
Sunday 19 July 2015

Onwards and Upwards

My goodness the last two weeks have simply flown past. Books and ephemeral items are selling at such a rate I’m having trouble keeping up. Thank you to everyone for the numerous messages of support and love. Thank you for the orders, the cards and the sweet words.  I thought March House Books would be missed by a few people now I know it will be missed by many.  The doors will be closing for good on the 31st July 2015, so if there is something you want don't delay.

I visited the flea market at the Bath and West showground today and came home with these. 

I promised Terry I would look and not buy but how could I resist these treasures? Some will go into my collection (how could I sell the Muffin the Mule Christmas card?) and others will be listed on eBay.  I might keep a couple of the Little Grey Rabbit books too. 

Last weekend we visited the annual St. John's Church Fete at Milborne Port

One of the most popular attractions was the 'human fruit machine' 

The book stall was doing a brisk trade
According to the local paper, over 200 people attended and between them raised more than £2,000 towards the upkeep of the church. Pretty impressive considering the fete was competing with Yeovilton air Day and Wimbledon. 

I'm toying with the idea of modifying/changing the name of my blog.  My cousin John came up with March of Time Books which I really like but what do you think?

I read a great quote on Facebook a couple of days ago... If a door closes, open it, that’s what doors are for!

Have a wonderful week  


  1. Ah! Sayings....Yes! Love Sayings....! :).
    "It's nice to be important...But, it's important
    to be nice".

    "Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak

    "Don't walk in front of me, l may not follow..Don't walk
    behind me, l may not lead..walk beside me, and be my

    "Every day may not be good..But there's something good
    in every day".

    Well..You've been busy..busy Barbara...As the song says..
    Riding along on the crest of a wave....!!!
    And a new name for your Blog....As there's no prize, have'nt
    given it much thought...."Willie...Don't be rude". HeHe! Sorry! :).
    Well....Hows about...
    'Beware the Ides of March'. 'The Mad March Hare'. 'Hare To~day,
    Gone Tomorrow' (No! No!). 'Barbara Marches On'.
    Neah! I'm off for a cup of tea....Ciao! :>).

    1. Naughty, naughty Willie! Hare To-day gone tomorrow indeed! I've been called a Mad March Hare more times than I care to remember and as for 'Beware the Ides of March'. .. what can I say? You are absolutely right I should have offered a prize – in fact, maybe I will – I have several books to spare. :-)

      I’ve got a saying for you -

      Where there's a willie there's a way – hang on that doesn't sound quite right.

    2. Tut! Tut! The mind bogles....!!! :).

  2. Lovely blog and photos, thank goodness the blog will continue. I think John's name is lovely and Willie's ideas are fun. I cannot think of anything at the moment - sorry. Hope you are feeling better today xxxxx

    1. Hello sister, that's OK I can't think of anything either! I'm feeling much better thank you, my trip to the Bath & West did me the world of good. Hope you managed to get lots done today. xx

  3. I love the books you took home with you, and would have enjoyed a rummage through that book stall. I've scheduled a March House Books post for tomorrow, which will hopefully go live at 8am.

    I love the March House Books name, and don't think you should change it at all, unless you're thinking of eliminating the word 'books' from the end and adding something else instead. March House Adventures / March House Nostalgia, something like that?

    I'm so glad that everything's selling so well. I'm going back for another browse :)

    Have a wonderful week xx

    1. That is so exciting Yvonne, thank you!

      I like your ideas about the name; you’ve given me lots to think about.

      I will be over to your blog in the morning I can’t wait to see what you’ve written.

      Thanks again, Barbara xx

  4. Loved all the photos! Thanks for sharing. All the best!

    1. Thanks for your comment & good wishes, I wish the same to you. Barbara

  5. I don't care what you call it just so long as it doesn't disappear.
    I will miss your gorgeous displays of books, reminding me of my youth.

    1. Thank you Roger.
      I hope some upcoming blog posts might remind you of your youth. Barbara

  6. Love Willie's idea "Hare today, gone tomorrow"! I think a name change has its advantages, in that it signals change in terms of what you're doing, and in that case it's good to a have a link as in "March of Time Books" - a very apt name. On the other hand, there are arguments (and maybe technical search-engine type too) for the continuity and keeping March House Books. Which name are you selling under on ebay? It might be an idea to keep everything consistent.

    I loved Little Grey Rabbit when I was young and remember the "Lace Making" well - "Queen Anne's lace, Queen Anne's lace, You find it growing all over the place."

    1. Hi Sue, Lots of helpful advice in your comment, thank you! I think I will have to stick to March House Books (on the blog) as far as the search engines are concerned but just tweak the name a little on the blog header. I’m not even sure if that’s possible as this is all a work in progress. I’ve never had an eBay account under the name of the business just one that I use to sell clothes that no longer fit, household bits and pieces and the odd book. I have quite a bit of feedback on that account so don’t know if I should continue using it, or if I should start again as March House Books. I will get this all sorted soon, but just at the moment I’m a bit at sea.

      I’ve fallen in love with Little Grey Rabbit all over again since buying the books at the weekend, they are just gorgeous.

  7. Some lovely photos and some interesting suggestions for a new blog title. March House Adventures sounds good, you could tell us about all the mischief you get up to......
    Participation in that human fruit machine can only be by people who cannot keep a straight face.

    1. Hello John, it was impossible to keep a straight face while watching the human fruit machine, I’ve not laughed so hard for ages.
      Mischief me – no, never!

  8. Good morning dearest Barbara! I think your cousin's suggestion is perfect! I love the idea about the door opening. You never know what can happen unless you take that first step. AND YOU WILL BE MISSED! But you will be popping in from time to time, won't you? And how I love Little Grey Rabbit. I have many of these books!

    The fetes you share look wonderful. I'd love to just go to one to explore.

    Wishing you a fun summer day, Anita

    1. Hello Anita, I think John’s suggestion is perfect too! I will be calling over to see you all the time, and I will still be posting here so I know we will stay in touch.
      Thank you for your good wishes, big hugs. Barbara.

  9. Hello , Barbara , of course I just had to come by and wish you all the very bestest in all your new adventures ! It's always been a delight to have a browse and see lots of nostalgic books that bring back ' good old memories ' .. Be happy and well lovely lady ! I'm struggling with blogosphere my self as I've found Instagram so much easier and full to rim of blog ladies too ! Hugs & kisses Maria ( Rosey tinted of course ) 🌹😙❤️

    1. Hello Maria, how lovely to have a visit from you. I sometimes see you on Facebook but must admit I’ve not been over to your blog for a while. I will remedy that as soon as I’ve replied to your comment. Instagram is like a foreign country to me. I opened an account but have got no further than that. Hopefully, I will get a little more time now and might get to grips with it. xx

    2. If you do Barbara , please come and find me ! You.ll find me under the same name ! Its so easy after the blog , it really is..
      Be well and happy !
      Hugs Maria x

    3. It's on my 'to do' list, hope to see you there soon. xx

  10. I agree March House is a great name and if you want to widen your appeal, just leave off the word 'books'. Adventures works fine, too. I'm still trying to figure out that human fruit machine!

    1. Hi Marcia, I have to say I was unsure what was going on with the human fruit machine to start with but soon got the hang of it. Each of the lovely folks sitting behind the table had bags of assorted fruits and when anyone paid for a go on the fruit machine, they each picked a piece of fruit and banged it down on the table – this was accompanied by lots of whirring and clanking noises (made by them). It’s amazing how many random picks of fruit three people can do – I watched lots and lots of people play the game (by putting 10 pence in the slot) but didn’t see many winners. The funny faces in the picture were just for the photographer!

  11. I don´t think you will ever resist buying a few books now and then! I like March House Books and would suggest keeping it or dropping the Books part. March House Adventures, as suggested sounds good. Glad you are selling your inventory.

    1. Hello Darlene, thanks for your thoughts on the ‘great name debate’. I’ve been amazed by the number of sales. My stock was obviously much too pricey before I put it on sale. Have a lovely day.

  12. Sounds like a lovely name very familiar yet new. I don't blame you for buying I did the same and went and bought something I had missed earlier in your website. :) you and your love for books will be always there and I am sure there will come many times when you just won't be able to resist buying them :). Take care .

    1. Hi Shashi, thank you so much for your comment and for buying more of my books. They are on the way to you, hope you love them. I know I will never be able to stop buying. I've just got to remember I will no longer have a shop, so I’ve got to buy for my own needs and not think of my customers. I am in the habit of going out looking for things other people want – it will be hard to stop doing that.

  13. Your blog was one of my favorites. I'll miss it that's for sure. One of my favorite commercial artists is Mary Englebreit and I follow some of her recent posts online. The other funny artist is Sandra Boynton. Do you like their artwork? Anyway, here's a hug until next time and I hope the angels and fairies protect you always.

    1. I will still be blogging Eve it's just my website that is closing. I do like Sandra & Mary's work, although I must admit I've not found their blogs - I will go and look for them now. Thank you for the hug and the good wishes. xx

  14. Good morning dearest Barbara! Thank you for coming by my blog! I am so relieved to know you will still be a part of the blogging community! Enjoy your day, Anita

  15. It will be difficult at first but I'm sure you will fill your time with lots of activities and plenty of time for reading and gardening.

    Be sure to leave the name of your new blog on mine so I don't lose you. I still want to get hold of that Fairy book (the one with the Fire Fairies). I think it is obtainable on Amazon.

    Make sure you get plenty of 'you' time as well.

    1. Hi Anne Marie, I’m sure you are right. It will just be strange for a while, but I know I will get into the swing of things. There is plenty that needs doing.

      I will keep the same blog address just tweak the name a little.

      Have you checked at for the fairy book? The one on Amazon is likely to come up but there might be other copies to choose from.

      I will be over to you blog in a while. xx

  16. Looks like you found some treasures and had a wonderful day. :)

    I like the name that John came up with- but I like your current name too.

    It sounds like you are very busy right now. Good luck with everything!

    1. thanks Stephanie, it looks as though John's name is the winner. xx

  17. Oh, Barbara - thank goodness I'm in time to tell you how much your website will be missed - long live the blog! Looking forward to keeping in touch and, by the way, I think John's suggestion is perfect! x

    1. Thank you so much Marilyn! I agree about John’s suggestion, and I’m working on a new blog header now. xx

  18. I am commenting after the name has been changed but I am in agreement here with it . yes , its a perfect name .In India the month name March is synonymous with Holi - the festival of colours and the header is aptly done in all colours! Just like life , different shades through out ... In all sincerity, I am glad to know you and your lovely March House Book Blog. Thanks for it Barbara :)

    1. Dear Kokila, I’m so happy you like the new name; John did well! I didn’t know about the Holi festival, but I’ve enjoyed looking at the photographs online. What a happy and colourful occasion, thank you for bringing it my attention. Thank you also for your visit x


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx