Tuesday 28 March 2017

A Public Service Announcement

Dear Blogging Friends, 

Terry went into hospital last Monday for a fairly routine operation which turned out to be rather more complicated than expected. He is back at home and on the mend, so I hope to be blogging and visiting you all next week. Barbara xx

In the meantime a few pics from our garden;

I do like the look of the statue disappearing into the ivy, but it also shows it really is time I started sorting the garden. Maybe next week … or the week after!  


  1. I suppose l'd better say summat....!
    Otherwise, l'll get detention...AGAIN! :).

    Glad to hear Terry's on the mend...Thankyou,
    for the updates, by e~mail, to Dr Willie Wine!
    Hope your looking after him, and, chasing round
    for his every need..!!! :0). Bless!

    Photos from your garden look nice, though, you could
    have found a bigger bird...not a lot of meat on a Robin!
    The lady at the bottom there, is her name Ivy, could do
    with her chest seeing to...best..give me a call...! :).
    And talking of chests....!!!

    1. Dear Dr. Willie, your concern is appreciated and your advice always eagerly sought! As for chasing around after his every need – you bet I am! Terry can’t drive for two weeks but is starting to go stir crazy in the house, so I took him out for coffee and cake this morning. He has been taking me out for the last 46 years so the feeling of power is quite going to my head.

      Why do you think I took a photo of the Robin? Anything a tiny bit larger and you would have been telling me how to cook it. Ivy is over the worst of her cold, and her chest is perfectly OK now thank you! xx

  2. That is great news Barbara and I hope Terry's mending continues apace. Best wishes to you both.

    1. Thanks so much John. Come next week he will be chomping on the bit to get back out there, his camera has been untouched for over a week now which is unheard of. Hope all is well with you and Flo. xx

  3. Prayers for Terry! Hope he heals completely.
    You take amazing photos.

    1. Hi Alex, Thank you for the good wishes for Terry and for the kind comment about my photos.

  4. Dearest friend, I will be praying that your beloved will recover quickly and without complication! Oh my, what a scare! Be well, oh how I wish I could just hop over to your side of the world and give you a hug.

    1. Thank you so much Anita, I wish you could hop over here too, hugs are always appreciated. :-) x

  5. Hope everything improves for you and your husband.


    Julie xxxxxxxx

    1. Thank you Julie we both appreciate the hug and kind thoughts. xxx

  6. Your photos are gorgeous, Barbara! I hope Terry continues to mend and heals thoroughly. Warm hugs and love to you both.

  7. Thank you Linda, those hugs are much appreciated. x

  8. Hi Barbara, thanks for sharing the wonderful photos and all the best for Terry's recouperation. Hugs, Valerie

  9. Dear Barbara I will be keeping you and your sweetie in my prayers. As for your photos- the are beautiful. Your little bird is especially lovely. This would make a wonderful painting. Hope you have a blessed week.

    1. Thank you so much Debbie, your prayers are appreciated.

  10. Oh my! Dear Barbara I hope he is ok and mends soon. So sorry to hear about Terry. You are in my thoughts and prayers

    1. Bless you Shashi, and thank you for taking the time to read so many of my posts.

  11. Not sure if my other comment went through... I'm very glad Terry is on the mend, hope he's back to feeling good in no time. Your garden photographs are BEAUTIFUL. Please don't be offended, but until I read differently, I was sure Terry had taken them a while back. :) I like how the statue is surrounded by ivy, never too much ivy in my opinion. Sending lots of healthy good vibes to both of you!

    1. Hello Marcia, no other comments have arrived so I guess Blogger was having a funny five minutes. It happens sometimes. Thank you for having the patience to leave the comment again.
      I’m not at all offended, and I can see exactly why you would say that. I’ve spent years trailing around behind Terry trying to watch and learn, but these days I find it much easier to stand where he suggests and more or less copy everything he does. It’s a bit like painting by numbers! Plus I have shared pictures of the statue before, and I think I’ve shared the Pussy Willow (third one down) in a previous post so yes you will have seen that one before.
      Thanks for your kind wishes for Terry, I've passed them on.

  12. So happy Terry is on the mend. I LOVE the photos. Especially the lovely little robin-USA robins are taller and thinner-your robins look like our bluebirds. How do you control ivy? I have masses of it that I would like to send away from my garden. I hope all will be well soon and that you are taking time out to read,take walks, enjoy life! sending you an BIG (((HUG)))

    1. Hello Colleen, I’m so pleased you enjoyed the photos, although as Marcia pointed out you may have seen at least two of them before. I do intend to get a few snaps before spring turns into summer, but I’ve been pretty busy over the last few days. Terry is looking much better now, and we managed a short trip out in the car yesterday (with me driving) so things are looking up.
      I’m not sure ivy is controllable. I just pull it up or cut it down, but it soon grows back. I enjoy seeing it in the garden but it very quickly gets out of hand so it is always one of the first jobs I tackle in the spring. If I don’t go and deal with it soon the statue will disappear completely perhaps to be found by some future gardener. I love to see robins in the garden, they are such friendly little birds.
      I’ve not had a great deal of time to read or walk recently, but that will all change now that Terry is on the mend. Thank you for your kind wishes.

  13. Wishing Terry a speedy recovery. You take care of yourself too.
    The photos are wondrous.

  14. Wishing Terry a very speedy recovery! I am glad he is on the mend now.

    Thanks for sharing your garden photos with us. Still some snow outside my house right now- but I am looking forward to everything starting to bloom. :)

    Sending hugs to you and Terry. Hope you are getting some rest too. :)

    1. Thanks Stephanie, he is definitely on the mend but these things always take time.
      I hope the snow is soon replaced by sunshine and spring flowers. It’s lovely in photos but not so nice when you have it on your doorstep.
      Thanks for coming over and for the good wishes.

  15. Hope Terry is up and about and feeling better soon. And you take care of yourself, too! Looking after someone can take a lot out of you. I should think a beautiful garden like yours is a tonic for both of you. xxx

    1. Thank you Sue, the biggest tonic of all is spring sunshine and lighter nights. I love it when the clocks change! Hope you are keeping well and enjoying some sunshine.

  16. Barbara, I am so sorry Terry had difficulties at the hospital. Glad to hear that he is at home now. Rest up!! Can't wait to see what you post next!

    1. Thanks Teressa, I have something in mind for next week – so watch this space. :-)

  17. I hope Terry will be feeling like himself again soon. Your garden looks fabulous. Enjoy it!!

    1. Thanks Darlene, he is much better now, starting to go stir crazy in the house which is always a good sign. :-)

  18. I do hope Terry's okay. Sending my love and fondest wishes for a full recovery. ♥ Such lovely photographs from your garden. :)

    1. Thanks Yvonne he is definitely on the mend because he is no longer content to snooze on the sofa. :-)

  19. Hello Barbara, thinking of you and hoping Terry is fully recovered soon. Ruth x

    1. Hello Ruth, lovely to hear from you. Terry looks better every day, and I’m sure it won’t be long before he is fully recovered.
      How are things with you? I hope you are well and busy selling lots of books. Please give my love to all at ibooknet. Barbara x

  20. Dearest Barbara, I hope Terry will recover quickly and without complication! Don't worry about visiting just take your time to be with your beloved, that is what matters, now. That said, these photos are wonderful.

    1. That is really very kind of you, thank you so much. Hugs Barbara

  21. Very nice and beautiful. Thanks.

  22. Thank you for coming over and for leaving a comment, Barbara

  23. Lovely pictures. I think the ivy adds something to that statue. I hope Terry recovers well.

    1. Thank you so much, I think he is on the mend.

  24. Healing thoughts for Terry and hope he recovers fast. Love your pics.

  25. Can't believe I missed this important post but glad Terry is on the mend. Blessings to you!

  26. Oh Barbara, I'm so sorry I missed this post, too. Thank goodness Terry is recovering well. Here's wishing a speedy and full recovery! You, my dear, take a good rest, too. I love what you have in your garden. The statue disappearing among the leaves is great story inspiration. Take great care. I'm catching up on your latest post!

    1. Thank you so much Claudine, you are a true friend with a pure and kind heart. Maybe you will write that story one day, I hope so anyway because I would love to read it. :) xx

  27. Beautiful photos. I hope Terry is well now. Take care both :)

  28. I hope by now Terry is back in full gear. I wanted to thank you for your Marmelade Gypsy visits -- and tell you how much I love that bird photo in this post! Enchanting! (New follower, too!)

    1. Thank you so much Jeanie, and thanks for following too. I'm following you now. Barbara


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Barbara xx