so she has a lovely surprise. I can't wait to see them and take a photo. Thank you so much, Barbara. If I don't post again, or read any blogs, have lovely Christmas.

    1. Thanks for letting me know Anne Marie. I hope Vanessa likes the surprise it’s nice to think of her sharing it with Ellie one day. Have a wonderful Christmas, thanks for all your visits during the year. Barbara x

  20. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year! Thanks for this post!

    1. Thank you Kelly. Happy Christmas & best wishes for the New Year, Barbara.

  21. Wonderful and timely post..Loved the photographs..Merry Christmas Barbara :)

    1. Happy Christmas Nagini, thank you for all your visits during 2014. Hope to 'chat' with you again in the New Year. Barbara.

  22. I have been absent for a while and now realise how much I miss Blogland and lovely posts like yours. What a lovely poem and the photos of your grandchildren are absolutely adorable.
    Barbara - I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy and peaceful new year ...
    M x

    1. Welcome back Marina, Blogland has missed you too!
      Merry Christmas and very best wishes for 2015
      Barbara x

  23. Oh my goodness, such a truly lovely festive post. Such beautiful grandchildren, for me this is what Christmas is all about.

  24. Hi human, Barbara,

    As paw usual, a magical moment filled my eyes with the wonder of your pawst.

    Zoe and Lily look like they a wondrous time with good old St. Nick. Thank you for this lovely pawst.

    Here's to you and your loved ones have a wonderful Christmas and an upbeat 2015.

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny :) x

    1. Hi Penny,

      Thank you for your tail waggingly good wishes.

      I hope Gary has a nice juicy bone ready for your Christmas lunch.

      Please pass on my Christmas wishes to Tristan and Gary and a big hug for you.

      Barbara x

  25. I have never heard that poem (interesting that the children think Santa is a brick- I wonder what that means). I do love the one of them all sleeping in the same room. It definitely would look different today!

    What beautiful pictures of your granddaughters. I am sure you miss them like crazy, but I am so glad you will get to spend time with them next year!

    Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a happy and healthy 2015!

    1. Hello Stephanie, we do miss the girls, but we shared the opening of their presents via Skype, which was wonderful.

      Saying someone is a brick is a bit like saying he’s a jolly good fellow, someone who is helpful and reliable. It was used extensively when I was a little girl but has fallen out of favour now.

      Wishing you a Very Happy New Year, Barbara xx

  26. Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year Barbara x

  27. I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you all the best for 2015! :)

    1. Thank you Nikki-ann, we did indeed! I hope your Christmas was perfect, Happy New Year, Barbara.

  28. Hello Barbara ... sorry for such a late reply dear ...It seems you had a nice merry Christmas with family and lovely granddaughters ! First I absolutely loved the poem and the pictures.... the somewhat yellowed book is so fascinating.. must be having many more beautiful poems ...:) And the pics of Zoe and Lily are beautiful ... was amused by the one with Santa as they both seem to be looking at him with not only silent wonder but, as if gauging him... checking the reality .... love and blessings to both little angels :) Cheers, Kokila

    1. Hello Kokila, I always appreciate and look forward to your visits. The book is yellowed and also rather grubby but then, so am I, and it’s older than me!  You’re right about it containing more beautiful poems, and I may well share some more of them next Christmas.
      Isn’t that just a gorgeous picture of the girls? I’m not sure they could quite believe they were actually sitting on Santa’s knee!
      I will be over to visit you in a while, Barbara xxx

  29. Such sweet photos. They're darling girls. I love children's Christmas books and have quite a collection, and I still like to read them at Christmastime.

    1. Thank you Donna, we think they are gorgeous, but then we are biased. I also love Christmas books and Christmas music and like you, I enjoy reading the old familiar stories.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx