
Monday 9 January 2017

Sharing Five of my Favourite Blogs from 2016

I love reading blogs and could spend hours telling you about my favourite ones. Realising your time is precious I've limited myself to five of (in my opinion) the best blogs from 2016.  I’ve included links to each and selected a few choice posts for you to enjoy.

Up first is a wonderful blog written by children’s author Marcia Strykowski.

In October, Marcia shared a series of posts about a trip to Monhegan Island. This is part one

Monhegan Island

In April, it was a post about Paper Dolls.

Paper dolls

Choosing my favourite posts from Marcia’s blog was really difficult because I loved them all. But don’t take my word for it just pop on over and take a look here.

Sharon Henning’s blog Gently Mad is always interesting. I like her honest, unbiased book reviews such as: Coming Up for Air a novel by GeorgeOrwell

George Orwell

“Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout with some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand.”  ― George Orwell

Down by the Sea run by Sarah (with help from a tabby cat called Twinkle, and a West Highland Terrier called Tavi) is a feast for the heart and the eye.  Don’t believe me?  Well go take a look.

Letters of note by blogger Shaun Usher is full of fascinating letters, postcards, telegrams, faxes, and memos.  It would be impossible for me to pick a favourite from the hundreds available, but I found this letter particularly moving. All for a good cause: Written by Private John Shaw of the Royal Fusiliers during World War 1. 

Another blog I love to visit is View from Harmony Hills run by Debbie. If you enjoy beautiful photographs and gentle words, this is the place to be.  

I’ve only scratched the surface of all the good things on offer at these blogs. Please pay them a visit; I know you won’t be disappointed. 

If you have a favourite blog, please let me know, and I will share it in a future post.

* I contacted each blog owner to ask permission to use their photographs.  All except one responded with a resounding yes – if the one who has not replied (you know who you are) objects to my using the photo, please let me know, and I will remove it immediately.  


  1. Thanks for the recommendations, I will try to visit these blogs when I have a spare moment. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

    1. Thanks Valerie, I’m sure you will enjoy them. Barbara x

  2. I LOVE SARAH! I don't know the others but Sarah's Down by the Sea (like your blog) takes me to places I only can dream of. Her companion Tavi (and former Daisy) have been delightful additions to her tours of the beautiful seaside. Hello, Barbara!

    1. Hello Anita, there are some beautiful blogs online at the moment. I was spoilt for choice when it came to picking just five. I don’t know about you, but I could happily spend my days looking at blogs and give up doing anything else. Your blog has always been incredibly beautiful and now your Instagram page is just the same. Hugs Barbara

      If anyone is reading this and wondering where Anita’s Instagram page is you find it here

  3. Well..Below, l've listed my five favourite Bogs..!
    In no order of preference...just as their listed
    on my Profile list!
    I don't follow that many, and, l must keep away from
    pussy~cat Blogs...otherwise, l would'nt leave the
    computer! :).
    The top one, l suppose is my favourite...Just Cats...
    Love it...It's a good 'ALL' round Blog...with Pussy
    Cats of course..!

    Just one thing finally...I don't understand ALL this
    nonsense about using other peoples, photos, info..etc..
    Information on the internet is there for everyone to
    see and read..if someone wants to use it, then why not.
    If l want a copy of a pussy~cat on someones post, l copy
    it, and transfer it to my pussy~cat folder..! Job done!

    P.S. March House Books is quite a good one tooooo! :).
    And...Down by the Sea..(one l follow) is lovely to.
    Brilliant sea~side bold and vivid!

    1. Well being quite good is better than being terrible I suppose! Bless you Willie only you could say that in such a loving way. :-)

      I think you might have told me about Down by the Sea, and I completely agree with you. It is beautiful. I’m getting to the point where I could give up blogging altogether and spend all my time quite happily reading all the good things that are available now.

      Thank you very much for sharing your list of favourite blogs, I will be visiting them all as soon as I’ve left this reply.

      I sort of agree with you re the sharing of photos but on the other hand, some people (like freelance photographers) make a living from their photos so it’s not really fair to use them. As for my photos, I’m happy for anyone to borrow, share and generally do what they like with them. If I didn’t want them shared, I wouldn’t put them online.xx

  4. It was good to have a collection of blog...

  5. I was so touched that you have included my blog in your top five. There are so many wonderful blogs out there, including yours. When I have a few moments I will look at your favourite ones and those recommended above.
    Thank you also to my blogging friends above and for Willie who pointed you in my direction. Sarah x

    1. How could I not include your blog? It is just lovely. I’ve discovered lots of blogs via Willie. He has a nose for finding good things. Thanks for letting me use your photo and for leaving a comment. Barbara x

  6. Well, I had to go and check out the review of Orwell's book simply because I'm so ignorant of what other books he's written! Most enlightening.

    1. I did the same Bish, now all I need is to read more of his books. Like most people, I've read Animal Farm and 1984 but had no idea there were so many more. :-)

  7. These are great. I need to check them out.
    Have a good one:)

  8. Nice list of blogs, Barbara! I have been following Debbie's Harmony Hills blog for quite some time now and I love her art and posts! She is such a lovely person! Thank you so much for sharing and I hope you have a great week! :)


    1. Hi Linda, Harmony Hills is a lovely blog, and I agree Debbie is a joy. I had no idea there were quite so many nice people in the world (people like you) until I started blogging.

  9. Thanks for the list of new bloggers! I haven't met any of them yet.

    1. Hi Alex, in that case you are going to have a lot of fun and meet some really nice people. Thank you for leaving a comment, Barbara

  10. These blogs look wonderful! I will stop by and say hello. Thanks, Barbara.

    1. My pleasure, I’m sure you will enjoy them.

  11. Hi Barbara, thanks for your recommendations, I've just visited Debbie from View from Harmony Hills... a very pleasant blog.
    Enjoy your week, cheerio for now :D)

    1. Hello Sue, I’m so pleased you enjoyed Debbie’s blog, thanks for leaving a comment to let me know.
      I’ve just been reading about Henny Penny on your blog. It looks as though you have a friend for life – and one that provides breakfast. :-)

  12. Some great blogs listed here!! Love the George Orwell quote.

  13. Hi Barbara,

    I appreciate your recommendations. Thanks for the sharing of those blogs to which I can now go on a voyage of discovery to truly check them out.

    Here's to a magical 2017.


    1. Hello Gary, it’s lovely to hear from you. I will pop over to your blog in a bit and find out how you are. The fact you are typing makes me think your arm must be feeling better.
      I’m sure you will enjoy visiting each of these blogs. I love them!
      Happy New Year, Barbara

  14. Hi Barbara, what a great idea for a post. And thanks so much for including me in your top five. You certainly would be in my top five, as well. I'm looking forward to checking out your other picks, all new to me. So happy you enjoy my posts. It's readers/bloggers like you who keep the blogging community going. Thanks again for your kind words! :)

    1. I always enjoy your posts Marcia, so it was very easy to include you in my top five. I am always pleased when I see your blog in my reading list because I know I'm in for a treat. Barbara x

  15. What a great post! I love finding new blogs to read and yours as well as come of these others look like ones I will love to follow! Thanks for stopping by It's Just Life and leaving a comment. Great to meet you!

    1. Thanks so much Beth Ann, I’m going to enjoy following you too. I'm so happy Darlene shared your link. Barbara

  16. Hi Barbara,
    Just thought I would let you know if you do get this mail on time. Listen to classic fm now with DAVID Bowie you will like it.

    1. That was so sweet of you Shashi. Sadly, I’ve only just come in, but I should be able to find it on Classic fm ‘on demand' I hope so anyway. Thank you very much for thinking of me. Barbara x

  17. Will come back and read the post a bit later

  18. Hi Barbara I can't tell you how flattering and encouraging it is to be included in blogs you admire.

    And a big thanks for alerting me to other blogs of note. I have been traveling (through internet space) to visit them. They are definitely worth the visit! Have a good week!

    1. Dear Sharon you have a beautiful blog, and it was my absolute pleasure to share it. Thanks for taking a look at the other blogs and for leaving a comment. Barbara

  19. Dear Barbara, great post . Thanks for sharing these blogs with us. They all are wonderful indeed and I enjoyed reading them a lot. I shall go back a drop a comment on those blogs sometime.

    1. I’m really sad I missed your earlier comment and email. I'm hardly ever away from home in the evening but just tonight I was! Never mind, I’m sure I will be able to find the programme soon. Thank you for taking the time to read this post and for visiting the other blogs. You are a true friend. Night, Barbara x

  20. Ah Barbara - I am just overwhelmed that you would include me in your top five. Thank you for such an honor. I am going to go visit your other four. Looking so forward to visiting each one. May you have a great week. I will be back again soon. Hugs!

    1. Hi Debbie, I absolutely love your blog so it was very easy to choose it for this list. I’m sure you will like the others every bit as much as I do. Love Barbara x

  21. Always good to read of 'new' blogs. I hope to visit all of those you feature over the next few days ... computer complying.

    I loved dressing these paper dolls as a girl. Of making stories up of who they were and what they'd been up to that day.

    1. I hope your computer holds up Tracy you wouldn’t want to miss any of these. :-)

      Paper dolls were (are) a passion of mine too, just wish it was easy to find the old ones, but I guess they were played with and therefore, few survive.

  22. Thanks for sharing these, Barbara. I have visited two of them before, but look forward to checking out the rest! Such interesting sounding blogs. :)

    1. They are interesting Stephanie, have fun on your visits. Barbara.

  23. Must come back and view the blog links you have posted, beautiful photos...

    1. Thanks Margaret, I’m sure you will enjoy the blogs.

  24. I love the Harmony Hills photo. So peaceful and serene.
    Hope you're having a great one, Barbara.

    1. So do I Sandra, but I was spoilt for choice when it came to selecting a photo for this post. I hope you get a chance to go and check out the blogs. Barbara x

  25. That photo from Down by the Sea reminds me of a tapestry in my great room. Beautiful.

    1. I agree with you Tamara, it is beautiful indeed.

  26. Haven't heard of this one. Loved the art work.
    Happy Monday:)

  27. You too Sandra, hope your day is going well. x

  28. I used to love those paper dolls!

    Thanks for sharing these favourite blogs with us, I'm on my way to visit them now :)

  29. I love Marcia's blog! Will definitely check out your other friends' blogs, Barbara. I'm especially intrigued by Sarah's Down by the Sea. You know my favourite blogs: Marcia's, yours, and Jess and Stephanie's!

    1. That is really kind of you thank you Claudine. I agree with you re Jess and Stephanie’s blog, and you know how much I love yours. It was hard limiting myself to five favourite blogs because there are so many good ones, but I didn’t want to overload readers with too many links. Besides it means I can do further posts later in the year – it’s always handy to have a back-up plan when ideas are in short supply.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx