
Monday 27 July 2015

Guest Post by Marcia Strykowski

Hi! It is my pleasure to do a guest post for this amazing blog. I've long enjoyed seeing the many March House vintage and antique books posts and would love to share a few books from my own collection.

I've always lived in New England and from the time I was small, I've had a special connection with books. I like the look, feel, and smell of them, as much as the stories they hold.

Years ago, in the next town over from us, there was a used book shop. I remember what a treat it was to dig through the old books with hopes of finding an extraordinary story to bring home. If the book was in good condition with all its pages intact—all the better.

One gold-star day I found a whole series of classics (Hans Brinker, Pinocchio, etc.) for a grand total of $2 (25 cents each). I still have that set of blue books to this day. Other books from those special shopping trips are shown here.

I guess it makes sense that I grew up wanting to write my own stories. Eventually I did just that. Using vivid memories from my childhood of where my grandparents lived on the coast of Maine, I created Port Wells. My main character, thirteen-year-old Amy, lives in this tiny fishing village during 1973. 

In 2014, Call Me Amy was selected for Bank Street College of Education’s prestigious list of best books for children. Amy’s Choice, the sequel to Call Me Amy, was published soon after. These clean tween novels are great for all ages and feature an adorable seal pup among their cast.

To find out more about my books, please join me on
Thank you, and many thanks to Barbara for her inspiration and dedication to children’s books!

Thank you so much Marcia.  I understand why you treasure the Laura Lee Hope books apart from anything else the covers are beautiful. Five Little Peppers is completely new to me.  Thank you for sharing all the Images and for telling us about the Amy books.

Please call in at if you have the time, I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.  

If you would like to guest post on this blog, please send me a note via the ‘email me’ button on the right. 


  1. I was so excited when I saw this post as I loved all these books and read most of them myself when I was growing up in southern Alberta, Canada. I remember the Five Little Peppers and How They Grew. I was a huge fan of Trixie Belden and The Bobbsey Twins. Your books sound wonderful Marcia and I wish you much success with them.

  2. I so wish I had all the time in the world to discover the worlds found in books I've never heard of! These look like FUN!

    1. I definitely agree--too many books and too little time!

  3. We may also share other favorite book memories, such as The Tuckers--so many great titles from back in the day. Thank you very much for your comment, Darlene!

    1. I don´t recall The Tuckers but I did read the entire Pollyanna series and Little Women and of course Anne of Green Gables. Did you read Donna Parker? She was similar to Trixie Belden. I must reread some of these books!

    2. Yes! I actually had Donna Parker listed, but my comment got lost and when I redid it I left her out thinking you might not know those books. I love all the others you mentioned, too--such great classics.

  4. Delighted to meet you, Marcia. Growing up on the other side of the pond, as it were, those books were all new to me, but wonderful to see. Trixie Belden looks like a girl after my own heart.

    And I love the covers of your Amy books, too - and what a brilliant achievement to get on that list. Well done!

    1. Hi Sue! Trixie Belden books were my absolute favorite. She and her best friend Honey solved mysteries, rode horses, and had lots of adventures. Thanks for your kind comments!

  5. This is a wonderful post, and I love all the book covers here! Thank you so much for sharing.

  6. I read the Five Little Peppers and How They Grew so many time I wore out the book!! Your Amy books sound very interesting, Marcia. I am putting them on my "to read" list!!

    1. The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew was actually the first book in a series, but I can't say I read any of the others. Thank you so much, Teressa, for adding my books to your list. I really appreciate it and hope you'll enjoy them!

  7. I remember the Trixie Belden books. Along with Nancy Drew they were books my sister read. I also remember the Five Little Peppers and The Bobbsey Twins.

  8. My sister read Nancy Drew, too. I was more of a Dana Girls fan (also by Carolyn Keene) at the time, and still have three titles. Thanks, Bish!

  9. How wonderful to learn more about Marcia here! I always enjoy visiting her blog. :)

    Look at those treasures! So much fun to find gems in used book stores and the deals often can't be beat. I don't recall hearing of Bunny Brown before. Love the covers though!

    Wishing Marcia the best of luck!

  10. Thank you very much, Stephanie. I really appreciate your visits to my blog, as well!

  11. Hi Marcia, I knew you carry a love for vintage books like Barbara does. So good to read your post here! The Trixie Belden and Bunny Brown covers are gorgeous. I'd love to read about Port Wells from your Amy books. There is just something very attractive about living near the river or sea.

    Hi Barbara, well done on hosting Marcia this week! I just wrote a post on your golden retirement. I'm posting slightly earlier this week because I hope more will know about your grand sale before it ends this coming Saturday. Are you nervous? Are you excited? xoxo Claudine

    1. Thank you so much for the blog post Claudine, you made me cry! I'm really not sure how I feel at the moment - probably excitement and worry all mixed up together. I know it’s the right thing to do…and yet… xx

    2. Thank you, Claudine. I'll be checking out your new blog post ASAP, sounds very special!

  12. Hello Marsia,
    Nice to meet you, these books are wonderful , thank you.
    Hi Barbara ,
    Hope you are fine, missing you and your wonderful posts :)

    1. Thank you Aunt Mary I do intend to keep posting to this blog it just might not be as often. xx

    2. Nice to meet you, too, Aunt Mary! :)

  13. What a wonderful collection of vintage books, and your own written works sound perfect.

    Hello Barbara, I hope all is well with you, on the eve of your shop closure ♥ x

    1. Hello Yvonne, thank you for your good wishes. I keep thinking I must update the webpage and then remembering I don't have to. In some ways I will be glad when the weekend comes but in other ways I’m dreading it. Thank goodness for blogging. xx

    2. Thanks, Winter Moon!

  14. What a lovely post. Living on the other side of the world I did not come in contact with these lovely books. I wish I had.
    Barbara take a deep breath I am sure you made the right decision.

    1. Thank you Shashi, I really appreciate your sweet comment. Deep breaths, chocolate and a good book – what more could I wish for.
      Have a lovely weekend. x

  15. It isn't quite classic (but it is from my childhood)--but recently I was looking at some teen romance covers from the early 80s. There were a few future celebrities on the covers. Check it out if you get a chance:

    1. Hi Stephanie I will be over to take a look soon, thanks very much for the link.

  16. What a lovely post Barbara ! I loved it as the books are looking tempting .. Thanks a lot for introducing the tslented Marcia. Her Amy seems such a wonderful character !!I'd love to read it!!

    1. I agree Kokila. The Amy books are on my must-read list, hopefully I will have a little more time now and might actually get to them.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx