
Monday 2 January 2017

Diamonds in the Hedgerow

I have a special treat for you today sharing as I am this post from my husband’s blog. Terry took the photographs when we were out walking one morning last week.  It was murky and cold when we left home, but as the sun rose it transformed an ordinary walk into something quite magical. The photographs were taken in and around Henstridge, Somerset, which is where we live. 

I wander in a valley full of mist today,
In cloud so low I feel its breath.

The scattered villages ghostly ride
Upon a sea of fine white silk,
Float silently among the fields.
Through muslin-curtained sky
I glimpse the sun's pale disc; 

He finds no welcome here
And hurries on to warm some other hillside.
Nothing in your web will you catch today, spider! 

It hangs in the hedgerow
A vision of bright diamonds.

Patient cattle in the yard

Breathe soundless clouds.
No flight of bird disturbs the grey-lit sky
Nor song delight the ear.

The muffled stream withholds its playful voice,
Glides softly on its way.
I turn aside
And through the enfolding air I trace again my homeward road.

Valley of mist by Les Derbyshire


  1. WOW!!!
    your Magical photos took me to the enchanting world of tranquility !

    sunshine over snow creates the magic .
    loved the second pic most ! truly breathtaking dear!
    living in such wonderlands enriches the mind and soul and produce flow of lofty thoughts.
    wish you and your precious family a safe ,healthy and Happy year dear friend !

    1. I’m so pleased you enjoyed Terry’s photos. I’m lucky having a photographer for a husband as he is always on hand to tell me where I’m going wrong. :-)
      Happy New Year to you, your family and friends, Barbara xx

  2. Ah....see, this is why more of us need to be outdoors, conversing with not only nature, but with ourselves, with our soul. There are sometimes no words for the breathtaking moments of witnessing nature's performance, but only a silent prayer will do. This past summer, I was studying a spider web in our garden, and I counted each row of delicate and skillfully weaved strand. How brilliant that each column had EXACTLY 36 creatures so small can be so exact. But to witness the diamonds of heaven on delicate little plants, the "pale disc of the sun" beaming on them, we become the richest people on earth. Oh Barbara, thank Terry for me for capturing such magic!


    1. Hello Anita, I passed your message on to Terry, and he asked me to thank you. Have you ever seen tiny baby spiders as they run along the strands of a web? We had a family of them in the garden last year. They sat all together in a tight ball until the web was touched, and then they scattered in all directions, only to come back together once the web was still. It was fascinating to see, and I spent many a happy hour watching them. Thank you so much for calling in and leaving such an interesting comment Anita, it is always a pleasure to hear from you. Barbara xx

  3. These photographs and enchanting and so professional, Barbara. Terry has done an amazing job. My absolute favourites are the 2nd and 3rd pieces. I'm not wild about spiders yet that web reminds me of a sack, a masterpiece of history and patience. (History? Don't know but it reminded me of Miss Havisham in Great Expectations. That's what I'd imagine the cobwebs in her mansion are like.) And the 2nd piece with the sun glowing over the muted field - melancholic romance.

    Hope you two enjoy every morning walk and discover more simple beauty like these in 2017!

    1. I agree with you about Miss Havisham Claudine, because I said exactly the same thing! I also agree with you about the 2nd & 3rd photos, although I like the last one almost as much. It’s a road we walk most days, but somehow it looked totally different on that one morning. It’s a little piece of heaven on earth as far as I’m concerned.
      Terry asked me to thank you for your lovely comment, and I want to thank you too, for always being such a special friend.

    2. Whoohoo, high-five! Please send my love to Terry. You are a special friend to me, too, Barbara. Ever since we "met." The last photo is beautiful. What a stretch to stroll. I can imagine the quietness (and maybe even un-quietness from the rustles and chirps). Have a wonderful weekend. xoxo

    3. Terry was very pleased to receive your love Claudine & asked me to send his back. It is a beautiful place to walk, and you are right about the rustles and chirps. We saw a Kingfisher the other day. Just a quick flash of blue and then gone but it really made our day. Lots of love from me too xx

    The photos are really good and so life
    like, natural habitat with a hint of frost.
    I like the spiders web the best...amazing
    And, the photo of the cattle..HeHe! Brilliant!
    I thought..where have l seen that before..Oh!
    Yes! In the shaving mirror..this morning! :0).
    HeHe! And the Robin is quite safe...Not a lot
    of meat on a Robin..
    And talking of that, l have a couple brace of
    pheasants, and ducks on the back of the door,
    that need seeing to...So, must get on!

    Spiders in my basket,
    spiders in my soup,
    spider on my eider down,
    spiders loop the loop.

    Spiders on the ceiling
    now crawling down the wall,
    there's a spider on my pillow
    someone hear my call.

    Spiders changing faces
    never far from ear
    scrip and scrat the little feet,
    tell me spiders are too near....!

    1. I know you love spiders Willie, and I bet the spider on your windowsill is very glad about that. She would not want to be outside today, far too cold for a house spider like yours.

      You are one handsome beast if you look even remotely like that big hairy fellow!

      Are you eating our feathered friends again? Do buy yourself some salad Willie, it would be much better for you. :-)

      I love the spider poem, but I would be out of that bed and that room faster than you could say scat!

    2. SALAD...????
      Let's make one thing perfectly clear here...
      I~AM~NOT~A~RABBIT...!!! :).
      I am a 'meat' eater...I eat 'meat'...Lots
      of it...Yes! And! Mostly game! It's good for you,
      fat free, and full of protein!
      Though, once again, l have to say, l am a hypocrite
      when it comes to food, someone has to kill it for me,
      l don't and can't kill anything..mind you, there's
      been one or two humans, l could have...HeHe! But that's
      not aloud! Shame! :0).

      Oh! And l have spiders in the bedroom to...They run
      over the the quilt, webs in the corners, got one on
      the mirror on the dresser, at the moment!
      They are all God's creatures...unlike a stick of lettuce!
      Covered in salad cream...Yuk! :(.

    3. I hope you don’t include me in that list of humans Willie? I’m quite harmless, just squeamish when it comes to eating dead things. But I’m a hypocrite too because I do eat meat, although I much prefer my food when it’s green and comes with salad cream!

      I would not get a wink of sleep if I had to share a bedroom with a spider. I don’t mind looking at them from a distance and would not dream of squashing them (there goes that squeamish streak again) but live with them – NO! :-)

  5. Ah, these photos are just so lovely. We had one morning of frost covered plants, but, alas, I did not get outside to take any pictures. Thanks for sharing yours.

    1. Hello Denise, it was my pleasure, thanks for calling in and for leaving a comment.

  6. I love cold icy frosty days, you can see the the tings not normally seen like cobwebs, and like the seed head covered in frost.

    Julie xxxxxxx

    1. Hi Julie, Terry did such a good job with the photos. I took some but mine were very poor in comparison, so I asked if I could share his post. Happily, he said yes!

  7. Oh my, now that gave me chills, a good kind of chills. Beautiful, both words and pictures.

    1. Thanks Bish, I will pass that on to Terry.

  8. Absolutely beautiful, and magical,love the frosty photos and fitting words. We had snow today, it was also pretty till to turned to slush! But I got some photos first!
    Happy New Year, hugs, Valerie

    1. Hi Valerie, I hope you will share your photos? There is something magical about frost and snow, although I don’t really like the cold. :-) Happy New Year xx

  9. Barbara, this is such a gorgeous and magical post! I love the words and the photos are fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing, and Happy New Year to you! :)

    1. Thank you Linda, I will let Terry know you enjoyed the post. Happy New Year. Hugs Barbara

  10. What beautiful and insightful photographs! I loved the words because they only enhanced the beauty. A perfect start to 2017!

    1. Thanks Lee, I will let Terry know how much you enjoyed his post.

  11. Oh how beautiful ! The poem fits the pictures perfectly and you almost feels as though the poem was written for your walk through the woods

    1. Terry found the poem online and thought it was the perfect fit. I had a post lined up for this week but this was much better, so I asked Terry if I could ‘borrow’ it. :-)

  12. Oh how beautiful ! The poem fits the pictures perfectly and you almost feels as though the poem was written for your walk through the woods

    1. How right you are Shashi. Terry is a clever old chap when he puts his mind to it! :-)

  13. Gorgeous photos. I suppose we'll get that weather here in London when I go back to work on my motorbike.

    1. I hope not Roger, but if it should happen perhaps you should get the bus! Happy New Year, Barbara.

  14. Hello Barbara, thank you for visiting my blog. I've just been having a look through yours and compliment your Terry on his photos in this aptly named post. Truly beautiful - that spider's web. The frosting and sparkles and hint of morning sun just make for the most lovely sights.

    1. Hello Sue, I really enjoyed visiting your blog and will be back often. Terry will be delighted by your comment, thanks so much, Barbara.

  15. Terry takes some amazing photographs. They tie in so nicely with the poem too. Happy New Year to both of you.

    1. Terry will be delighted by your comment, thank you Darlene. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  16. Wow, what a beautiful post. Terry is quite an amazing photographer and the poem goes beautifully, as well. Thanks so much for sharing this gift of nature, Barbara!

    1. Hello Marcia, it was my pleasure. Terry did all the hard work, and I got to enjoy the results along with you and everyone else. Thanks for your visit, Barbara

  17. Happy New Year,Dear Barbara! What enchanting photos! May I pin them on my Celebrating Britain Pinterest board? I LOVE the robin! Our Eastrn Bluebirds are their close cousins. You have such lovely walks. I do wish Terry had taken a photograph of you...Thank you for such a beautiful post.

    1. A very Happy New Year to you too Colleen, thank you for your friendship during 2016 and here’s to many more years of chatting together.

      I’ve just asked Terry about Pinterest, and he said he is very happy for you to pin the images to your board.

      He did take a photo of me, but he caught me climbing up a bank, camera in hand, intent on taking a photograph of the last red berry in the hedge. I have my tongue between my teeth (which is something I tend to do when concentrating hard), my bottom is sticking out, and my hair is in tight curls due to the damp damp conditions, it’s definitely not one for sharing! :-)

    2. You are too hard on yourself! You probably look adorable...Still, I do respect everyone's right to set boundaries on publishing photos of themselves! sending you a hug!

    3. You are always so supportive, thank you Colleen. I’m sending you a great big hug right back!

  18. Simply magical photos with a lovely poem to accompany them.

  19. The Reader's Tales has left a new comment on your post "Diamonds in the Hedgerow":

    I truly loved Terry’s photos. Happy New Year to you :)

  20. Thank you so much, Happy New Year to you too.

    (for some reason Blogger wouldn't post your comment, so I cut and pasted it from the email - hence it looks a little odd) :-)

    1. I left a comment in Terry's wonderful photography page :)

    2. Yes, he was really pleased to get it, thank you for doing that. :-)

    3. My pleasure :) Barbara you really should post (time to time) Terry's photos here. I was blown away by all his photographs. I wish I could make those kind of photos. Have a great week ahead :)

    4. I will do that, thanks for the idea he doesn’t ‘blow his own trumpet’ often enough, so maybe I will do it for him.

  21. Oh how wonderful. What an eye Mr F must have. I especially adore the photograph of the spiders web and, oh my goodness, that highland cow.

    1. You are so right Tracy. I can look at exactly the same thing as Terry, stand by his side and take a photo, but it never looks the same. You’ve either got it or you haven’t and I obviously haven’t. :-)

  22. OMG. What a perfect picture story. Thanks for sharing. Hugs,

    1. Thank you for taking a look and leaving a comment. Your visits are always appreciated. x

  23. I saw the first image in my twitter feed and retweeted it. It's so gorgeous in full screen size and the rest of the pictures are just as breath taking! He has really captured the moment in these magical snapshots!

    1. How right you are Diane. I'm married to a very creative man, just wish some of it would rub off on me.

  24. Those are amazing pictures it must have been a cold but magical walk! Sarah x

    1. Hi Sarah, it was absolutely freezing, but so worth it. Barbara x

  25. Dear Barbara what gorgeous photos and words. It was such a pleasure to visit your blog and I will certainly be returning. Also very honored for you to use one of my photos. So glad you enjoyed a visit to Harmony Hills - hope this will be the beginning of many more visits. Have a blessed start to 2017.


    1. Hello Debbie, thank you so much for getting back to me. The post with your photo will be on my blog next week. I love your blog and visit often. I really must start leaving comments so that you know I’ve called in. Have a wonderful New Year. Barbara

  26. Barbara and Terry, My goodness what team work. I am so glad that I caught this treat and good for you both for sharing it. Thank you. Those words fit the pictures perfectly. Frost can add so much beauty to the countryside which inspired me to write, sometime ago, these words...
    Now I am Ice which is rather nice in a chilling sort of way
    I can make patterns on glass, put crystals on grass
    And glitter and twinkle all day
    But likely as not if the sun gets to hot I shall I will
    melt and just fade away.............
    Finally I must add that I do not have a 'web sight' because I am frightened of spiders!

    1. Hello John, thank you for coming to take a look and glad you enjoyed the post.
      What lovely words – it’s time you had a blog of your own where you could share them. You just need to take your camera when you walk Flo and hey presto! (My spell check just changed that to Hay Preston! Good job I checked). Flo would be an instant hit people love looking at pictures of dogs.
      I'm frightened of spiders too but there are no 'web sights' here to today, as I've just attacked them with a feather duster. They will be back! x

  27. What absolutely gorgeous photos - almost magical.

    Your views are very different from what I see on my morning walks, yet in a way they're quite similar. So much beauty in nature if we only open our eyes.

    1. Hello Kelly, you are so right. It is very easy to take nature for granted buying a camera really helps to focus the mind and marrying a photographer has much the same result! :-) Thanks for calling in.

  28. Absolutely beautiful! I love those shots! They almost (almost) make me miss winter...but not quite. ;)

    1. I know exactly what you mean! I much prefer spring time, but it was worth getting cold to see such beauty.

  29. Wow! What wonderful photographs! I particularly love the first one and the one of the cow. I love a frost like that for getting out and taking photos :)

    1. Hi Nikki-ann, it was the perfect morning, cold but very beautiful.

  30. Especially love the critter pics.
    You have a great weekend, Barbara. We've got about 8" of snow. Yikes.


    1. Hi Sandra, 8” of snow – oh no! I’m sure it looks beautiful, but I don’t envy you the cold that goes with it. I would be huddled in front of a fire with my books and a hot-water bottle! :-)

  31. The pictures and poetry go so well together! The photos are just stunning. I especially like the web and the ones with the hedges- but they are all gorgeous. What a treat for us! Thanks for sharing and bravo to your husband. :)

    1. Thank you Stephanie, Terry will be delighted by your comment.

  32. I love these photos. They are amazing shots. Thanks for sharing such lovely words and these photos.

    1. It was my pleasure Nasreen, thanks for commenting, Barbara


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx